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Posts posted by Mr_Eee

  1. Some good news. Tesco has arranged for the UKPC charge to be cancelled after I complained to Customer Services.


    Thanks for the support and advice I've received on this forum - much appreciated, as it was a bit of a stressy experience. Good luck to you all.

    Stargazing - don't hold your breath, I reckon it was just a ruse to get you off Tesco's back. I think you'll still get mail from UKPC and 'agents'.

  2. Blimey, it's like a load of kids in here! (Sorry, no offense meant to anyone ;))

    I'm afraid I'm with 'letshelp' on this one, he was definately referring to the supposed "appeals officer".


    Can we continue the real thread here, which is ONE LONG conversation involving everybody who has an interest.


    Who's had the most letters so far? I'm personally on 8 now I think.

  3. Ok, my update so far...

    Parked at Barbican Leisure Park and 'owner left site'

    8 letters in 9 months from 3 companies, oops sorry, desks.


    UKPC - 2 letters 2 weeks apart


    ...passed after 1 month to...


    Rossendales Collect - 4 letters 2 weeks apart - 2 separate threats of doorstep visits - one phonecall


    ...passed after 3 months to...


    ScotCall Debt Collecting Services - 2 letters 10 weeks apart - 1st letter threatening doorstep visit - 2nd letter with the most threatening statement yet "Unless immediate payment is made we will have no option but to pass this account back to our client with a recommendation that further action be taken"


    oooh scared....:lol:

    They are losing momentum here!

  4. After an unsuccessful call by 'Rossendales Collect' to my Mrs a few weeks back, we have now had a letter from Mrs J Hart of 'ScotCall Debt Collecting Services'. This one again says "Doorstep collection notice" if we don't pay or contact them within 7 days.

    I've just noticed, the date of 24th May is a Sunday, are they really that busy??. Also, quite a coincidence that the two agencies use exactly the same reference number...spooky.

    Is it usual practice for one debt collection agency to pass a debt/bill/charge/begging letter to another such agent?

    Seeing as it is a new agent to me (and this thread), should I still ignore them or open any form of denial communications?

    And what is the chances of a company from Glasgow travelling 350 miles for a chat?

    Any thoughts greatfully received!

  5. It seems UKPC/Rossendales are getting more desperate these days.

    My Mrs got a phone call from Rossendales the other day, a few weeks after a 'notice of visit'. Not unusual you may think, but as I posted previously, we aren't in the phone book or on any database like 192.com due to carefully ticked privacy boxes etc. So I suspect this means they must have phoned BT or similar and PAID for the number (we aren't ex-directory).

    Luckily she has experience of awkward buggers on phones.

    They asked her to confirm who she was as they wanted proof she was who they wanted to speak to, she said 'I don't know who you are either! Take me to court'. She then left them on hold for 5 minutes listening to Radio1:p

  6. hahahahahahhahaha


    i get it now!!!!!


    advise taken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    thanks to all that have helped.


    will keep you updated as to what happens next though



    You are a couple of weeks or so behind me, I had a notice of visit but nothing happened.

    As far as I can work out, if there is another letter, it will be one for a reduced amount.

    Unluckily for them, I'll be sending just the same amount of money :p

  7. Righto, the story so far...

    3 letters from UKPC.

    2 letters from Rossendales Collect

    Then a new letter from them a couple of days ago saying


    ...... debt collectors who will visit your home within the next few days to obtain full payment.


    Now we all know they won't be popping in for a cuppa, so it's a little strange that after all the 'we may take you to court' stuff, now they say they WILL VISIT.


    Hmm, letter dated 24th feb, didn't arrive til 28th, bugger, I must have already missed them!

  8. its just the usual paper. Churchill do it for a percentage in on the basis that some people will believe or be scared of the rubbish they send.

    I just googled Churchill Recovery and visited the website. Would you believe it... right at the top is a login for Rossendales! I doubt whether they get a percentage, I suspect it's just another front for the same people.

  9. After only one week since the last Rossendales Collect letter, we have received a second:-


    "Client: Uk Parking Control Limited - Churchill Recovery Debt


    Dear ....

    You have failed to respond to our previous letter. This may result in either legal action being commenced against you or a visit from a doorstep collector. If legal action were to be taken, your debt would increase in respect of court fees and legal costs.



    If we do not hear from you within 7 days from the postmark on this letter, collection procedures will continue.


    CALL 0845 644 4499 (Local Rate)


    Yours sincerely

    Paul Lee

    Collections Department"


    This is new to me, how did Churchill Recovery Debt become involved? And who are they? And do we care??

    I assume their 'collection procedures' are to continue letter writing, LOL

    Paul Lee is mentioned in this letter, whereas the previous one from them was from Sue Bridge in the Legal Department.

    More info next week for you I guess.....

  10. Latest update from me...

    1st letter from UKPC - charge £40 - Ignored

    2nd letter from UKPC - charge £80 - Ignored

    3rd letter from Rossendales Collect - charge £120+ - ignored


    I wont be getting any phone calls, I'm not listed.

    The Mrs is still nervous as she is RK, but I am appeasing her for now.


    I guess there will be at least one more from them before it goes quiet?

  11. One thing I've always made sure of is that I am not in the BT telephone directory, but also not ex-directory. That way if anyone wants to get hold of me, they can. BUT only if they pay to do it via directory enquiries. That stops cold callers whilst still being reachable. It also means I can't be found via the web!

    Also opt out of being on the electronic form of the electoral register (I think that's what it's called?) which means that you don't go on any of those purchasable databases either like 192.com.

  12. Righty ho, first post!

    I'm here cos of a websearch for UKPC... hmmm now I wonder why!

    I read through the whole of this thread over a couple of nights which takes some time but I also needed help about a UKPC 'invoice'.

    My situation - 'leaving the site' at Plymouth Barbican. I'd already written my appeal letter and cheque to keep the Mrs happy. She is RK, someone else was driving. Leaving the site may have occured, but there is a receipt to prove custom, should the proof be needed.

    Now I have no intention of paying obviously although it took ages to convince the Mrs.

    The initial postings on this thread suggested various template letters to go through and how many letters to expect and when etc. Over time, this policy seems to have changed to complete 'ignore the b'stards'.

    Now somewhere I read that if it were to go to court (I know how unlikely this is) they would look unkindly on someone who did not try to resolve the situation first.

    So, is the general idea to ignore them forever or should I send just the two letters at the relevant time to UKPC to deny everything (using template) and supposed debt collectors saying it is in dispute?

    Thanks in advance.

    Oh and I've already distributed this forum address to other interested parties ;)

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