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Posts posted by columbus

  1. Hi all. I sent a CCA request to MBNA on 5th December and heard back for the first time today. They enclosed seperate A4 sheets showing, what they referred to as the compliant Credit Agreement and T&C's, along with recent terms and conditions and two statements. I have attached said documents as a pdf file. Please can anyone tell me whether or not they do comply with my CCA request and what action I should take next. Many thanks.



    scanned mbna cca 2.pdf

  2. Hi all, I am very new to this and need a little help and assistance. I have a number of bank accounts with Natwest both business (sole trader) and personal. I also have a number of bank loans (4 - one of which is secured with Natwest) and credit cards (4 in total). All of these have incurred substantial unfair charges over the years and due to current difficulties in my financial circumstances, I want to relcaim all my charges.


    To-date, I have obtained a list of the charges going back six years on the two personal accounts (using online banking) I don't know how to work out the interest charges on these though. Is there a really good excel spreadsheet I can use?(charges on these two alone come to £5,500) I have sent CCA requests to a couple of banks and am awaiting answers to these and will be sending out more this weekend - constricted by funds on doing them all at the same time. Two of the small (non limited) bank accounts are in joint names with my other half so we have had to send a written request to Natwest to use online banking. Once this is setup, we hopefully will be able to access our bank statements online. Question here: Can we only claim back for the last six years or can we go back further?.


    Any help and suggestions here most appreciated. I have a few other issues that need resolution but will post these once we have a dialogue going.


    Rgds Columbus

  3. Thanks for your help and suggestions. It is so difficult when you don't know who to turn to for help. I saw this site, explored some of the threads and concluded that people here understand because they have been through the mill themselves and really want to help. I must admit, I have been burying my head in the sand a little and losing many a nights sleep. Any help I can get from you guys (and gals) regards my debt situation would be so much appreciated. Trying to get through to both the National debt helpline and CAB is an absolute nightmare. Both my partner and I have quite a few credit card and loan debts that seem to be increasing through extra charges and interest and are becoming overwhelming.



  4. Hi


    Due to my current financial circumstances, I'm unable to make payments under a number of credit agreements (loans and CC's). I have seen a number of letter templates to send asking for time to sort my finances out but was also wondering whether there are any letter templates I could use to ask for time to sort out, request a copy of the credit agreements and a list of all charges on the accounts so that these can be deducted from the outstanding sums. I do not want to agree to owing the money if the amounts are actually far less than being asked for.


    To summarise, is there one letter template that I can use for all three?


    Thanks for any help.



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