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Posts posted by ThomYorke

  1. An update:


    I contacted a solicitor to try and sort things out with More Than, to date the solicitor has struggled to speak to their underwriters.


    Today I received a letter from the insurance company of the other person involved in the accident, stating that they hold me responsible for the incident and will therefore look to reimburse their losses (I maintain that there's no way the accident could be construed as my fault, having been hit in the side by a vehicle coming from behind).


    I genuinely don't know what to do now, I perhaps naively hoped this would blow over, as the damage sustained wasn't extensive. I have contacted my solicitor again but haven't been able to speak with her today, so I turned here for advice.


    How should I now respond to the other insurance company's letter? They want the name, address and policy number of my insurer - obviously, as highlighted in a previous post, my insurer has cancelled my policy (without my knowledge).


    Should I try and contact the other driver/company (it was a company van) in an attempt to settle outside of the insurance companies, or is it too late for such an action? The financial implications don't worry me, although I am technically unemployed as a full-time PhD student, as much as the possible criminal conviction. A conviction of driving without insurance would likely ruin my career as an academic


    What is the likely scenario of this case, especially if my solicitor cannot get More Than to back down? I've heard that driving without insurance is not a mens rea case, so if it goes to court do I have no defense?


    Any help/advice would be gratefully appreciated

  2. I am aware that this is similar to a thread running in this forum, but as my circumstances are slightly different I thought it would be best to start a new thread.


    I was hit from behind whilst approaching a junction a few days ago by another car, in the melee the other car did not stop to give insurance details. Later on I informed the police of the accident and ultimately so did the other car, so now we have each others details.


    I then called by insurance company to inform them of the accident (the damage is not extensive, so I was not planning on making a claim). The insurance company have said that my insurance was cancelled two weeks ago and gave no reason for cancellation, nor I have I received any communication relating to a cancellation. After numerous phone conversations with the company, they are now claiming that they sent a letter communicating this cancellation, but I have never received such a letter.


    The car insurance policy has been running for two months and I received my documents including a certificate of motor insurance through the post a few days after ordering. However, no money has ever been taken out of my account (this was brought to my attention by the insurance company), regrettably I did not check to see if the company had taken the money (which was to be paid in one sum up front and the funds in my account would easily cover). I took the email I received and the letter/documents sent to my home a few days later as proof of the transaction.


    After more conversations with the insurance company, who contacted their underwriters, they won't budge. Although from reading these forums I have become aware that backdating insurance is illegal, I thought they might offer to issue a letter of indemnity.


    The upshot of all this is that I was in an accident without insurance (although this was not known by me at the time). I have no idea if the other party involved will claim to their insurance company, or whether the police will get involved further.


    Could anyone advise me on the best course of action to take from here, I have contacted a solicitor and intend to complain to the financial ombudsman. Is this the best route to take, is the case worth pursuing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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