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Posts posted by vmaxer

  1. hi thanx for reply;the story,cab filled in forms ,doctor wrote letter[my doctor of over 40yrs retired ,new doctor didnt know me as i dont go every day]dwp sent doctor he was there 10mins mostly writing he did ask me to get out of chair ,which i did with my wifes help,he did ask me to walk ,which i did with sticks and wies help for 8ft[we measured it]went to tribunal they said his report stated that i could walk slowly but steady,get in and out of a chair ,i know what your thinking ..all this in 10mins ,well i have always had a problem and that is i call a spade a spade can,t stand dishonesty it got me in a lot of debates when i was younger ,trouble is i only have my wife to back me up they wern,t impressed when i told them this at tribunal ,;aids well no mobility [which i got high rate]your not disabled no aids

  2. i can believe that and no one to help them :| ive decided theres no point sending new forms as lotterys are not for me and that seems to be what it is ,i,ll just sit here for the rest of my short life in pain .

    if this was any other country there would be outrage but we just sit and moan about it [stiff upper lip and all that]makes you proud to be british:-)

  3. hi after reading all the threads on this matter i see that im not alone after over 30yrs of being disabled im suddenly fine :???:filled form with help of cab ,refused.been to tribunal refused[cab don,t have funding to be at tribunal]wife came to tribunal as she is my carer and they told her not to speak :-xthey made me suffer for 20mins then asked me to leave the room ,then after another 20mins a lady came out and told us that they would post the dissision:mad2:so no transport to get around,no money for taxi,s no aids as they haveto go back ......aint this country great:|

  4. hello i went to my tribunal a few weeks back after being on high rate for over 25yrs my wife came with me as she was my carer and they would not let her say a word they just sat there and made me suffer[i have severe asthma and can,t say a full sentance without gasping for breath and can,t walk ,long story but they still said no ,so car hadto go aids havto go and death can,t come quick enough sorry for blurting on but i thought c a b[ who filled my forms in for me ] would be able to be there but funding didnt allow this i,ll be glad when i understand that ive been faking it all these years but i won./.t let them beat me new forms posted tomoz

    buy the way it took 14months to gat to a tribunal for less than 20mins in room


  5. had my bike stolen in october while parked up and disclock on so did all the legal stuff police,insurance,posters ,was told by police that two bikes were stolen that day same place .had agreed value so thought no problem[wrong] first they refused to pay becouse i did not have recipt for disclock [ok]got recipt sent it ,had a phone call from ravenstone ins clams agents saying that adrian flux did not give me agreed value [ok]sent them a copy of the agreed value form that i sent them,then had a phone call saying that insurance assessers had found adrian flux at fault and they are paying out agreed value.next day had a phone call saying that they had done a hpi on the bike and it came back as a cat d so it would haveto go back to assessers.

    i told this to adrian flux when taking ins out thats why i hadto have agreed value and not standard insurance as bike had a lot of aftermarket parts on

    what i need to no is where do i go from hear as ive got a feeling that this will be yet another reason not to pay out:mad::?

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