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Posts posted by rachebabe1971

  1. Hi there dont bank on council being quick to rehouse we lost our house 28th april and council havny even given us a priority yet even though we are homeless it depends on your case officer ours is a w____r he told us 4 weeks a go we had priority extra our locak councillor who we had asked for help checked last week our priority isnt even on housing computer you have to keep on at them because they are useless i suggest getting your local councillor involved. Hope things get better for you we are in same boat my husbands boss hadnt paid his tax and national insurance so my husband cant get his jobseekers and cant get income based at moment as im on maternity allowance till 20th june so we will have to put a joint claim in for income suppor then. Life is **** at moment apart from having my gorgeous 6 month old daughter but hopefully things will pick up keep your chip up life can only get better.



  2. Hi i have been on this site before for advice but house has been reposesed now on 28/4/2009 just found house on maining stainton site for £64,975 two bedrooms on my road are going for £15000 more another reposessed 3 bedroom like mine but needing new windows,doors,kitchen and bathroom went for £75000 last week. When i changed my mortgage 3 years ago it was valued at £105,000 i just cant believe this as i have a mortgage of £78,0000 which house would have realistically reached as it has a new fitted kitchen with appliances new bathroom,conservatory. What do i do in need of urgent advice.


  3. Hi update on my situation my mortgage company want full arrears which bank charges wont cover, they wont accept part payment halifax have just got back to me to say they are willing to pay £3217 directly to mortgage company ive told them that is no good as they want full arrears if they would have done this in december eviction could have been stopped but they have took 4 months for my hardship case to be dealt with i have told them i need the money to pay for storage, van hire and to find somewhere to live but they are refusing me i have stressed situation, we will be living in the car with a 5 month old baby but thay just dont want to know i have told them i will take court action am waiting for another call back from halifax as the gent said he was going back to the forum again to tell them our situation its like talking to a brick wall talking to the halifax.

  4. My hardship claim was presented to them just before xmas but they have kept writing asking for more proof that we are suffering hardship so i sent in my eviction notice 3 weeks ago we get evicted on 28th april so i called halifax and asked if they could speed things up they just said that there was a lot of people in my situation and they were looking at my claim so here i am 4 months and still waiting hope you have better luck than me.


  5. just an update my husbands claim for jobseekers has been turned down as not enough ni contrubutions paid in 2007/2008 even though he worked full time for a company his boss hasnt paid all of it he cant get any other benefits as i get maternity allowance of £117 per week they say this is enough for a family of 3 to live on so i was that mad i got on phone to halifax regarding claim they said it has been passed through to ecceptional cases and somebody has looked at it today i asked if it could be sorted urgently due to my eviction they said this was not possible just have to wait any advice please.



  6. Thats great im still waiting for my hardship case to be dealt with i contacted halifax in december regarding my hardship case as our circumstances had changed my husband had now lost his job and now our house is getting repossessed i was told we werent under hardship i then wrote again and received a phone call asking if i had had an eviction notice yet and if i had to send it in to them and they would look at it again he was sympathetic and said i might get some good news soon that was 8 days ago im now going to write again as i originally asked for a reply within 7 days hopefully ill get some good news as we are going to be homeless from 28th april if that isnt hardship i dont know what is fingers crossed.



    p.s i told man on phone if i got no luck i would take court action he said you cant afford it i told him i would borrow money if i had to as charges amount ot over £4000.

  7. Hi all just to let you know after months of me writing to spml/capstone asking for help and getting no reply they called today to asl what we were doing regarding eviction we said what can we do we are leaving house he said he could try to help us which my husband said it was a bit late for that we have been asking for help for months he aplogised for none of my letters getting replies he also said he could try to stop eviction by putting us through to another department and try to put us on an interest only mortgage but he said we dont normally do that but we want to help you now. We told them to stop calling us and we will be leaving house on our eviction day as we have had enough now one question if anyone could help when we leave house can i cancel my buildings insurance.



  8. Hi thanks for your advice but with my husband losing his job we are not able to make payments till he finds work so we are not going to fight it do i still need to attend court i dont know how long it will be till he gets a job im hoping that we get at least a week to get our stuff out ive already started looking at storage space which aint cheap.



  9. Hi i have been on here before but things have got a lot worse now to start off we had a suspended ossession order last may we were paying fone until december when my husband had an accident and was off work for 10 weeks i had a baby in december and lost my job in august so we couldnt make any payment at all i contacted spml several times asking for help but they didnt even answer me, things got worse when my husband went back to work as his hours got cut to 16 per week and his hourly rate cut he was better off when getting ssp so we still cant pay on saturday morning come we have letters from spml soliciters they are going to get an eviction order because of these arrears the annoying thing is i have a claim against halifax bank for bank charges for £5000 and claimed under hardship ruling but they have turned me down they can see some weeks we only have my maternity allowance of £117 and child tax credits of £32 and if i got these refunded it would clear the arrears i even sent all my paperwork about repssession to halifax for them to see situation we are in anyway we have faced facts we cant stop in the house as my husband still cant find a full time job if he could that would be great but with the recession its not easy finding work so we know we have to go i will have to go to my mums with baby and my husband to his sister till hopefully council can rehouse us i just want to know how long do we have to get our things out of house as we will have to rent some storage space to store all our stuff, going of a bit we have a councul mortgage rescue scheme but this doesnt cover our postcode what a bummer i have an appointment with our councils homeless team so hopefully we can get something sorted about acomodation dont get me wrong we dont want to leave house we have spent alot of money in it but you have to face facts my husbands job being it is cannot pay a mortgage i just wish things had been better as my baby was born in december at start of this and i havnt been able to enjoy her as ive been stressed but hopefully thing can pick up one this has been liftef off our shoulders but then again if there is a shortfall on mortgage we end up back a square one still owingthem money if anyone can give some advice that would be brilliant.



  10. Hi you should be able to claim job seekers in your own right make sure as soon as baby is born you apply for your child benefit and tax credits as soon as possible i only know as i have just had a baby 10 weeks ago and lost my job due to being pregnant so i receive maternity allowance of £117.98 per week the only thing i dont think youll be able to claim working tax credits because i was told you had to be working 16 hours or more plus it depends on your earnings last tax year we have just found out as we earnt 4000 too much last year we cant get any wtc even though we are struggling financially and are about to lose our house i hope you have better luck than us and hope you can enjoy your new baby when he/she arrives.

    Good luck

  11. Forgot to mention we had ppi but as we had arrears we cannot claim i contacted them to ask and was told my account couldnt have any arrears on so i cancelled the policy no point having it if there not gonna pay out. My husband is looking for jobs every day but to no success as we cannot afford to live on the wages hes getting, we would be able to get some income support but hew works 16 hours and you have to work less thab 16 hours so were not entitled to anything other than our £27 per week child tax credit.

  12. Hi all i have been on here recently for advice but stupidly thought things might pick up its a long story so ill start in may 2008 we got a suspended possession order and we managed to keep up the arrangement till december 2008 when my husband had an accident and had to have an operation which meant he was off work and receiving ssp of £78 im on maternity allowance after losing my job in august 2008 as i was pregnant so we were unable to pay the arrangement or the normal monthly payment i contacted spml to explain situation but was told they understood but just wanted their money or they would repossess. My husband finally went back to work last week so i thought i would be able to arrange for us to sort out arrears but then more bad luck my husband was told on his first day back his working week had been cut down to 16 hours and his hourly rate has gone down by £2 per hour this is without any notice, stupid me thought i would get some working tax credits which would help towards paying mortgage but have been told as we both worked we earnt too much before even though we now have only £200 a week coming in and £50 goes straight on electric for house (we only have 2 heaters and house is bloody freezing some days we have to stop in bedroom as its cheaper to heat that room) so there is no way we can pay the mortgage, i have applied for refund of bank charges as i have paid about £4000 but they have told us we are not a a hardship case if were not id like to see who is, i am gonna appeal though. we have come to the conclusion that the house will be taken as since being told about his hours my husbanf cant find any more work hes tried i just dont know what will become of us i worry for my baby she is 9 weeks old and my dog and cats who i have had for years, i believe everthing happens for a reason but i just wish things hadnt happened when they did. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


  13. Hi Ellen i dont think im even able to pay capstone £150 this week my husbands boss never paid him his holiday pay he owes him or the weeks sick pay he owes from 19th december my husband has phoned him but he says he doesnt have enough money to pay the holiday pay and i dont know when he will pay the weeks sick pay, im at my wits end i dont know whats gonna happen i think i need to get some antidepressants from doctor as the stress is really taking its toll on me. I will have to contact them again explaining the situation and hopefully my husband will be back at work in the next fortnight and hopefully can look for a new job as he works for a bunch of w****** who cant see they are messing with peoples lives if they dont pay wages.

  14. Hi Ellen it was on internet that i saw about being in arrears and yes when husband back at work i can pay £25 per week im gonna get an application now from paymentshield to try and claim its worth a try also got letter back from Halifax about hardship case as far as they can see im not in financial hardship but have sent me out a form to fill in which ill do later today.


  15. Hi Ellen i have missed decembers normal payment plus the payment arrangement due to husbands injury also januarys is gonna be due i am able to pay £150 towards normal payment this month i will pay more if my husband gets his holiday pay he works for an ****hole who hasnt paid his holidays yet even though hes earnt them. Hopefully my husband will be back at work soon and im applying for jobs, my child benefit has come through and also tax credits should be soon. My arrears were being paid at £50 per week i can probably pay £25 a week. Do you think this can be sorted without losing my home im really worried and im sure my baby can pick up on this as im not as relaxed with her a i should be.



  16. Hi Ellen i have missed decembers normal payment and also januarys will be due i am only able to pay £150 this week towards normal payment unless my husband finally gets his holiday pay at the moment all we are receiving is my £117 maternity allowance and my husbands ssp which is £78 when hes back at work i can offer them £25 per week im hoping husband can go back shortly i think im gonna try to claim on my mortgage protection even though it says in small print if youve got mortgage arrears you cant also my child benefit and tax credits should be sorted out soon and i am applying for a new job as ive not worked since last august.



  17. Hi Ellen sorry for delay its just so stressful with a baby whos full of colic im hoping i can pay £200 next friday it depends on my husbands wage he was supposed to get a full weeks holiday pay this week but his boss decided not to pay full wage this happened before xmas as well if i cant pay £200 it will be £150.



  18. Hi Ellen sorry have not got back to you sooner i have been ill with an infection internally on my c section scar, letter i wrote to capstone i explained situation with my husband having his accident and me losing my job through pregnancy reply from them said they aknowledge my letter but they wanted me to contact them by telephone about the situation, hope you can draft me a letter.

    Thanx and hope you have a a nice xmas.


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