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Posts posted by tallskinnykiwi

  1. well, its true - i am not a medical professional as it pointed out. i am just a father of a daughter jabbed against her will and mine. and i am just learning about all this HPV stuff


    but does that really disqualify me from having an opinion?


    and the fact that I am a Christian should not really come into it. If i was an atheist, i would still be really upset and would still wonder why the law was broken to push an agenda through.


    if you will only listen to a medical doctor, then do a google search for teh book called "The Truth About Vaccines: How We Are Used as Guinea Pigs Without Knowing It" by a medical expert Dr Richard Halvorsen


    He was quoted on yesterdays article on the Sunday Express "Girl Gets Sex Jab against will" [front page] about our daughter as saying that he would not give this injection to his own daughter.


    i tend to agree with him, but . . . we each need to figure it our for ourselves, dont we?

  2. hi. i think you should talk to your family physician for advice. what i know is that Gardasil is given in USA and Cervarix in UK but they are related.


    i do not know if you can get it in Uk but since there are 20 deaths associated with Gardasil, and thousands of serious medical cases induced from the vaccination, you might want to think twice about asking for it.


    I have heard that the vaccination still works if the patient has not yet contracted the HPV sexually transmitted disease. For a girl who is planning to be sexually active with multiple partners, it is probably a good idea but still not as good as the only proven way to prevent HPV which is a monogamous sexual relationship with a single healthy individual . . . which is what our daughter is looking forward to.


    but, i am not a doctor. just a father.

  3. Our 13 year old in Scotland was coerced into getting the jab at her school, despite her not wanting it and despite us sending in the permission slip with a big fat "NO" on it.


    And she is diabetic which we feel adds to the complications.


    so i would say, if you really dont want your daughter to get jabbed, dont think you are protected by the consent form because that didnt work for us.


    our story is on my blog ( search for: Tall Skinny Kiwi: HPV vaccination and the coercion of our 13 year old diabetic daughter ) and i think comes out on the papers today

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