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london NW

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Posts posted by london NW

  1. Hi skonk


    Have you sent your form off yet? I have a friend who is a welfare advisor and could ask her if she would help you over the phone fill in the form. I get so bloody angry with all these people who play God and on their opinions determine how we live. Please let me know and if you have sent the form off I wish you all the best. Keep us posted?

  2. OK thanks The Godmother, what a good idea to ask them to meet with me at the solicitors office, I never thought of that. I must say xxxxx attitude was completely different to the way she has been in the past, hahahaha she even offered to come to my home. I said to her haven't you heard that I am not returning to my address and as from the 5th Feb I will be in B and B somewhere in Leyton, Tower Hamlets or Dagenham? Miles away from where I live now.


    I really do think that at last things are going to be sorted. I have been fobbed off for years and it does show that getting the Ombudsman involved they have to take notice. It is great and I am feeling good tonight.


    Cheers x

  3. Hi All


    Octavia called me today at 17.30 which took me by surprise as after receiving a letter from them refusing me a management transfer I did write back asking them to contact me again and to go through my solicitor. I would of liked to have posted the letter from them here and my respomce but unfortunately I cannot copy and paste it so will just have to tell you about the call.


    xxxxx called me and asked if I would go in next week and see her and xxxxx, they are both in the accounts dept. Over a year ago I asked xxxxx if I could go in for an hour each week to sort out my arrears and she refused this offer from me as she said she could not commit herself to that. I reminded her of this conversation and she did remember it. I said that there was no point in me going into see her if none of the paperwork was going to be available and that I had continually asked housing benefit to supply a copy of payments going back to the year 1998 but they had always refused on the grounds that in 2000 the system changed and was not recoverable. I told xxxxx that I was going to SAR them and Octavia as by law they had to supply this information. I informed her that many errors had been made and that application forms had been lost and none of this was down to me. I had supplied all the information needed time and time again but nobody had ever bothered to get back to me. Only now that I have a good solicitor, an MP and the Ombudsman, have they contacted me. She then said to me that when Westminster changed over in 2000 that a lot of paperwork had been lost and also she was always having problems with forms going missing. This is exactly what I wanted to hear and I have never had any doubt in my mind that this happened to me and my paperwork.


    I think this is a very important point, a bit of a break through really and need to know your opinion. I suggested that she speak to Mr xxxxx, if he still worked at Westminster housing benefit as his name had appeared on various letters through out this time and in fact he was the one who wrote and said that my case was still being investigated in 2005 when they contradicted themselves and said they had not heard from me. I asked her to please get housing benefit to send me all the relevant paperwork and she must send me rent accounts going back to 1998. She said she could only go back six years but would speak to xxxxx. I insisted that this paperwork was necessary in order to see where mistakes were made and without this it would be pointless me attending any meeting.


    I need you to advise me what to do as I am not sure if to go to any meeting with them or leave it to my solicitor. Although this is not urgent as will take some time to receive the paperwork and statements, if I ever get them at all, just don't want to jeopardise anything at this stage.


    Thanks so much

    • Haha 1
  4. surprise

    How lovely that your daughter is willing to help in this way. Have you read my post? hahahaha. No just kidding I am getting there with it all but would be nice to know if Westminster council are known to cause a lot of problems. If by any chance you could please ask your daughter this one question I would be very grateful.

  5. Belville


    Somebody helped me with my letter so am posting it here for you. Hopefully you can adapt this to suit your case.


    I would strongly suggest that you Subject Access Request the Council yes.

    Use the standard temp letter,but in the body of this I would also add the following;



    As you are no doubt aware,I have ongoing issues and complaints with XXXXXXCouncil.It will be my intention to use any information that you hold on me,as part or wholly,to escalate further my complaints in support.This will include,but not be limited to;

    The local Government Ombudsman.

    My local MP.

    Action through the County Courts, under the Civil Procedure rules small claims action.




    That should wake a few up-it may even be sent to the Councils legal department.


    Make sure that your request is specific.

    That means asking for everything that you want to see. ie;


    Copies of all your communications between you and them.

    Screenshots of telephone logs between you and them.

    Statements of your payments and account between XXXX and XXXX

    Details of any manually intervened tasks.



    Dont forget recorded...and keep a copy.



    Since this is a government body I would add the following on the bottom.



    I xxxxxxx hereby give my permission,as applicant for this request,for XXXXXX Council and its representitives/employees,to process this application.

    Should you require from myself additional information to satisfy your responsibilities to supply me with this request,then please contact me at the above address.


    I remind you of the requirement to furnish me with this information within 40 days.





  6. Morning Belville


    I have been alerted by silverfox, to read this post.


    Firstly I am so sorry about your husband and it is great that you do have a wonderful sense of humour which I hope lasts while dealing with the council. They can grind you down, hope that you will drop your case and it will be a full time job fighting them but you MUST.


    I have had an on going claim since 2001 where I went to court for nearly 3000.00. To cut a very long story short I paid this off by 2004 and then had another 2015.00 slapped on as an over payment. To date I am still trying to resolve this and although this has worn me out and I want to give in, I can't. I just won't let those b.....ds win. I imagined that if and when I won I could sue for hundreds of thousands but I realise now reading so many other stories on here that I will be lucky if I get my money back!


    I have a brilliant solicitor now and you could probably find one too on legal aid, also I got my local MP involved. I have three MPs, two were useless but the labour one is great.


    You have had some good advice here from silverfox and as he has so kindly said he is willing to help you as are others on here. I would start the Subject Access Request today and do not delay this.


    Good luck and keep us posted.

  7. Hi All


    I have got some good news but not great news.


    I have refused to return back to my old address and have been living with my daughter all this time. Three visits later to the Housing Options Homeless Section I was told yesterday that they will agree for me to go and rent a one bedroom property under the Direct Lettings Scheme or the Rent Deposit Scheme.


    I thought this was great as the LHA for my area is 370.00 a week for a one bed and have been scanning the local estate agents all night dreaming of living in a place I once only dreamt about.


    This morning consulted my solicitor, (who has turned out to be an absolute diamond), only to be advised that this offer would only be temporary, six months to maybe one year and then I would probably have to start all over again.


    I have now had to refuse this offer and hope that they come up with another place with assured tenancy.


    Ombudsman have contacted my HA but not sure as to what is happening with the housing benefit.


    Will keep you posted and once again thanks for all the support.

  8. Hi All


    I have just received this from my MP and am posting it here in case this information is new.



    Karen Buck MP



    Regent’s Park &



    Kensington North






    Tel. 020 8968 7999



    Fax. 020 8960 0150



    I am writing to let you know that you may be eligible for a tax rebate of between £520.00 to £1,040.00 if you have a child born between 6th April 1986 and 5th April 2003 and have not already claimed it.


    There are vast numbers of people who have failed to claim their rebate because of a lack of publicity from the Inland Revenue. However, you must send in your claim form in by the 31st January 2009 DEADLINE.


    Calling All Parents! Are You Entitled To Up To £1,040 In Unclaimed Children’s Tax Allowance for 2002/3?




    There are many parents eligible for a non-means tested tax credit but they've failed to claim their money.


    The Children’s Tax Allowance means that parents could be in for a tax rebate of between £520.00 to £1,040 if they have a child born between 6th April 1986 and 5th April 2003 and have not already claimed it. However, the claim form must in before the 31st January 2009 deadline.


    It’s easy to claim. Click this link for more information or simply call your tax office and ask them to check whether you have already received this allowance or not. You will need your National Insurance Number.




    People are eligible to claim an allowance of £520 if:

    • You have a child born between 6th April 1986 and 5th April 2003 AND
    • The child lived with you for all or part of that year AND
    • You worked and paid tax for all or part of that year AND
    • You or your partner earned over £6,000 in the 2002/03 Tax Year.

    You are eligible for an allowance of £1,040 if;


    • You can answer yes to the four questions above, and
    • One of your children was born between 6th April 2002 and 5th April 2003

    Here is the link to the HMRC Form which you can fill in and send to your local Tax Office before the deadline at the end of this month.

    The BBC have reported that thousands of parents are needlessly paying claims management firms to reclaim this tax-allowance, even though they easily could do it themselves.

    I hope this information is useful.

  9. Hi pickled princess


    I do not know the law but it is my understanding that you would not be able to stay and take on the tenany and arrears. I have a feeling you must have proof that you have been in the same accomodation for at least two years and need to be on the tenancy agreement. have you been paying official rent and are the HA aware that you are living there.


    There is no harm in approaching the HA to find out and would also depend on the size on the property. If it is a two bed and you are a single person I would'nt think you have a chance in hell as the shortage is so great.


    Just out of interest how has your sister been able to move to another place with outstanding rent arrears?

  10. I would like to see the thread please can you send the link in here?


    Did you read the thread that re-appeared the other day following benefit overpayment. Worth a read. His dragged on aswell.


    I cannot believe that the council want it to go to court first before they can look into everything, that seems totally absurd. A waste of money and frustrating for you again to build up your hopes in thinking this is all going to be resolved soon. It is a bloody joke. Why didn't they just postpone until a later date?


    I am getting so angry with all this and what people have to go through and even at the end of the day do these authorities really care?

  11. Thank you hallowitch and I am sorry about your ex. depression is a terrible disease, something I cannot seem to have control over.


    I am so glad to help as others are on here as you can see! I just say the same to you as I have had said to me Keep at it Girl. I know it is frustrating but you have so much support here.


    Hope all the info in these post are as useful to you and others as they have been for me.


    Onward and Upward.

  12. Dear jackieandwayne and CASA

    Yes your posts has given me back confidence. Jackie you sound a great HO, if only there were more like you. It is probably not the fact that the woman with the guttering problem fears you but more like respects you and knows you mean business.

    How lovely to get all the youths to clean all the graffitti from the walls. They must of had a wonderful day in theor matching bright orange boiler suits and then to be treated to Mc Donalds. I bet they all had a wonderful day and for some possibly the best day of their lives without involving an act of destruction with it. I don’t understand parents not encouraging their kids to at least take up some sort of hobby. There are plenty of free courses for kids in the holidays and they like and need discipline.

    I have two dogs and they have never been allowed to foul in the common parts even though neighbours have complained of this to get back at me. I take them to Regents Park, Primrose Hill or Hamstead Heath every day. Like us all they need to get out for a good run to get their excercise and then they are happy and more controllable. I love the way you hand out dogs biscuits. Those dogs are never aggressive when they are first homed.

    There are many tenants where I live that in my opinion should of gone to court a lond time ago. Please remeber that I have only written mostly about the burglary since then over the Christmas oeriod while i was staying with one of my daughters, a large faeces was dumped on the door step, could of been dog or human. Also my front window had been forced open. I didn’t want to call 999 but reported it to victims support, who in turn told the DC on my case. I should of asked for a crime number bur at least it is all noted.

    I have only arrived at this point after 10 years of continual abuse form a handful of neighbours. I have two previos reference numbers for an incident where I was involved in fraud that i knew nothing about but my address was used for stolen credit cards and threatening behaviour. The woman upstairs in a childminder and God knows how many kids are up there. Each day I sqeeze past 5 buggys some double. They have wooden flooring so can you imagine the noise? I have never been able to sit in my home without having to have the television or radio on. One of her kids kicked a ball through my car window and never paid . This is just some of it.

    Anyway I had some good news today from my soliciotr. Westminster have asked me to attend an appontment on Thursday 10.30 with the homeless department. I am going to be interviwed properly and I think I will get some definite answers. I have no idea what they will offer me. If it is BandB do you think I should take it, what about my two dogs and the fact I am on Octavias transfer list, (though that means jack .hit), or maybe they will offer me the same a two. My daughters lease runs out next month and I would like her to move back in with me. Should I mention this?

    I am filling in the application forms this weekend and will take them in on Monday. I will be asking for a total of 3000.00 which will be one month rent and one month deposit on a two bed flat similar to mine. If Westminster fail to deliver I have no option but to try and rent privately.

    Thanks so much and again to everyone who is concerned.

    Have a good weekend a


  13. Just catching up on other posts. I agree butty that was an EXCELLENT POST. Thankyou so much again jackieandwayne.


    Also thanks casa for the info on how much money I am allowed to keep whilst claiming Income Support and DLA.


    I never have anywhere near that amount but there is the ten thousand coming soon. I pray.

  14. Dear jackieandwayne

    Thank you so much for your post it was extremely helpful, encouraging and enlighten.

    When you wrote the bit about "peaceful enjoyment of your home" I laughed to myself and think you can understand how I feel everyday looking at the beautiful rainbow on posters in our flats with these words printed on them. Sick and Angry.

    I know my tenancy agreement inside out and have every bloody glossy magazine they have printed. ( I have complained about that too!) and of course knew a long time ago they were useless and not supportive in any way. I have tried to see them in person to discuss arrears, emailed the accounts officer many times and spoken to my housing officer about it all. On going repairs of over two years just in not acceptable. Octavia Housing And Care I have advised them to omit the Care because it just ain’t there .

    Neighbour is going to court 13th and I am sure I have seen somewhere amoungst my hundreds of emails one from Octavia saying that if found guilty they will evict also the bail conditions are she is not to come within a certain amount of distance from me. I still have to pass her on the stairs and her family, there are five of them plus other neighbours like her and one of me. I do not want to stay even if she is evicted and would like to live out of the area altogether.

    I will contact the local authority Anti-Social Behaviour co-ordinator, Nobody has mentioned this before and will let you know. I did call Shelter over Christmas and they were very helpful. Took down details and made a note of my call but said could not give me any further advise as I already had a solicitor involved. My intention is to carry on and eventually take them to court for breach of contract in every possible way.

    My mental state has really worsened under the conditions I have had to live in resulting in the fact that I am not returning.. I Have read many cases on Housing Ombudsman where when they are resolved the person is dead and any compensation which are awarded is nearer hundreds than thousands, gets passed on to their family.

    This is the question right now I am homeless and need somewhere to live urgently. I cannot wait any longer for decisions to be made by HA and Council. What is the point in having a tenancy when they mean nothing. Do I have to wait longer and go to live on the streets or can I get some money to rent privately?

    If only all housing officer were like you it honestly would not end up like this, I blame them for everything,

    I will certainly keep you up dated and everyone else who has and continue to show concern, I am very grateful.



  15. I'm not worried about the time limit because the are still after her for £1.600. which if push comes to shove i will pay .She has 2 carrier bags of correspondence from wrexham council and to be quite honest. I quote my dad you need to be a Philadelphia lawyer to sort that out) its the way she was treated. 2 days after there offices opened after new year they went to her home and charged her with benefit fraud (her partner and her had got back together during the holidays ) she went for a taped intervew in there officies i read the transcrips not nice reading and like i said in my first post arested and held overnight


    Yes I know what you mean about America and attorneys. Hahaha I had big hopes that when my case was eventually solved I would get maybe half a million for what I have had to endure. Hhhhmmmm I had to think again. Reading up on many cases mostly found on the Ombudsman Web Site I realise when re solved the client gets very little in the way of compensation let alone the whole sum they are claiming back. Even not in USA I would say get a solicitor if poss. Someone who specialises in rent,arrears, councils etc. Phone the Law Society and ask them to send you a list of lawyers in your area.


    I know silverfox won back quite a bit so he may have some other advice to offer you.


    Hope this helps.


    Get working.


    London D

  16. She even went to her M.P. We didn't see M.P but a member of her staff gave her a letter (on house of commons headed paper) stating that an overpayment of working tax credit should not be classed as an income .This letter was no help.


    MPs can help but you have to keep on, they are busy and although it is frustrating like many of these issues just write another letter now explaining the situation and ask for advice and help. I have been told by law they have to respond and act!

  17. can my daughter go back to wrexham council about her rent/council tax arrears and court charges from 4/5 years ago. Most of the arrears came from wrexham council taking months to sort out rent rebates (she was making payments but not enough) overpayment's of working tax credits.wrexham council said overpayment's were part of her income for tax year x x and x (she was paying overpayment back to inland revenue)


    Yes, your daughter can go back, they will re-open for special cases However, I would suggest get as much support for this as you can

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