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Posts posted by Scooter99

  1. Hi all i am very glad i found this forum i keep getting bank charges and its starting to do my head in then i get it off the wife :( . I am out of work at the moment and that is making it alot worse aswell . Its like am paying through direct debit for the likes of sky tv or my phone bill and i could be 50pence short but the bank then charge me £35 each time i must be in the high hundreds now my bank is the royal bank of scotland can anyone give me some tips for now thanks Scooter

  2. Snap M8 i am waiting for £53.99 i was with aol for 3 years then i moved house done all the house move stuff like telling them my new address. I moved in after a few weeks i thought this aint right so i phoned them and they told me i did not have an account with them.After a while they sorted that out then after 3 months of not being on i look at my bank details and they have took 3 months money out of my account so phoned them again said i would get my money back in 30 days that passed phoned them again told them what happend then the lad says there is no records of that so bye this time i had lost it on the phone now he is going to give it back to me just a week to go and that will be another 30 days

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