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Posts posted by Moonrat

  1. Hi


    At the start of May, two members from a four member team were made redunandant from our jobs. I was pretty upset at the time, and would have contested it had I not been lucky and got myself a better job (pay and location) within a week. All other members of staff were genuinely shocked that I was one of the two to go, considering I have been there the longest and therefore acknowledged to have known the most about the job. My attendence record was better than a member who stayed, and, again, everyone acknowledged that there was too much work for just two people to do, so it does (still) feel a bit of a personal decision taken against me.


    In any case, as I said I was very lucky in getting another job so soon, so I chose to forget about it. However, I have just found out that the company have now employed a new person in the role, advertising it just 4 months after the redundancies. This has me a bit peeved to be honest, as I assumed that if a job was redundant, it was redundant, and not to be filled again so soon after. Again, this made the redundancy feel pretty personal.


    Is there anything against this practice, or are they free to do that? It doesn't feel very ethical at all!


    Thanks :)

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