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Posts posted by finbar1969

  1. Quick update on my situation.


    As I have stopped paying Bryan Carter, I have various phone calls to which I stated I only wish to deal with you by letter.


    I received about 2 weeks ago a letter that I had stopped paying and to ring them asap.


    Yesterday I had a letter with bold lettering FINAL NOTICE.


    The letter outlined in bold that:




    It also mentions something about a judgment order preventing me from gaining credit in the future and will remain on the register of judgment debts for a period of 6 years.


    Are they referring to a CCJ ?


    As I satisfied the original amount outlined in my original post.


    Again appreciate the advice and guidance given to me, just wondered if anyone could shed any light on the above and is it just a standard threat.


    Thanks again.



  2. Quick update on my predicament.


    Acted on the excellent advice given above, copy of letter of satisfaction to both Bryan Carter & Co and Capquest, sent recorded delivery.


    Received from Capquest letter dated 1/10/08 simply saying:


    Please be advised that your account has been placed on hold.




    Bryan Carter & Co for some reason are leaving messages for me to contact them asap to chat about my account :cool:


    They also sent me a statement of my account which I did not request as I have a previous copy.


    Will keep you up-date people as my £30 per mth is due in 2 weeks time to BC, their getting bugger all, I'm sure things will heat up from there.


    Once again appreciate the help, and just getting Capquest off my back is relieving in its own right.





  3. Thanks for the response havinastella.


    Let me get this clear in my head, my letter of satisfaction is for a CCJ for £200.


    The outstanding debt originally with Egg is £3588, because Byran Carter/Freds issued a CCJ for this amount and I paid it, theoretically I've cleared the whole amount ?


    Apologies again for being naive, is this the case ?


    Also is there a template of something I can incluse with the copy of the letter of satisfaction, worded correctly etc, dont want to trip myself up at this stage.


    Once again, many thanks.



  4. Just come in from work and logged on, I'm slightly confused as to what to do next.


    Firstly I've dug through my paperwork and found my letter of satisfaction from Northampton CC to the tune of £200, although I paid Bryan Carter & Co £227.25 :confused:


    Really appreciate the responses from you guys I really do, but I'm getting confused with abbreviations such as CCA's & SARS, what exactly do I do next considering Bryan Cater & Capquest who I believe are due to serve me with a statutory demand on the 4th Oct.


    Apologies for sounding naive but I want to do this right and in the correct manner/channels.


    BTW I havent sent the CCAs, holding tight on what to do next.


    Thank you once again.



  5. Really appreciate the replies people, pi**ed off to be fair.


    Had a mooch through the original paperwork from Fredrickson's.


    Original balance was £3588.44

    I cleared the CCJ of £227.25 back on the 23rd August 2007.


    Egg said they would accept £ 2372.65 before 1st January 2008, couldnt do this so been paying £30 per/mth since.


    Utilised the CCA Templates and going to send tomorrow to both DCA's by recoreded post.


    Oh and no-one's getting paid nowt until I've some confirmation of who exactly owns this debt.


    Thanks again.




    Apologies for the font.

  6. You need to speak to freds and ask them for a complete statement of your account proving that it is completely settled.

    Then pop along to your local court, with your proof and ask that your CCJ be marked as "satisfied" this may cost something like £10. i believe.


    Once you have done this you can then forward a copy to capquest requesting they remove all referance of you from there files. Also requesting this be confirmed in writing within 28 days, After that if there still contacting you, make a complaint to the Finacial Ombudsman about there conduct.


    My apologies I didnt make myself clear the CCJ amount was for £227 which I cleared and have a letter of satisfaction from Northampton CC.


    The dispute is for the remaining balance with Egg (approx £2500) which I set up a monthly arrangement of £30 p/mth to Bryan Carter & Co.


    Then Capquest turned up.....


    Having browsed the site, I've decided to CCA both parties even though I've been paying one of them since Aug 2007, is this advisable ?


    Again help appreciated.



  7. Only registered to get this off my chest.


    Back in Summer 07 I done a credit check to reveal a ccj for £227.25 for a Egg credit card.


    Contacted egg and arranged an arrangement to repay via Fredrrickson (their legal team is Byran Carter & Co) I repaid the ccj and pay a monthly amount with out fail.


    Over the last 3-4 mths I've started receiving letters from Capquest for the same debt, (I have checked and double checked this fact)


    The letters are getting more intimidating until on arriving home from work I have received a threat of a statutoty demans under section 268(1) of the insolvency act 1986.


    I must have spoke to Capquest on numerous occassions explaining to them I am paying to Fredrickson (Byran Carter & Co) they basically ignored me and continued to harrass me.


    I have sent on at least 2-3 ocassions a statement of my payment history and account to Capquest, all to no avail.


    I'm at the end of my tether with this now and feel like paying no-one and taking the sh*t that will be justified, not when I've been paying fo nearly 18 mths without fail.


    Apologies for the rant, but some advice and guidance would be appreciated.


    Many Thanks



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