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Posts posted by Vinnystoolbox

  1. Yes basically i filled out a form barclays sent me when i made my original claim for hardship, giving my details, debts, income, outgoings, etc.


    They originally said it wasn't a good enough case but the new letter says about


    ::::complaints regarding unauthorised overdraft charges still being on hold.


    They have recently revised their policy for dealing with hardship claims, and have reviewed my information and decided to accept my claim for difficulty. So as a gesture of goodwill they have transferred the sum of my charges (not the full claim amount) to my account.


    In the event of a court or regulatory body ordering them to make a payment with regard to my unauthorised overdraft charges complaint, such payment will be made less the amount of the goodwill payment.


    This the "final response" with regard to my financial difficulty claim.:::::::



    That's the slightly abridged version but it covers all the relevant info, i think they have been told that they are gonna have to pay out and would rather seem to be helping those in desperate need before they are ordered to do so. Farclays trying to save face i think,


    Just as a side point i won't be using barclays as i never opened an account with them, i did have a Woolwich account some time ago.



    Cough Nationwide cough

  2. Well some light at the end of the tunnel for some of you i hope, i received a letter from Farclays dated the 17th saying they had reassessed my case for hardship and were tranferring the sum of the charges 'which they still dispute blah blah' into my account 'as a good will gesture' but also that should the finding be against them they would pay the rest.


    And i bet they think i'm going to keep that account open and use it, ha ha ha

  3. Hi,


    Have had an account before but name was a bit too obvious so i thought i should change it before posting my particulars.


    Well late 2006 i started to claim took me several months to get even my sar partially fufilled then the court case started so i stopped claiming.


    So i've sent a prelim with hardship plea and received the 'we will deal with the 2 issues seperately' letter or should i say letters as i complained about harassing phone calls at the same time.


    I'm trying to work out what hardship really is, i'm self imployed and at the start of the year my income stopped not that i had much anyway. I fortunately don't have lots of bills to pay but 'i owe them' several hundred £'s can i use this and not being able to pay them back the interest each month as hardship? As had it not been for the charges i would be in the black and earning interest (well not anymore obviously as 'our customers don't see any value in 0.1% interest')



    Sorry rant over please help



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