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Posts posted by Boogler

  1. Checked my contract, no mention specically of doing this 'on call' duty, however I have a feeling they will say 'any call outs are included in your 45hrs, as per the 45hrs to suit the needs of the business'


    I have a feeling this is a way of having their cake and eating it. I have been told it is not financially viable to recruit an additinal person to do this 60hr job specifically.


    Do you think its reasonable to ask for a supplement for the extra 15hrs per week? Or pay me for 60hrs per week and I will work those 60hrs? I suppose they wont agree to do the latter because my hours would then be set and I could refuse to do the out of hours working I am expected to do.

  2. What does your contract state.


    '45hrs per week depending on the needs of the business' so while its supposed to be flexible it does not escape the point I am tied to the company for 60hrs (0600-1800 mon-fri) not including the 'out of hours' working I am expected to do as part of the 45hrs per week


    I love my job bar this sticking point, hence why I dont want to cause upset. My line manager knows I am unhappy about it, the reply being 'thats the way it is'.

  3. Hi,


    Wierd one this and as yet not found an answer anywhere.


    In an area manager and I am paid for 45hrs per week, at times required operatinally for the business. Alongside my managerial duties I am 'on call' and must to go out between the hours 0600-1800 mon-fri and attend call outs when asked to (no notice- just a phone call to go somewhere) within those hours. This happens around once a week but can be more. Because I am often at home when these call outs occur (i am on 45hrs remember) I find it a concern that I have to be avaliable for 60hrs at least per week but paid for 45hrs.


    My duties also extend beyond the 60hrs I am expected to attend these call outs.


    From guidance I have read if it wasnt the fact I am at home they would have to pay me 60hrs a week but its not that I can do anything during those hours between 45-60 because I may get called out.

    Any advice?

  4. let just check one thing.

    this WAS the current and ONLY insurance policy you had to enable you to drive?




    It was a classic car policy I have for my Beetle, I am a named driver on my wifes car. I also have a company car.


    It was supposed to be a monthly payment.


    What I am confused about is why when they didnt recieved a payment nothing was done, I mean, I have seen people not pay their monthly payement and have the policy cancelled.

  5. Hi,


    Had a few phone calls from Sureterm Direct asking me to pay up for a car insurance policy

    I held between April 2012 to April 2013.


    They claim the direct debit wasnt set up/taken

    hence I now owe them retrospectively for the £XXX amount for the year.


    I have checked and they are right,

    the payments were not taken ,

    but given the time period elapsed,

    the fact the insurance has lapsed where do I stand?


    I argued the point that if the payments where not received

    then was the insurance then void during that period?,

    also why wasnt I chased up then at the time.


    If the payement had been refused through me not paying/insufficient funds

    then im sure I would have had angry letters saying they were cancelling the policy!


    Im thinking I will have to pay them off,

    maybe argue a reduction for the inconvinience and their incompetence.


    Any advice?

  6. Well I drew up a letter having a good moan about the address mishaps. I waited until midday yesterday to go send it ( incase something came in the post) and 5mins before I was going to leave I got a phonecall from them.


    After expalaining the whole situation ( to someone who actually listened to me instead of interuppting) I was offered my money back and the insurance cancalled at no charge.


    I wont be happy until I actuallyget my cheque and it clears in the bank but at least I SEEMS to be sorted.


    I will NOT be using them again though- so they have lost out on getting the policy on 1 bike,3 cars and a motorhome insurance from now on. When I insured one of the cars recently they came up as cheapest but refused to use them.


    All im worried about now is will the this cancellation come up on the insurance database when I get insurance in the future? Even if it was their mistake? I know on insurance forms it states ' have you ever had insurance cancelled?' I presume if I keep hold of my complaint paperwork I can forward it it any future insurance companies it should suffice.


    Thanks for all the advice.

  7. **Update**


    Have since been forwarded two letters to my old address ( amazingly the reply to my complaint letter came to my new address and these 2 new ones went to my old address- shows they update their records!!!!NOT!)


    First one said they wanted to know why I have cancelled the direct debit,the second one saying the insurance has been cancelled and they want the cancellation fee paid up.


    Should I write back saying the issue is being dealt with by head office or should I just wait for the reply from my complaint letter ( should recieve it back anyday now- 20 working days they said)

  8. They are a nightmare. There are other Swinton threads on here if you search.


    Write to their head office in Manchester again (per their complaints procedure on their website). Send it recorded delivery.


    Hopefully they will sort it properly. If they don't, go to FOS.


    Watch them with cancellation charges, make sure you get everything back. If you have cancelled direct debit it is likely they will set debt collectors on you (even whilst they're investigating your complaint). It is their usual practice to try and frighten people into paying what they do not owe.


    After it is sorted complain to FSA anyway - especially if they do have debt collectors chasing you whilst you are waiting for a response from head office.




    I cant see how they have a leg to stand on as i have a piece of paper in my hand from them dated 6 Nov stating the policy finished on the 6th Oct and another letter stating they were sorry I wasnt renewing with them.


    Im really hoping to hear from them with a nice cheque for refund of the money they took for a policy that dosent exist-lol..I doubt it though..from reading other mishaps I think I could be in for a battle. Though The Direct Debit would have been taken on the 1st or 2nd of January I would have thought They would have tried ringing me to find out why I hadnt paid.

  9. This is a very long story but I will try and tell it as best as I can.


    Basically it revolves around an issue that I believed had been rectified then to my dismay find it had got worse!


    Basically last year my Suzuki GSXR was insured through Swinton and renewal came I got the usual calls to try to get me to renew. On the first call I stated that I wasnt interested in renewing. The advisor said he would call back with some better prices to try and tempt me. I said 'ok'. Over the next 2 or 3 weeks I had several calls which I ignored as I knew it was them on the caller display. In the meantime I moved house and as far as I was concerned that was it once the policy expired in October.


    About 3 weeks later I recieved a load of forwarded mail and to my suprise I found a welcome pack to Swinton with new policy details and paperwork (including about every concievable extra included..helmet and leather cover, breakdown etc..none of it what I had the year before!!!Plus a hefty renewal premium)Of course I called up to ask what was going on and the advisor spouted a load of rubbish about how I hadnt told them I wasnt interested in renewing etc. I replied that I had and that I wanted the policy cancelled. I am then told that to cancel it would cost £180 as the extras are not refundable etc. I stated I never asked for breakdown and helmet and leather cover etc the year before so why had they added this year let alone renewed it automatically. In the end I was getting nowhere and I could feel myself starting to boil so said I wasnt going to pay the £180 so would be sending a letter to the complaints department only to be told if I didnt pay they would start legal proceedings. In the end it was left that I would carry on paying the direct debits until I resolved the situation.

    I then set about writing a letter to the complaints department only to recieve a letter from them a few days later saying they were sorry to hear I wasnt interested in renewing and another documant stating my no claims entitlement I had earned and that policy had ended on the date in October.


    I assumed then that my call to complain must have worked and forgot about it.


    I checked my Direct Debits the other day and was shocked to find they were still taking money from my account in Novemeber and December. I cancelled the Direct Debit and have now sent them a letter asking why they are still taking money and also a copy of the letter they sent me.


    Has anybody got any advice as to what may happen next or been in the same situation.



  10. I will have to write a grievance-funny thing is my manager tried to make me work 8 days consectively once before because i owed the company some time for telling me they didnt want me in on a bank holiday and he wanted me in on a saturday to make it easier fopr him.


    I went up to the general manager with the prob and he said 8 days was unreasonable and it was overturned.I cant believ he would now allow that day in day out,week after week.

  11. 1.Ive been there 3 and bit years

    2.The old one had been going about 18 months

    3.The pattern before that had very minor issues changed

    4 No union


    the other issue is they have brought in new start times of shifts (halfway during day) effectively cutting our social life (no time to do anything before work/too late to do anything after)


    The reply to this question when raised was 'if you have got any criticsm to our plans that are of a operational nature then they will be listened to,any personal issues anre best kept to yourselves-youre here to work not socialise'

  12. Hi there


    Yes, I do know that lots of employers try to get out of the 48 hrs per week rule. One way that my previous employer did it was to rota shifts so that we would be working from Wednesday one week to Wednesday the next etc., this effectively meant that our rota was spread over 2 weeks. The rota's were 8 weekly so they could "tweek" it to make sure you were never actually working more than 48 hrs in one week, although you may be working 60 hrs over 6 days continuously.


    Good luck



    Thats my issue with my employer.


    They are making me work from the friday round to thursday-7 days on the trot but techicnally more then the 42 hours im contracted for

  13. Came into work this morning and was sent to a meeting and given a new shift pattern due to needs of the company.


    New pattern does not exceed 42 hours a week BUT it does have some 7 or 6 day stretches without a day off eg


    7 days on,2 off,7 days on,2 days off,6 days on,4 days off,7 on etc


    I dont think I have a case of complaining as technically they are giving me 2 days off in 14 days-but 7 days in a row is such a long time to then get 2 days off then go back for another 7-especially as im on foot 90% of the day


    Am I best to go through the grievance proceedure or is there any legal way I have missed to get this changed?


    I believe the contractI have states the company has a 'right to change shift pattern from time to time for buisness reasons 'as well


    Do I have to go with what they say?

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