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Posts posted by DHastings

  1. I have just completed my 10 year sentance with a Pearl "Saver Plan" having paid £30 every month during that time (£3600). The outcome was i bit over £3000 return and this has lost me 14% on the cash I was "saving".


    I feel that I have been ripped off.


    I am asking the company to increase this because they are holding the £500 million from their with profits policies AND the fact that they mis-sold the plan to me in 1998/9.


    I would have been better off by nearly £500 if I had saved my cash under the bed.and £1500 better off if I had used a standard, Building Sosiety account. I admit that the smooth salesman (Jeremy Morton) would have recieved no commission bot that was where my money went.


    Clearly, you would be foolish to consider saving with Pearl in these circumsatnces.


    Other savers should consider Cashing in their policies after geting a valuation. Don' use Pearl!!!

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