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Posts posted by heyheymymy

  1. A friend of mine (I know that sounds like it's me trying to deflect the attention away from myself, but it really is a friend!) made a claim for his charges and won. However, he returned the form, signed, agreeing that he would make no further claims of this nature (completely by accident). He's since been penalised with further charges and is thinking of trying to reclaim them again. Is it a waste of time if he has already signed agreeing to make no further claims?

  2. I would be grateful if somebody could please answer this question. I've read the FAQs and other peoples threads, but to be honest I'm just not sure what the £10 charge is for - perhaps somebody will recognise similar charges on their statements and can advise if they included them??? I asked in the chatroom and people said 'Yes' they could be included, but to be honest I think they were trying to get rid of me so they could carry on talking about how naked and drunk they were. Help much appreciated.

  3. About 2 years ago I fell into a bit of debt with various different companies - Capital 1, Black Horse Finance, Mint, HFC, Orange, probably to the sum of about £3000. I couldn't keep up with repayments and eventually the companies appointed debt collectors who retrieved the money from me either by coming round to the house and setting up an agreement with me or sometimes if I had the money I would pay them once the usual letters started coming. None of the issues went to court and I wasn't issued with any CCJs. I've now pretty much either paid them all back or am paying them back regularly (should all be finished by early next year). However I know my credit rating has been affected to the point where I can't get credit, overdrafts etc etc, this isn't a problem yet as I'm happy just having my money as my own. However one day I'm likely to want a mortgage etc. How long can I expect to feel the effects of my poor money management? And is there anything I can do to repair my situation? Any tips would be greatly appreciated

  4. I fell behind on my car payments a while ago, to the tune of a round 3, however Black Horse Finance advised that they could write it to the end of my agreement if I got the direct debit set back up and continued making payments.


    I did this, however I still receive letter after letter saying there are arrears, default notices etc etc, there can often be 2 or 3 a week (all in bloody brown envelopes might I add!!) I ring them to say 'I was under the impression the arrears are to be put to the back of the agreement' they then write to confirm that (brown envelopes again!) And then the default notices and arrears letters start again! I'm confused what's going on and even more worrying it seems Black Horse are confused.


    Has anybody else had problems iwht Black Horse?


    Is there a limit to the amount of letters/phonecalls they can make before it's classed as harrassment?

  5. You're in a very similar position to me. I wrote to them on friday as follows:


    Thank you for your letter dated 03/10/06 (copy enclosed)

    I will accept the sum offered, but only on the clear understanding that I will be pursuing recovery of any similar charges I have incurred prior to 03/03/2006 once copies of statements detailing these are to hand.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance and I now look forward to my account being credited with the funds.

    Yours sincerely

    Does anybody know if I'm likely to receive the funds or are they likely to force me to take the next step?






  6. How's this?


    Thank you for your letter dated 03/10/06 (copy enclosed)


    I will accept the sum offered, but only on the clear understanding that I will be pursuing recovery of any similar charges I have incurred prior to 03/03/2006 once copies of statements detailing these are to hand.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance and I now look forward to my account being credited with the funds.



    Yours sincerely



  7. Ok, here's the deal. I sent off for my list of charges enclosing my £10, however as I knew they have 40 days to get back to me I thought I'd crack on with a claim for the last 6 months (the statements of which I had access to).

    I wrote to them requesting a refund of £402 and the next day they wrote back offering £253 and said it must be on the condition that no more action could be taken. So I respectfully declined their offer and sat back and waited - yesterday (14 days after my decline letter) they wrote to me to say:


    Your complaint regarding charges has been passed to me and I am sorry we have failed to an agreement with you. Please accept my apologies for any unintended inconvenience or upset.

    As mentioned previously, we prefer to resolve matters with you direct and as an exceptional matter, have agreed to meet your claim of £402 in full.

    Payment is to be made on the basis of a full and final settlement of your complaint. It is offered as a gesture of goodwill and without admission of liability or error. Also, our terms and conditions will continue to apply and any future charges, in the absence of a bank error, will stand.

    If you are prepared to accept our offer please sign and return the copy of this letter blah blah blah credited to your account in 5 working days.

    Tommy McLean


    I accept the sum of £402 in full and final settlement of my complaint. Please credit this to my account number xxxxxxxx at xxxxxx

    What should I do now? If I accept the money will it prevent me from claiming for the period prior to the last 6 months? I'm still awaiting my full statements.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. I recently started proceedings with my claim against RBS. In the absence of full statements for the last 6 years I obtained the last 6 months worth from a selection of online and written statements - it totalled £402 (inclusive of interest). I then wrote to RBS (05/09/06) requesting that the charges be refunded. I did this as a temporary measure pending the return of full statements for the last 6 years, which I am still waiting for. RBS then wrote to me (06/09/06) advising that they think their charges are fair blah blah blah, however as a goodwill gesture would offer £253 if no further claims were made relating to charges applied to my account.

    Obiviously given that I'm waiting on full statements for the last 6 years, which I intend to claim for when received, agreeing to this would not be a wise thing as it would restrict me claiming a lot of money. Therefore what is the best action to now take?

    a) Ignore the letter and wait for full statements then calculate my claim as a whole and start again?

    b) Write to RBS advising I accept their offer, but advise I will still be claiming for charges made prior to the period I'm currently claiming?

    c) other.

    Thanks for your help.


  9. Hi


    do you have a "special account" like royalties

    if so in the monthly account charges you will find £9 at first or £10 a bit later these are normal and you cant claim them. HOWEVER they also mix in overlimit fees with these and these are £15 + £20


    So if you see a charge of £24 its £9 + £15 dont claim the £9

    A bit later on you might find £30 this will be £10 + £20 dont claim the £10


    hope this helps




    So just to clarify, on my account some charges are £38 (unpaid d/d) others are £34. What do I claim?

  10. My account was opened at RBS Branch A. I now work near a different RBS branch - branch B.


    a) Can I request a list of charges by going in to Branch B personally with the letter?


    b) Does the £10 have to be a cheque or is cash ok?


    I also note it's better to open a new account before taking action, just in case. In the forum's experience:


    a) Do they usually shut down your account?


    b) How quick are they in paying generally? Am I flogging a dead horse with RBS or have there been a lot of successes?



  11. I don't keep my bank statements. What is the quickest way to get a list of charges made against me? Do I have to write the letter asking RBS for a list of charges or if I go into a branch can they give it me? I want to start the ball rolling and have been meaning to for a while.


    Also, can anybody give me an idea what to expect from RBS once I make my claim? Will they make an offer fairly quickly or do they drag their heels? Will they offer me a tiny settlement or do they play ball?





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