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Posts posted by counciltaxloser

  1. The only bit of useful info I recieved was just before I moved and that was if the payment plan you agreed on was more than you could afford and you had proof of that, which I did as the Debt Counsellors had written me out a Financial Statement which clearly showed at that time my outgoings exceeded my income,as long as you put it in writing, they have to accept the amount you can afford to pay.I wish I had known this before.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks so much for your reply, I am probably not classed as vulnerable now as I have a better job and not on anti depressants anymore, but at the time they issued the liability or possession order I was. I don't know f this would be a valid reason. At that time I was off work or had just been off work and being treated for depression due to my marriage split and the years of abuse I had suffered, honestly I was in such a mess, and that was so obvious at the time to the Baliff, as I was crying so much my 19 year old son had to talk to him on my behalf.

    I don't own anything here at all, not even the car I have is in my name, and yes I no longer live at the address the order was issued for. At the moment they do not know where I am, although this could change as I recieved a letter from the Council stateing they had over paid me some Housing Benefit,I don't know how mind you because they hardly paid anything to me and in the end I could no longer afford to live in the property, and was waiting to be housed by another Council under the Homeless act, as I had been issued with a section 21 by my Landlord.

    I had a Debt Counselling Agency working on my behalf aswell trying to get them to split the Debt, that was the Council, but they did not want to know. Its so frustrating as I know I owe it and do want to pay it , just only my half of it. I also pointed out to the Council the more pressure they put on me, forced me to contact my ex to get him to help, which in turn put me in danger of being abused even more by him.

    Do you know if I can just go to the Council and just pay them half, or would I have to pay it to Ross and Roberts? Thanks so much for your reply, it has helped.xxx

  3. Hi yes I have. My ex had had some sort of agreement with them for council tax arrears incurred when he became long term sick. He then left me and I then had a visit from a Baliff from Ross and Roberts, I was so scared as he said that if I didn't come up with £150.00 there and then they would send a van and take my goods. I was in such a state as you can imagine as he was telling me that he had the right to just walk in. I tried to explain to him that I was in real financial trouble as my husband had walked out on me a week before, he then changed tactics and persuaded me to let him in so he could"help me" I foolishly did and at this point he began writing a list of goods down I asked him what he was doing and he said that he was just writing a list of what I had in the room. I asked him if he was going to seize the contents of the list to which he said oh no don't worry its just a list I have to write,he then spoke to my ex as by then my son had called him by phone he then agreed to pay him the £150.00 the next day,he has not paid anything since though I hasten to add preferrs to leave me to struggle to pay the lot. He then got me to sign something which I later found out was a liability order in my name I think for the rights to seize the goods mentioned on the list.

    I agreed to pay £50.00 a month but could not afford to do this,as I only worked part time and had 2 children to support, they would not reduce the payments and the Council refused to intervene even though they knew my circumstances. I also asked that the debt be split 50 50 between myself and my ex, but they would not do this either, as I do want to pay it just don't think its fair I should pay all of it.The lat time I spoke to Ross and Roberts I had moved from the property involved and I was trying to make an arrangement to pay,I told them I wasn't prepared to tell them where I am as the debt has nothing to do with my new partner. He agreed to meet me so I could arrangea payment plan but said I would have to make a substancial payment to offset charges and even said that I should hand over my car.I did consider doing this just to aleviate the worry, but I need it in order to be able to work. In the end I didn't meet him as I was paranoid he would have the police waiting there to arrest me as he told me that that was the next step if I didn't pay.

    I am so worried about it as I do want to pay,as if I get a criminal record I stand to lose my job.

    What really upset me though was they called when I wasn't in with a van and spoke to my 15 year old daughter, they told her that if I didnt contact them they were going to force entry and take our goods. They sat outside my house for about 2 hours she was absolutely petrified. My ex has stedfastly refused since to take responsibility for his half, and apparently because I work and he doesn't they will keep chasing me even if I pay my half. I am in a no win situation it seems to me, and I can't seem to get any clear advice on what to do next and wether or not it is possible that if they find me they will arrest me and I will end up with a criminal record.

    I am so sorry I can't give you any advice as as you can see I am unclear myself,but if you need to talk or if you have since found out any useful info on how to tackle them then could you pass it on to me I would be most gratefull. Or if any one else can that would be great to


  4. Hi I have never used a forum before so please forgive me if I am doing this in the wrong place.Anyway I am beside myself with worry. About 6 years ago myself and my then husband fell into arrears with our Council tax as my husband became long term sick and was then Registered disabled.It went on for about 3 years and we ended up owing somewhere in the region of £3,000.It eventually was referred to Ross and Roberts and we were conned into signing a Possession Order.About a year later my husband left me along with all this debt,but Ross and Roberts continued to persue me to pay the entire debt, they would not accept a reduced rate and the council did not want to know,as as far as they were concerned they did not know where my husband was so I was solely responsible for paying it. I struggled for about 10 months paying it and tried to get them to split it down the middle,(I did default a couple of times and at these times Ross and Roberts charged me about £100.00 in charges.) my ex being responsible for paying his half and myself mine, but they would have none of it.I always tried to explain to them that I was happy to accept responsibility for my half but did not see why I should pay his. In the mean time I moved in with my new partner, and the bailiffs do not know where I am. I do want to pay it as I don't want to get into trouble, but the last time I spoke to Ross and Roberts to arrange a meeting so I could sort out paying it, they said I would probably end up being arrested if I did not pay it all.or a very large sum, and as I didn't have it all,I was to scared to meet them in case they took my car which they also threatened to do.I do know where my ex is but I am frightened to tell them where he is as he has threatened myself and my partner in the past and was very abusive to me whilst we were married.I am at a loss as to know what to do next, if I get a Criminal record I will lose my job please can someone advise me.

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