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Posts posted by reidy1982

  1. We sent the SAR and heard nothing so assumed it took time


    today he woke up to a letter from lowell portofolio in leeds saying the debt has been sold to them and asking him to contact them to make full payment.


    The debt is larger than the last letter we recieved from the catalogue

    they have obviously added more charges since then.


    ive had dealings with this company before not long after my father passed away and there really rude

    and they hound you for money you dont have no matter how many times you tell them of the financial situation.


    What i think is ridiculous on the letter it says shop direct have checked the records before selling us the debt and can find no reason as to why it is unpaid,

    thats a load of rubbish i have every letter and email sent to the company in regards to this so its not like they havent been aware my partner is in financial mess.

  2. Hi DX100


    Thanks for your reply.


    Funny you saying that about the trust deed i am fighting to have my trustee discharge himself at the moment as i had some problems not long ago and my trustee was very unhelpfull and i took advise elsewhere and i was told i should have never been placed in it, in the first place and the advise i was given for my situation was wrong and im fighting to have the money i put into my trust deed given to my creditors as they are refusing.


    Anyway back to subject at hand thank you for the advise on the catalogue matter I went through all the statement last night we have mostly them all apart from 3 or 4 is there anyway we can get a copy of these?? or will they charge him for the copies??



  3. Hi wondering if anyone can give me and my partner some advice.


    My partner had two catalogues (Littlewoods and very)


    hes had them for around 4 years and was upto date with payments until august of last year when we got into a bit of financial mess.


    We struggled and i opted to enter into a trust deed after speaking to csss and my partner was advised to make token payments to his creditors

    because he only had 3 and was no longer in work because of ill health.


    He informed his three creditors about his low income and asked for the token payments to be taken into account as he was advised.


    Every month the catalogues have hit him with a various amount of charges since then despite making the payments

    and despite being told of the situation on various occasions by phone and letter.


    We have been tonight reviewing his debts to send upto date budgets to the catalogue

    and noticed that there has been many charges for £12 a time on both catalogue statements

    and letters for calls they state they made to him as well as charges for not paying the full amount as requested.


    But when it comes to the call charges This has never been the case and infact for a period of 3 months infact

    we had no phone line as i disconnected our service provider to save some money

    and then went with a cheaper service provider a few months later.


    there's noway they could have called as we didnt have a line

    yet on statements i have the time we had no line they were adding call charges.


    When we totalled the 12 charges for said calls it infact made the debt higher by a massive 150+ each

    as well as the additional charge of 12 making the debt double what he originally started

    which seems as if he is defeating the purpose of even making the token payments.


    Is there anyway he can claim these so called call charges back?????


    If so how exactly can this be done??? Is there a page we can read in regards to this??

  4. Hi there,

    I am looking for some advice on what will happen if i go bankrupt. To explain the situation i got myself into a debt and was struggling badly even though i tried my best to keep up with payments, but after my dad passed away at the end of may i found things became a lot harder because of funeral expense and i opted to look into a dmp, the dmp company suggested to me a trust deed maybe better as on a dmp i would be looking to pay that over 15yrs and i was given other options and advise, i was so badly distraught from losing my dad i let them explain things as it was and eventually a few week later signed my trust deed.

    I started paying my trust deed at the end of august but am still struggling very badly, over the christmas holiday i had a problem with my bank and could not make the required payment to my trust deed. I tried to seek advise from the company i was with but because of the holiday i could not speak to anyone so i saught some advice from trust deed adviser online as i was so worried what would happen, as soon as i mentioned my whole income was benefit based (I am disabled) they seemed rather concerned i should not have been place on one esp since my trust deed was 5 yrs and not 3 and it would not benefit anyone but the company who is dealing with my trust deed and because i have been struggling so badly since the start of it they gave me other points of advise. After speaking to the adviser i can across many things that were not made clear to me when taking the trust deed and it has now made me realise i have not been made aware of all consequences the trust deed comes with.

    I am now looking at the option of asking to be released from my trust deed.

    My questions now are what will happen with my gas, electricty, phone line and bank accounts if i seek bankruptcy.

    I was previously told before i went into trust deed bankruptcy would cause me major issues with all of the above. I was told i would end up on pay meter with keys for gas and electricity and my phone line would be disconnected or have to be placed in someone else name or they would ask me for a years payment in advance? I was also told both my bank accounts would be froozen and i would lose those too which upset me more. As i said i am disabled and i dont get out much and i use my bank card to purchase food and such online and also pay meter would cause me problems as i dont always have the ability to go out and also the fact my money is not weekly.so all the information i was given would have made things much harder for me to live normal life. I am now being told this is not the case but i wasnt advised to exactly what will happen with my bank and so on if i take this route. I am wondering if anyone who has been through bankruptcy has any information on this and what to expects?

  5. Hi everyone,

    Hoping someone can give me some advice, i have been having problems with my electricty provider scottish power since late october. i was originally on a monthly payment of 50 pounds for months and had been managing ok. In october i recieved a letter from them saying my payments would rise to 80 a month i called them and spoke to a lady who said she was not sure as to why i had been sent the letter as my bills had been upto date and she found no significant reason for my payments to rise and told me to continue to pay the 50 a month and i would recieve my normal monthly bill.


    Over november and december i ended up in and out of hospital and missed parts of monthly which totalled to just under 50 pounds which was not intentional i was very much out of it on painkillers and was sleeping most of my days, Last week i open a bill saying i was in debit of 200 pounds which i could not understand. I called them again and the man i spoke to was not very helpfull and he continued to place me on hold all of the time. I tried to explain to him i was on a scottish trust deed and there was noway i could stretch to 80 a month and to be truthfull i was in 2apt small flat and it was just myself (I'm disabled) and my partner there was noway we used more than 50 a month in electricty. He again asked me to hold the line. When he came back on the line he said he needed to speak to his supervisor and would call me back. I waited and waited allday and did not recieve a call back.


    The next morning i called them again and spoke to yet another women she said to me to cover the payment i would have to pay 30 a week until the end of january to catch up before my next bill in february. I told the women i was on benefits and i was paid fortnightly and there was noway i could do that and still expect to live and eat, she then tried to press me to change to a prepaid meter, i told her no as again i would have the same problem as i did not get paid weekly and with it being into the winter i would be topping up more than a standard rate a month than i was allready paying and because i am disabled i dont always get the chance to get out a lot. She said to me to i would have to pay the amounts she stated to catch up or things would get very worse to remedy. This morning i recieved another letter saying i had not paid the agreed amount and that my payment plan had been cancelled.

    I feel as if i am going round in circles with this company and everytime i call them it seems to make it worse and it is stressing me out badly and really affecting my health. I really am not sure what to do next, If anyone has any advice i would be so greatfull. As i can not afford to pay what they are asking but i also cant afford to be disconnected. Does anyone have any suggestions what my next steps are.

  6. Thank you Surface. He is doing better now just very wiery.

    yes i do see your point very much about a lot going on we may not know thats one of the reason i was asking about opinions. its just i noticed a few other posts in a similar situation on people asking simialr things so i didnt think when i was posting.

    Thank you for your advice its very much appreciated

  7. Loopy me and my partner are in the same situation i have some health issues and my partner is like your own low count because of a health condition he had when he was younger. I long for children but have been unable to concieve as well. We can't afford private treatment as it is just way too expensive. I enquired to the whole nhs ivf system and i was told the exact same you have to be of the certain age before they will even consider. Which upset me very much as well as waiting lists. Im a few years younger than yourself so i have a lot more years to wait before they would even entertain us but my partner is 5 years older and as they say a time limit for a man shorten year by year and that was one of the other issues they gladly pointed out to me which didnt make me feel any better. I have searched many times and every way i do we hit a wall. ive not heard of any cases that by pass but if i do i will be the first to come here and let you know i am forever looking into new information whenever i can. I hope you find some way.

  8. Hi in february of this year my dad became ill. He has various illness including heart condition and COPD. When he became ill he went to his gp and she at the time said she thought it was a chest infection and gave him usual antibiotics.

    Over many days he deterorated very badly to the point he couldn't breath his nebulisers and inhalers were not doing anything for him and he couldnt even catch a breath resulting in me calling 999. He was rushed to hospital were they gave him drugs and kept him in over night. The doctors said it was a chest infection like the gp and he would be in for a few days at the most. On visiting him at the ward the next day we found my dad dressed and nurse telling us he could go home. Bedazzled to this i asked why so quickly when the emergency room doctor said otherwise she said he had responded to the drugs well over night and they would send him home to rest with steroid and more tablets for oral consumption.

    Now i wasnt one to judge what a medical professional is saying so i said ok. We got my dad home and for about 48 he still seemed to go down hill.Lack of colour in his cheeks, laid breathing and so on.

    I called for a doctor to come out it from the health centre and it was someone we had never seen before a locum and he took one look at my dad and said he needed stronger antibiotic. He prescribed the drugs and asked me if he was allergic to anything. I told him penacillin. He said ok this should be fine. It was a drug i hadnt heard before so i went to the chemist to collect and came straight home and took them upto my father. Just as i was about to give him one i frooze and noticed on the label said included penacillin so i snatched it off him and Called the pharmacy right away i explained and she checked the prescription and said yes it was penicillin drugs the doctor had prescribed. I called the health center again and demanded to speak to someone and explain what had happened and if i had given him them without realising we would be on our way to hospital. It was his gp i spoke to and she appoligised for the mistake and said she would make up a new prescription for me to collect. I collected the prescription and 24 hours later he began to become worse u could hear a weezing coming from his cheat he was pale and clamy and was hallucinating and sweating like mad it was pouting out of him. I called 999 again and back to the hospital we went. He was examined and again sent home. By this time i was raging because they said again it was a chest infection. I said a chest infection does cause hallucinations and why are you sending him home them if he still has a very bad chest infection and his temperature is souring. I got all this hospital jargon and they released him.

    We got home and he was in bad shape and at whits end i called for the gp again as i wasnt satisfied with him being sent home. She came out and examined him again and told him this time she would not prescribe any drugs to him and he was to use a paper bag to blow into to control his breathing. I asked her what has this to do with his breathing and hallucinating. He was doing it right in front of her and the sweat was pouring out of him. She said i think its relating to his heart and she wanted to send him back to hospital for a ecg before she prescribed anything they would probably keep him in this time. She was rather rude and said my dad was panicking. My dad in all reality was seeing cats and dogs climbing the walls at this point and was too busy pointing at them and weezy breathing never mind panicking.

    Back to the hospital we went this time he was only in a small pair of shorts and thin tshirt. The done the ecg and then discharged him i couldnt believe it. I asked the hospital for somthing to cover him up with like a sheet as it was pouring ran outside and we had to wait for taxi. They refused so i had to cover him with my jacket and got him into the taxi.

    We were only home a few hours and i heard a bang when i ran upstairs he was hallucinating he was trying to tune the phone in thinking it was the television. When i asked him what he was doing he started shouting at me but he was calling me by a different name. He didnt even realise it was me. My last hope was nhs24 i called them and told them what had been happening. They said a doctor would be sent but could take a certain amount of time. We wait 20 minutes later the doctor arrived and he took one look at my dad and examined him and believed it could be septisemia and he was calling for ambulance. The ambulance arrived and they put my dad straight onto oxygen which was the first time any of the ambulance people who had been out of the various days had. The got him into the ambulance and blue lighted it all the way to accideent and emergency and rushed him straight into crash. we waited and waited and then we were allowed to see him. The emergency doctor said she didnt believe he had a chest infect but that it was pnemonia and drug posioning because they had been giving him so many different types of drugs ontop of the medication he allready had his body was trying to fight the pnemonia and the drugs were flowing about in his system not going anywhere.

    I asked if we had left it any longer would he have made it through and she said she couldnt be sure. eventually after 6 weeks in hospital he recovered but still has issues and has regular scans and xrays.

    Does anyone think we have a case for compensation? because the nhs24 did more for my dad in one night than his gp and that hospital did in all those days. They kept looking for the obious factor instead of beyond his health conditions. Also if that is the case would it have to be my father who started it because i am not sure if he is fit enough the whole situation traumitised him and hes very wiery of doctors now.

  9. Thank you see i wasn't sure how there whole system worked. Ive never recieved any court letter or anything in regards to it so it has been playing on my mind since my friend brought it up.


    My friend did say the same as yourself deny any knowledgment but since i called them on various occasions last year with no luck i wasnt sure if they recorded there calls or anything like that. So if i was to deny it if it ever did come up i didnt wanna be caught in a lie if it did end up in court. Then shes suggested maybe just sending dvla a cheques for the amount even a year on and hope for best they would deal with it but i said after there last attempts with there postal service i wasnt going to chance it just incase. I just dont really know what to do about it now.

  10. I know there an another main post in regards to this but i realised after i put my message that it was properly best i posted indivually instead of hijacking another post for some advice.

    well im basically in the same situation as many i have read so far last february while in hospital my car tax was due to run out so i got my partner to bring me the relevent forms so the car could be sorn and he sent the information. Now being my first car i wasnt sure how it worked so when i heard nothing i just assumed things had been done yes dumb i know but at the time i was not with it and strong meds. 6 weeks letter when i got home i recieved a letter saying i had been given 40 fine. I called them and had no such luck they said they had not recieved my decleration and did i have any proof i sent it the original form off. I told them no as it was post by normal post and i was in hospital at the time. He got very lippy with me saying how could i send it if i was in hospital i explained i had filled the forms in and my partner sent them. He shurgged off anything i said and basically called me incompetant and liar in so many words and put the phone down on me. I tried calling again and again no-one would entertain me apart from one women who listen to what i had to say but unfortunetly said she could not help. By this time the £40 had expired. I refused to pay it and wrote to dvla as thats what the lady told me to do. I heard nothing back from that particular letter and then not long after another letter saying i was now with a £80 by this time i was back in hospital so i never got round to it even though i felt why should i pay for there incompetance i did what i had to do just because they lost the forms it wasn't my problem. I was so sick at the time and i could not be bothered with it so i had the car scrapped in the end. I recieved the paperwork to say my car had been scrapped weeks later. But nothing on the fine which i had actually forgot about until recently when someone enquired to me about whatever did happen did i pay it. Now im not sure how this all works with the fine system for somthing like this will there be a warrant for my arrest?? or will i have debt collection services eventually come to my door? or is it court? i never recieved anything about the fine there after the letter to say my fine had went from 40 to 80. Now that had been nearly a year im still at same address and ive never heard anything from it i was i did try to contact dvla recently but they wouldnt entertain me. Any ideas or advice what i should do as i dont want it hanging over me as my healths not great these days. A friend seems to think because i had the car scrapped then because the car no-longer exsists in there database it may have been dropped but i wouldn't think so and one of reason im looking for advice. I felt like i was being conned into paying for somthing i had allready dealt with originally but no-one would take any notice to anything i said.


    Any and all advice would be very appreciated please

    thank you

  11. Hi everyone just thought would come say hello.

    I can across this fab forum after doing a google search for some advice on two different matter and wow so much information. Wish i had known about this site years ago.


    Look forward to getting to know everyone


  12. Hi everyone,

    well im basically in the same situation last february while in hospital my car tax was due to run out so i got my partner to bring me the relevent forms so the car could be sorn i sent the information. Now being my first car i wasnt sure how it worked so when i heard nothing i just assumed things had been done. 6 weeks letter i recieved a letter saying i had been given 40 fine. I called them and had no such luck they said they had not recieved my decleration and did i have any proof i sent it the original form off. I told them no as it was post by normal post and i was in hospital at the time. He got very lippy with me saying how could i send it if i was in hospital i explained i had filled the forms in and my partner sent them. He shurgged off anything i said and basically called me incompetant and liar in so many words and put the phone down on me. I tried calling again and again no-one would entertain me apart from one women who listen to what i had to say but unfortunetly said she could not help. By this time the £40 had expired. I refused to pay it and wrote to dvla as thats what the lady told me to do. I heard nothing back from that particular letter and then not long after another letter saying i was now with a £80 by this time i was back in hospital so i never got round to it even though i felt why should i pay for there incompetance i did what i had to do just because they lost the forms it wasn't my problem. I was so sick at the time and i could not be bothered with it so i had the car scrapped in the end. I recieved the paperwork to say my car had been scrapped weeks later. But nothing on the fine which i had actually forgot about until recently when someone enquired to me about whatever did happen did i pay it. Now im not sure how this all works with the fine system for somthing like this will there be a warrant for my arrest ?? i never recieved anything about the fine there after the letter to say my fine had went from 40 to 80. Now that had been nearly a year im still at same address i was i did try to contact dvla recently but they wouldnt entertain me. Any ideas or advice what i should do as i dont want it hanging over me as my healths not great these days. I felt like i was being conned into paying for somthing i had allready dealt with originally but no-one would take any notice to anything i said.

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