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let me at'em

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Posts posted by let me at'em

  1. Hi, I am in 3rd month of sick leave from the NHS and awaiting an operation that may solve my health issues, (tumour on adrenal gland causing high BP and chronic nausea) my NHS Trust has just interviewed my grade of management for yet another restructure - the 5th in as many years -and my current post appears in the new restructure but despite being the most experienced candidate and a successful manager, (having been interviewed by email questions, due to my condition) I have been told I was unsuccessful for the job I have been doing for 14 years. No disciplinary or capability marks against my name and apart from this year we have always exceeding all targets - this year is the first year that has not happened, which is in keeping with the national trends. They have offered my role to another manager, who has no subject area experience or specialist knowledge, leaving me 'displaced' and as I am unlikely to get my operation and recover within the three month displacement period - will effectively leave me redundant.


    My Questions are; whilst my sick period will take up the three months do I have to consider lesser, not equivalent roles, if offered ? - I feel they may not want to pay my redundancy. Am I entitled to have the outstanding holiday pay paid to me upon the end of the three month period ? Given the widespread disbelief that I was not given this role, inside and outside the service, including service commissioners, etc. - then if this is some kind of unfair dismissal because of sick leave or politics - what kind of financial rewards are offered at tribunals - don't want to go there if it is not worth it given the stress factors and my health? Appreciate any support/advice or comments you can offer

  2. Hi - first time here so be kind and help me out. Spent last three of four hours chasing one thread after another - fascinating stuff, you guys know your onions.

    My problem is this, back in May06 I took a loan to clear a monument credit card and fine -until Aug 06 when I got a call from the company reporting some unusual activity -they told me that some, 'foreign-sounding' man had been trying to buy airline tickets to Pakistan on my card and they got suspicious - I knew nothing of it and told them such. They said fine and that they would halt the card and montior attempts at future activity. I was told to contact Experian and get a copy of my credit - this turned up and the people who were conducting the fraud had been allowed to 'transfer' the address without my consent to an address in London - I live in Darlington about 250 miles further North. I contacted Experian and upon their advice got them to put a note on alerting other financial institutions as to this fraud and my complete innocence and that any future attempts needed a password that they logged for me. Despite this further transactions were allowed and a month later no-one had actually been to the address listed to 'interview' said occupants that were still using that address to try and get more from my card. The debt they ran up was about £883.

    Sure enough having been assured from Monument that this was sorted and I would not be held responsible - I dutifully received a letter threatening legal action from VIL ltd. I did, before I knew of this site and its sagely advice, ring them and assured them that this had been a credit card fraud, registered with Monument and Experian etc and that therefore they would understand if I declined to pay them, anything, ever...

    They persisted to harass me and then it all went quiet - mostly because my mobile number changed. Then after all this time I received a letter this weekend gone,to my Mum's address where I had been staying in between houses at the time of taking the card out. It says I have 7 days before they will 'recommend' legal action blah blah court costs blah blah CCJ blah blah bailiffs blah blah - no signature or name at the bottom :


    So... do I need to respond at all, do I apply for the CCA ? do I take this seriously, take legal advice? Suggestions please.


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