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Posts posted by gaviebaby

  1. On a side note here have you checked whether or not your account has been accessed at any time for any reason by staff at branch level without you being present or on the phone to them ?


    Do you mean Coop? If so, then I would not know as I have not requested that information. What would the benefit of that be?

  2. Thought I would give an update from this whole debacle!



    I received a call from CEO's team apologising etc etc, won't happen again blah blah.....


    Offer of additional compensation which was duly accepted.



    Within 3 weeks the lovely people at Coop decided they were closing my account as I had been overdrawn!

    No surprise when they authorised CPA's!


    I went elsewhere and the difference is amazing.

    My new bank are very helpful and so far no issues.


    My advice?

    If there is an issue go to the top of the tree and annoy them,

    the response in my situation was quick & satisfactory.

    Closing my account, their loss,



  3. Okay another update! Co-op have decided to let another couple of unauthorised CPA's leave my account. Financial Ombudsman very interested..... so forms being filled out and sent off hopefully later today.


    Anyone have an email for CEO or anyone else who may be cheesed off at their minions unprofessionalism?



  4. Renegadeimp, I was stalling going down that route as once I had brought the transactions to the Co-op's attention they did respond fairly quickly even if I did have to point out regulation to the telephone minions. However, it is clearly shown on my bank statement a number of unauthorised transactions and 'credits' that have been applied when it has been pointed out.


    Would I benefit from informing the FCA? Or would Co-op play hard ball and decide my account should be closed?



  5. Hi looking for some assistance.


    I have been with O2 for quite some time and have had no issues until returning from holiday at the end of July and noticed I had no signal whatsoever at home. My wife has a Virgin contract and it works perfectly, my mother-in-law has a Vodafone and again it works fine. I called O2 who said it may be a SIM card fault, telephone fault, my fault, weather etc etc blah blah. These were all discounted.


    An O2 engineer was outside my home the next day and he confirmed that there was a 'technical issue' in my area. For the past 2 months I have been receiving a call every two weeks or so to inform me that they are having difficulties 'accessing their equipment' and the fault cannot be repaired. I have asked time and time again when they will access their equipment only to be told 'we don't know'!


    I can get a signal approx 5 miles from my home and the TUGO app is as much use as a chocolate fireguard especially when I receive text messages at 3am!!!


    So my questions are can I justify cancelling my contract and/or claim compensation for lack of signal?





  6. Update from post above - spoke to a nice young lady at Co-op who apologised and actioned refunds immediately. Also compensation was credited to my account with the assurance it would not happen again. A couple of days later I received a letter which confirmed all that was said during the telephone conversation. A handy contact name and number, although it is for office hours only..... hence what happened last Friday.....!


    Two further amounts withdrawn last Friday thanks to CPA - the company trying to withdraw refuse to acknowledge any communication etc. Anyway, telephoned the Co-op on Saturday evening once I was aware and informed nothing they can do until Monday morning! Do not think so! Quoted FSA guidelines (obviously now FCA) and pointed out where the bank makes a mistake it needs to be rectified immediately, not in 2 days time! Checked my bank 15 minutes later and money refunded. Short of closing my account, there is apparently nothing that can be done.


    Beware - even if you cancel a CPA with your bank it can still be processed! And do not take No! for an answer - go to the top if necessary!


    I feel empathy for those who struggle with finance and find their accounts cleared by an authorised CPA - its a horrible feeling knowing that your money has been taken without your consent.

    Will keep updating as I progress again with another compaint!



  7. I have to say, the Co-op disputes team are true to their word and I even have had them call me to advise of suspicious activity on my account.


    Any monies taken has been refunded.


    Thumbs up to them:-)! IMO, I would ask to be transferred straight to the disputes team!


    Now to deal with a PDL company who obviously excel in texting, but are sadly lacking in reading emails....


    Will update when Co-op reply to me.



  8. Hi all,


    decided to take control of finances and stop robbing Peter to pay Paul.


    called my bank to cancel a specific CPA and guess what - CPA not cancelled. :-x


    Had a plethora of promises - money will be recalled - won't happen again blah blah blah.


    My confidence in them has plummetted.


    I have made a complaint to the bank - looking for some advice if there are 'alternative' groups/CEO's etc that should be receiving a to-the-point email.



  9. Hi guys,


    Its been ages since we had any formalised stuff, but today we had a nice letter from Blair Oliver & Scott, basically saying you will lose your house, we are coming to visit you (hopefully they will bring some choccy biccies!). Anyone had any dealings? Should I respond in the usual manner by saying I do not recognise who you are and why are you bothering me etc?


    For your interest, phone calls kept coming,but we just ignored them!





  10. This was the last letter sent to BOS at the beginning of December:-

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Re: my request under the Consumer Credit Act 1974



    Thank you for your recent letter sent to me, the contents of which are noted. I appreciate your response to my original letter. However, the reply received by me does not fulfil your requirements under the Consumer Credit Act 1974.


    The Act demands that I be supplied with a true copy of any properly executed credit agreement that exists in relation to the above account. I may ask for this on demand providing that a fee of £1.00 is paid. This fee was sent with my original letter.


    My request remains outstanding. An application form, like the one you sent in your reply, does not constitute a true copy of any credit agreement that may or may not have been signed by me on the opening of this account. An application neither confirms that I am liable for any alleged debt to you, nor gives me any chance to evaluate whether any original agreement was ‘properly executed’.


    I still require you to send me a true copy of the original credit agreement that you allege exists. As you will know, under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, a judge is not permitted to make any enforcement order unless the creditor can provide a true signed copy of the original credit agreement. This means that unless you can produce such an agreement, this alleged debt is not enforceable in law.


    You had until 14/11/2008 to provide me with the true copy I requested. You are now in default of my request. Any account I hold with you is now in legal dispute. Whilst the account remains in dispute, you are not permitted to ask for any payment, nor am I obliged to offer any payment to you. Furthermore, whilst the dispute remains, you are not entitled to charge any interest on the account, nor make any further charges to the account. Additionally, you are not entitled to register any information on this account with any credit reference agency.


    To register information with a credit reference agency, you must have written consent from the customer to collate and share such information. This consent is given in the form of a signed credit agreement, so until you produce such an agreement, you may not do this.


    The requirement for consent to share data is a clear requirement of the Data Protection Act 1998. Any such attempts to share my data without my consent will be met with a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office.


    The time limits, which are laid down in the Consumer Credit (Prescribed Periods for Giving Information) Regulations 1983 are clear. You must supply an executed credit agreement within 12 + 2 working days of a proper Consumer Credit Agreement request. If you fail to comply with a legitimate request the account enters a default situation and if you fail to comply after a further 30 days you commit an offence. If you continue to try to enforce this debt without complying with my original request you will have committed a criminal offence and your conduct will be reported to the Office of Fair Trading, the Financial Ombudsman and Trading Standards. Any investigation undertaken by them may affect your ability to offer credit in the future.


    To sum up, I will not be making any further payments to you until you provide me with the document I have requested. Whilst you remain in default of my request, you are not permitted to take any action against this account. This includes adding further charges and passing any information to the credit reference agencies.


    Should you not have any signed credit agreement in relation to this alleged debt, please confirm this in writing to me.



    I look forward to your reply.


    Yours faithfully



    Is this the correct one to have sent?:confused:



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