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Posts posted by 50plusabit

  1. There a few issues going on here, so bear with me.

    Young guy not uk national , split with his wife uk national and two children. Had been working, but didnt update his visa and passport revoked, for worries of him taking kids. Lost job, hit rock bottom. Claims nothing at moment friends help him live. Has now been granted access to children, and is waiting for passport to be returned anytime !!!!!!(can they do that, not give a time scale).

    As soo as he gets passport he will look for job and accomodation. Will he be entitled to HB and if so will be be able to look for a 2 bed as he will be able to have his kids weekends.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. i recieved two letters today, one for £60 and 1 for £120, with a note at the bottom to say, this is subject to court proceedings. I eventually got through to them on the phone, and they said that it was court fees. Court fees for what I said? They are still investicating the claim. Oh no she said that has all be sorted, they have re-instated your claim and backdated it, you now own nothing except these costs.

    I asked why I am being charged with court costs, for non payment, when they have re-instated it, and it was there fault as I had done nothing wrong?

    She put me through to a different dept, who said a mistake had been made and the charges would be wavered? big deal. I am so angry that this has been going on for over 8 mths, interviewed under caution three times, made to look a cheat. and my elderly relitive was called upon and interviewed by 2 people, and she was so upset, and not even a sorry. These people seem to go for the easy options, its a pity they did not hound the people that have been cheating the system for years.

    I am happy that they have sorted this out at last.

  3. Rather long post sorry.

    In 2007/8 my council tax was worked out and I had a court summons, on enquiring why the summons, I was told I had not produced the correct evidence? I was never asked for that particular bit, but they agreed to stop the court action, and as a show of good will I was only having to pay 50% of the court fees. This was my first time in claiming anything. I had been going through a divorce, and had a mental breakdown.


    Atfer this everything seemed to settle, then the family house was sold and I purchased a place alone in May 08. In Oct I was called in for a interview under caution :eek:. It was alleged that I had not declared my income correctly, I was shown their working, they had taken the money that my partner had taken as part of the divorce settlement, but their argumant was, it was still available to me, I said no it was his settlement that had gone through the solicitors. It took a letter from both solicitors to convince them.


    They then said I had a large amount in my account in 2004 !!!:confused: this was money from a family member who lived abroard and sent the money for me to purchase a property for them to return to. I had to show bank statements/house deeds/solicitor letters to prove this, even though my first claim was not until 2006 :mad:


    Claim was passed to senior member, he said as far as he was concerned it was all up together and he would say no further action. He needed to wait for the transcription of the last interview. This was not 13 weeks ago :cool:


    Four weeks ago I had final payment letter, I rung and spoke to the senior officer and he said he would tell the council tax dept, that there was a investigation ongoing. Then yesterday I had 3 court summons, saying a further £180 would be added to the final amount.


    They even turned up on a elderly relitives doorstep, to check that they had received payment for a car, when I sold the property.


    Should this still be dragging on, is there not a timescale they have to stick to? they give us enough, but seem to do whatever they like.

    I have had just about enough, Im unemployed because of a breakdown, and this constant worry is making me ill.:mad:


    Sorry about the length of post.

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