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Posts posted by apachesquirrel

  1. Don't worry just yet..... I'm one step ahead of you. I had the 72 hour letter, then a week later (today) I received a letter from their solicitor saying that I have seven days to settle the eighty pounds or I'm going to court.

    I wouldn't deal with the debt collector if I were you they couldnt care less, I'm currently trying to get through to the DVLA to convince them they made a mistake. To be honest I don't think they give a **** and are hoping I'll just pay.

  2. Well I sent them an email explaining what has happened, this was passed to the 'relevant section' aparrently and is going to take 10 days to answer.

    However in the meantime, I have received a letter from a solictor on behalf of the DVLA stating that I have seven days to pay the debt, before legal proceedings begin. Can I request them to wait until the matter is resolved? thanks.

  3. Right.... I part exchanged my car in february last year, it was with a large national dealer. I sent in my paperwork, and I have to assume the dealer did his bit. a month after I sold the car, I moved house. I submitted the paperwork from my new car and licence as usual.

    a couple of weeks ago, I get a letter from 'intercredit international ltd' to the tune of:


    'as you have ignored all previous letters, the DVLA is preparing a claim against you the registered keeper of an unliceneced vehicle', should you wish to avoid this action, you must pay an out of court settlement of 80 pounds'.

    It goes on to tell me I'm breaking a couple of registration acts.


    This is the first letter I have had from the DVLA on this matter, I think they must have been sending the 'previous letters' to my old address. Obviously I havent got them, and I havent got my old car either.


    I have written to them explaining what has happened, but received no reply. This feels like I am being fined for a clerical error on their part.... I'm currently just waiting to go to court to be honest. Any advice?


    Thanks in advance.

  4. wow thanks a lot guys I didn't think anyone would reply so quickly.

    They have been calling me everyday, sometimes evenings, sometimes morning, i haven't answered the last five or so (its a private number so I know its them). I will send the letter you recommended thanks again.


    I dont have a scanner, however this is how my letter reads:




    You recently received a letter from us regarding your GE CAPITAL BANK LIMITED account xxxxxx that was a legal requirement under section 136 of the law of property act 1925.

    we are disappointed that you have not acted upon our instructions and contacted our office.

    please contact me upon receipt of this letter to discuss on xxxx


    unfortunately, if you dont call we will take further recovery action. this may lead to the balance being increased through court costs and interest charges.


    we therefore give you the option of paying back the amount xxxx etc.




    This was clearly wrong, I called them immediately after receiving the first letter. Their rep told me the account was on hold whilst I investigated with Debenhams.

    Also, they are saying I already owe an extra 75 pounds 'finders fee'. even though all they did was call my parents where the card was registered and get my number. It must have taken all of five minutes. furthermore, I never once received any correspondance after cancelling the card from debenhams. obviously I thought it was cancelled and didnt worry..... you'd think they would have contacted me when it defaulted? :S

  5. I was recently contacted by LINK financial who claim I had an outstanding debt on a store card which I took out in 2002. I did take out the card to get the purchase discount, then paid it off and cancelled at the end of the month. unfortunately I dont have a copy of my cancellation letter, but I have my bank statements from the time showing my last and only payment to them.

    After calling their office they claim that the account defaulted in 2006 and was sold to them. I have written to the store (Debenhams) who said I would need to contact GE Capital bank. Debenhams have forwarded my letter to them, I have also called them but they say its nothing to do with them and I should contact Link financial.

    I have asked Link and GE by telephone to send me a statement of the account so I can see if I really owe the debt, but they say they don't have it.


    This morning I recieved a 'you have been served a notice' letter saying I haven;t acted on the debt and they might take further action.


    any advice? its not a huge debt but I hate being bullied by these people.

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