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Posts posted by F.edup

  1. Lord Alcohol- I thank you kindly for your reply and advice.

    I have been looking at all the posts on this site, it seems to me that equita is made up of local thugs and criminals that use the law to thier own ends.

    It needs somebody like channel 4 to do an undercover investigation programe just to show how this company works just to get money from people that are down on thier luck, I do know that our poll tax should be paid, but most of us cannot afford to pay as much as they want.

    thank you again

  2. This is my first time here; so if I make any mistakes I'm sorry :smile:


    I was sent a letter from equita :-x last Jan 2008, so I phoned them about arrangements to pay my outstanding council tax of £905, all I could afford was £50 a month (paid by building society cheque each month, the female at equita told me it has to be two payents of £300 and one of £305. I told her that I could not afford that much as I'm a low earner and on low rate disability, she gave me the phone number of the balliffe dealing with my case.


    I phoned him (Kevin) who said that £50 a month is ok and that his office is not in the real world. so each month I paid £50 a month by cheque, I was late by two days just the one month, I wrote to them to explain why and apoligised.


    two weeks later I recieved a letter to say that they were comming to visit me with the viewe to remove certain items from my home, we choose to ignore thinking that the letters had crossed.


    Three days later RUSSEL from equita turned up at my door saying that he is here to remove my goods if I dont pay £810 (£220 he added on) now.

    I told him to wait there so I could phone my wife as I cannot afford to get stressed to too much or I could have another stroke, his reply was;

    'Not my problem mate just give me the money or I take your goods'


    As I phoned my wife I noticed he had walked into my front room, I told him to get out of my house or I call the Police and several friends of mine. he said he would wait in his van, by the time my wife and friends arrived I was so worked up that they had to get my local Doc out to me. between my friends and my wife we got just enough money together to pay him off that evening by credit card.


    This russell never cared once about my health, even when the doctor was talking to me he asked me for a signature from me, neadless to say I didn't sign.


    It has been 7 days since then, I'm back at work but we still have not had the final reciept from this dog face russell in his beat up ford escort white van. (As my dear wife said he reminds her of a London gangster (no disrepects to Londoners) who only wanted the extra £210 to gamble on his familey (the dog tracks).


    Thats it I've said my piece, thanks ;)

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