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Posts posted by seeker27

  1. Hiya Folks,


    I received a letter from Moorcroft's earlier today, its a notice of intended litigation(thats how its worded in the letter). I admit to falling behind with my agreed monthly payments, this being due to me being diagnosed with cancer and everything going to pot! My brother informed them on the telephone of my medical situation and we didn't hear anything until yesterday.

    My thoughts are to write to them and explain why the payments have been missed, and to enclose a cheque for my usual amount as a measure of goodwill and informing them that I will re-start the monthly payments.

    My operation to remove my tumor is next week and then hopefully life will return to normality!

    I would appreciate any advice given, so know I await your input.





  2. sillygirl1,


    forgot to mention that I do owe UU the money:-(


    however, the quality of our drinking water is disgraceful, as we have had it tested(I must find the photo and show how bad it is - we purchased a water filter system which also removes fluoride).


    I will research whether we do have to pay for water when it is of such poor quality!






  3. Various - The Goth Anthology [/url];2483326]Hi seeker


    Sorry to hear about your health problems, good luck with the op


    Hope the following is of use . .



    Debt collection & Default Guidelines


    In attempting to carry out collection in default payment, members of the association should:

    l) Have due regard and deal sensitively with individuals where evidence has been given, or is apparent that the individual is incapacitated by mental or physical disability


    OFT Guidelines

    Physical/Psycological Harassment


    2.6 Examples of unfair practice are as follows:

    f) Pressurising debtors to pay in full, in unreasonably large instalments or to increase payments when they are unable to do so



    great advice Revanant - thanks! this will be my 4th op for cancer in 5yrs, so I'm an old hand now!!! I even enjoy the damn operation!!! Weird I know!!!





  4. If you've been diagnosed with cancer get in touch with McMillan, they have various people who can help you deal with financial issues and if Moorcroft don't listen to them they will be in big trouble.


    Don't send a cheque to them at the moment, you have a valid reason why payments have been missed and they should listen - are you sure you are actually liable for the debt - Moorcroft have chased me for three debts which were long paid to the original creditors this year alone and when challenged via a CCA request they ran away.


    sillygirl1, thanks for the advice which I will take on board. Also, I'll refrain from sending a cheque! Any ideas on how to word a letter?





  5. Hiya Folks,


    I received a letter from Moorcroft's earlier today, its a notice of intended litigation(thats how its worded in the letter). I admit to falling behind with my agreed monthly payments, this being due to me being diagnosed with cancer and everything going to pot! My brother informed them on the telephone of my medical situation and we didn't hear anything until yesterday.

    My thoughts are to write to them and explain why the payments have been missed, and to enclose a cheque for my usual amount as a measure of goodwill and informing them that I will re-start the monthly payments.

    My operation to remove my tumor is next week and then hopefully life will return to normality!

    I would appreciate any advice given, so know I await your input.






    PS I have now downloaded the UU Trust Fund and will complete and send off tomorrow.

  6. Please please stop talking to them over the phone,

    stop talking to them over the phone,stop talking to them over the phone.


    They will only force you into a corner you can't talk yourself out of. Get everything in writing and don't entertain them over the phone.

    If you get everything in writing at least you have a paper trail of evidence, should you need to.


    Is this the first DCA that has contacted you regarding this debt? If it is, it will more than likely be their own 'in house' DCA.


    Thanks for your advice. I no longer entertain contact with any DCA on the telephone. I admit I did speak once, but it was on my terms - however it was a one off as I have been well advised by the wonderful people on this forum.


    I shall write to both "parties" again as I believe the DCA is in-house - can't remember the name at this time!



  7. Hi!


    I wrote to A&L about four weeks ago regarding claiming back my bank charges as I am on benefits. A&L have so far not responded. However seeing how they have disgracefully treated other people in this thread I am seriously thinking of getting a basic bank account before proceeding further. One reason for me taking this route is my chronic heallth - in a word its dire! I tire easily due to my pain and also the meds I take. I would appreciate any input from some wonderful and kind souls in this very supportive forum.One final question - is there a decent basic bank that anyone would recommend?!?!


    Thanks in advance.



  8. I wrote to A&L over four weeks ago regarding unfair bank charges as I am on benefits. They have not responded to my letter and I am wondering if I should re-send my letter again.


    Thanking you in advance for your advice.



  9. Hi All,


    This is in connection with Council Tax Arrears - which I've now paid fully! I was late with a payment to the DCA and they then put a bailiff on my case! I did get some excellent advice from this forum which was very beneficial in dealing with the (illegal) tactics of the bailiff regarding their fees.

    I wrote to the council informing them of the conduct of the bailiff and DCA, plus informing them that I would be paying them directly(plus a copy of my letter to the DCA); which I have now done and my arrears have been paid in full.

    I hand delivered my letter to the One Stop Shop and have a receipt. This was roughly six weeks ago and my letters have gone unanswered, that is until today when a letter from the DCA dropped through my letter box! A summary of the contents:-


    Dear Mr X,


    £***** owed to City Council in relation to a Council Tax debt.


    1. Offering me a final chance to make a payment to discharge the debt. They may consider an arrangement where appropriate.

    2. They have given me 7 days to respond. Warning me that they will be forced to return the Liability Order to the council with a report to indicate that I have failed to respond to their (this is a LIE as the letter which arrived today was their first response to the letter I sent to them and the council - dated March 25th, 2009)requests for payment(my letter to them told them I would be paying the council direct).

    3. Informing me that I face a court appearance and possible prison.


    I would appreciate advice from anyone regarding what my next move should be. What my thoughts are is to visit the One Stop Shop with copies of my correspondence and the letter I have just received, and the receipt from March 25th, 2009.


    Thanking you in advance.



  10. Sounds like one of their in-house DCAs... what are they called? The 2 I'm familiar with are Security Investigations and Global Debt Management Services Ltd.


    Correspond in writing only....not on the 'phone.


    This is fun...kind of! A&L passed the debt to a DCA. I corresponded with the DCA enclosing a financial statement with an amount I could afford. This has been refused by the DCA!Now A&L are also writing to me about my debt to them! Confused! I am! I will sit down later and read all the letters and respond accordingly. Has anyone else experienced similar?!?!

  11. Alliance & Leicester have passed my debt to an agency after my letter with financial statement and offer.


    A friend has told me that as the original debt in not with the DCA that I don't have to pay the DCA. I would appreciate your thoughts on this!


    I have spoken to the DCA informing them that I will send them a financial statement with an offer. They have requested proof of my being disabled and want a phoyocopy of a letter to this effect. I do not want to send any such documentation as this was not asked for when I applied for the loan, so why should I do this for the DCA? I do have the relevant correspondence, its not my being awkward its a matter of principal and also of privacy.



    Thanking you in anticipation.



  12. An update from me!


    The DCA to which I had been paying £100 a month ceased to deal with me due to my making a late payment, they then sent me a letter from a Mr ****** (a bailiff) with his mobile number to contact; which I did. Mr ****** told me that my balance was £300(roughly)! This was news to me as I had calculated that my remaining payment was £93.50!


    Our conversation carried on with Mr ****** saying, "I'll give you until the 16th April - but I'm putting my head on the block"! I then turned to this wonderful forum and was baptised with wonderful information!


    I wrote two letters, one to the DCA where the bailiff is from! Informing them that I knew my rights and fees which can be charged legally by a bailiff - and informing them that no bailiff had visited my property and no document signed by myself either. I also asked for a breakdown of the charges the bailiff verbally told me of, and I am still waiting! I informed them that I would be paying the council direct. My letter to the council included a financial statement and a supporting letter from my GP, and a copy of my letter to the DCA. This was hand delivered to the One Stop Shop and I have a stamped receipt from the very helpful staff, which I must compliment because they are very helpful - which makes a pleasant change!


    I have received no further correspondence from either the council or the DCA. Tomorrow is the "head on the block day" otherwise known as the 16th April!!!


    I am indebted to those people who have donated their time to helping me, because without your help I would have panicked. A big thanks to you all!!!



  13. The basic rules for anyone dealing with council tax bailiffs:-


    1. Keep the doors locked and Windows closed

    2. Do NOT allow them access


    3. Do not sign anything they give you


    4. Write to the Local Authority by recorded delivery telling them that you will pay £x per month (an amount that you can afford) direct to the Local Authority and state expressly that the payment ONLY relates to council tax arrears NOT bailiff charges. Ensure that you pay every month the amount that you have promised - ideally on the same date every month


    5. It is better to offer and to pay a lower amount than to offer to pay a lot and not pay it


    6. If money is really tight £3 a week is a reasonable payment


    7. Remember that you still have to pay the current years council tax on top.


    8. Remember (with the odd exception) you cannot believe anything the bailiff tells you


    Thanks very much for the above advice. I visited our One Stop Shop last week and handed over my letters regarding the fact that I am paying the council tax arrears directly to the council and not the bailiff(I have copies of what I sent both on my PC and in my filing cabinet). Also included was a copy of my letter to the bailiffs office asking for a breakdown of their charges(£140 for ???!!!!). I only have one payment left, end of April and then the arrears are paid and cleared! I will be glad when this episode has been done and dusted!!!

  14. Hi All,:-D


    Just an update! Sorry for delay but I suffer with my health and sometimes am slow to respond. I have written to the bailiffs regarding the charge of £140.00, I have informed them that no bailiff has visited our home, and that I want a breakdown of their charges. I have not, and nor will I, sign anything which is issued by a bailiff. I wrote to the council informing them of the situation and enclosing a copy of the letter I have sent to the bailiffs. I went to the One Stop Shop personally and have a receipt plus they have put a 14 day stop on the bailiffs. I have paid the £!00 installment direct to the council and will do the same with the final payment due at the end of April.

    I have spoken to a bailiff via telephone - no visits! Remember he said he was putting his head on the line for me! He said he'd contact me by the 16/4, and I would appreciate any assistance as to what I should say when he does phone - or when I phone him!!! As he doesn't have my number! As no bailiff has visited our home, and I am in 99.99% of the time due to my chronic health am I obliged to pay a penny to these parasites?!?!


    I must be honest and say THANKS to ALL who have helped me admirably so far!:-D



  15. If they have never been into your house then don't worry as they cannot charge this fee. ALL bailiffs will try it on, but that is all they are doing because they know they are not allowed to make these charges. Someone will be along soon to tell you how to proceed, as I am still a novice at this, but thanks to this forum and tomtubby I know a lot more about what bailiffs can and can't do.




    and to you also go my thanks! It just shows you what lengths these bailiffs will go to, which is abhorrent. This site is a much needed resource of information, help and support.



  16. To:

    Bailiff Company


    Dear Sirs,


    Re: Account reference.


    I refer to your letter dated (enter date) informing me that your company have been instructed by (enter local authority) to enforce a liability order etc against me, in respect of council tax etc.


    From your files you will be aware that I made an arrangement with your company to pay this debt at the rate of £100 and apart from a payment due in February all such payment have been made on time and I calculate that the debt outstanding to your firm is now just £180.


    The February payment was made to your firm in March and the March payment will be paid by the end of this month. I am therefore NOT in arrears with any payment arrangement.


    Your firm have now used this delay as an excuse to make a bailiff visit and I am now advised that the debt outsanding is now xxxx.


    I wish to make your company aware that I have never had a visit from a bailiff from your company and for this reason the charge that should be made for this unnecessary visit is just £24.50 for "attending to levy". Instead it would appear that your bailiff is attempting to charge me an "attending to remove" charge but this may only be applied if a bailiff has previously visited and levied upon goods. No such levy has ever been made.


    Can you please provide an immediate breakdown of my account to include a copy of the Liability Order as proof of the amount of the debt passed to your firm. In addition, I require that you immediately remove this charge from my account and detailed above.


    I am copying this letter to the local authority.




    Yours Faithfully.




    many thanks for the letter! much appreciated, also thank you for taking the time and effort to help me out.



  17. Have a read of >>>>>This




    Many thanks to you also! It really is appreciated. In answering your first question I cannot with full certainty answer it, I think it may have been agreed over the telephone - the £100 per month installments.


    I have not signed any agreement and no bailiff has entered my home. I shall look through my paperwork to see if I have a written or verbal agreement with the DCA.


    Thanking you in advance.



  18. He is putting his neck on the line as he is attempting to charge you an "attending to remove" fee of £140 !!!


    Before responding with an accurate reply can you please confirm whether a bailiff has ever been into your home and whether you have signed any agreement.


    If not, then this should be ok and easy to sort out. Please do post back.




    Hello and many thanks for taking the time to help an old fool like me out! In regards to bailiffs I can honestly say that no bailiff has ever entered my home and I havent signed any agreement.


    Thanking you in advance.



  19. Hi Folks,


    I received a letter on friday(20/3)- from a bailiff(although it is a photocopied letter with the name and address of the DCA at the top). On it is the bailiff's name, Mr X, and his mobile number. I have spoken to Mr X on his mobile twice, the latest being today. On friday he said he'd ring back, can't say if he did or not; anyway we spoke today.


    The Council Tax Arrears is £500, and I have been paying £100 a month without fail, well until the end of February that is. This due to a number of reasons, one of which was my debit cards going missing and having to be replaced! Anyway I paid my February amount on the 20th March(admittedly 19 days late).


    Mr X has spoken to me on the phone informing me that I owe £320! I responded by saying the amount I owe is actually £180, as when I paid the amount on friday I was told of the outstanding balance(automated machines - hate 'em!). I then went on to inform him that the February payment has been paid and that it is my first late payment, I only have two more left - the next one due on friday!


    I asked Mr X how he arrived at £320, and he replied by telling me it was his fees; I don't know which firm he works for because his letter had

    the DCA's letterheading on it plus his mobile). At this point I broke down because I have been paying the arrears religiously and then miss one payment and suddenly I'm looking at £320 instead of £180! I told Mr X that this treatment was harsh as the DCA did not contact me to ask why I had not paid my agreed monthly amount. I told him I was at the end of my tether and ready to end it all. He then told me he was putting his kneck on the line by saying he'd give me until 16th April,2009 to pay the £320. I said I was not promising anything and would get in touch with Council.


    I have now calmed down but am still upset as everything has landed on me at once. I am not looking for sympathy as this situation is my fault - the late payment - I accept that. What upsets me is the bailiffs £140 on top of my arrears! I havent seen him as he has not been here! We have spoken on the telephone, thats all.


    I would be most grateful if someone can help me with regards as how to handle this. I have read that a bailiff cannot enter my house to collect goods as I owe council tax arrears and not a speeding fine etc.


    Sorry for the length of this post - HELP - I need it now!


    A sad:confused:Seeker27


    PS I have posted this somewhere else....I was in a rush to get this posted that I overlooked this thread. Sorry! I'll see if I can delete the other one.

  20. Hi Folks,


    I received a letter on friday(20/3)- from a bailiff(although it is a photocopied letter with the name and address of the DCA at the top). On it is the bailiff's name, Mr X, and his mobile number. I have spoken to Mr X on his mobile twice, the latest being today. On friday he said he'd ring back, can't say if he did or not; anyway we spoke today.


    The Council Tax Arrears is £500, and I have been paying £100 a month without fail, well until the end of February that is. This due to a number of reasons, one of which was my debit cards going missing and having to be replaced! Anyway I paid my February amount on the 20th March(admittedly 19 days late).


    Mr X has spoken to me on the phone informing me that I owe £320! I responded by saying the amount I owe is actually £180, as when I paid the amount on friday I was told of the outstanding balance(automated machines - hate 'em!). I then went on to inform him that the February payment has been paid and that it is my first late payment, I only have two more left - the next one due on friday!


    I asked Mr X how he arrived at £320, and he replied by telling me it was his fees; I don't know which firm he works for because his letter had

    the DCA's letterheading on it plus his mobile). At this point I broke down because I have been paying the arrears religiously and then miss one payment and suddenly I'm looking at £320 instead of £180! I told Mr X that this treatment was harsh as the DCA did not contact me to ask why I had not paid my agreed monthly amount. I told him I was at the end of my tether and ready to end it all. He then told me he was putting his kneck on the line by saying he'd give me until 16th April,2009 to pay the £320. I said I was not promising anything and would get in touch with Council.


    I have now calmed down but am still upset as everything has landed on me at once. I am not looking for sympathy as this situation is my fault - the late payment - I accept that. What upsets me is the bailiffs £140 on top of my arrears! I havent seen him as he has not been here! We have spoken on the telephone, thats all.


    I would be most grateful if someone can help me with regards as how to handle this. I have read that a bailiff cannot enter my house to collect goods as I owe council tax arrears and not a speeding fine etc.


    Sorry for the length of this post - HELP - I need it now!


    A sad:confused:Seeker27

  21. Hi seeker


    You need to pay off the council tax bill before everything else as it is a priority debt (MBNA can go ....)


    You need some proper advice on managing these debts - if you have not done so, go to CAB or contact National Debt Line (National Debtline – Free, Confidential Debt Advice – Call 0808 808 4000, phone 0808 808 4000) ASAP.


    The income and expenditure statement you have already is a good start. You then need to budget to pay off priority debts first. THese are



    secured loans

    Council Tax

    electricity/gas (not water)

    fines (if any - may not apply but others may find this useful)

    maintenance arrears (as above)

    hire purchase debts


    in that order.


    Anything left over can bve offered to non-priority creditors at £1 a month. THis includes MBNA however loudly they shout. Do not speak to them on the phone but keep detailed records of when they call. THey are particularly nasty to deal with. THe reason they harass and bully you is just because they are non-priority creditors - they hope to bully you into paying them money that would otherwise be used to feed your family or pay priority debts.




    Many thanks for your reply, it is very much appreciated. I am now quite efficient at dealing with these non priority creditors on the telephone, but will in future, ask them to contact me in writing.


    Steven, regarding the credit collection agency writing to me and telling me I have defaulted on my payment arrangements. I did write to the credit collection agencies concerned informing them of this new debt that I had to pay, yet they responded negatively! How should I proceed?


    Also since first writing to the CCA's my gas/electric has gone up, and due to my disability I am having to use the private hire to get me about; which has affected my income and expenditure drastically. I am contemplating writing to the CCA's concerned and informing them of my aforementioned changes, and reducing my monthly repayments.




  22. I have read this thread with considerable interest, and would like to seek advice regarding my financial situation. I am registered disabled and in receipt of both DLA and Incapacity Benefit, my wife is my carer; although we are being told by the Benefits Agency that we need to complete a form to make this official (we had informed the relevant people at the BA and were told they had "sorted" it out for us - they havent!).


    We are a family of three who are on benefits, our daughter is at school and is 13. I am classified as chronically ill and am on first name terms with my GP's, who have written me a wonderful letter supporting my situation healthwise and regarding financial matters.


    I admit to having been foolish to apply for four credit cards, a storecard and a loan. Everything has now caught up with me and I have been dealing with the relevant parties (banks and Credit Collection Agencies),including a financial statement. Add to this I have run into difficulties with a couple of my utility payments, and an old Council Tax bill has reared its ugly head. I have written to and offered monthly payments of £10 which have been accepted by all parties barring the Council Tax arrears; they want me to pay £90 a month! Threatening me with a bailiff if I don't comply. I have so far made one payment, the next is due soon.


    I was told that I have to meet the payment of £90 which is to be paid for in five monthly payments, and inform the others that until I have cleared the Council Tax arrears they will be paid £1 a month; as Council Tax is deemed an essential need. I have received two letters informing me that I am now in default!


    Another I am having problems with is MBNA, who I have written to and spoken to on the telephone; and have just received a letter from MBNA charging me £25 for the privilige! It made me laugh and I jokingly said to my wife that I'll respond in kind and ask them to donate my charge to a charity of my choice!


    With what I've now read about the social security situation I would like to enquire as to were I stand! When I applied for my credit cards/store card/loan I informed each party of my financial situation, and that is that I was and still am in receipt of benefits; they were more than happy to award me the aforementioned credit facilities! Can I reduce the monthly payments on the strength of this, and maybe even have them erased!!! I know I'm asking a lot, but these forums are a brilliant source of information.


    I thank you in advance of your responses.



  23. I have been baffled by the new British Gas Tariffs ! We live in a 3 bedroom house which is insulated (we are renting) and BG supply both electric and gas. Our gas was in credit by a large amount so I asked for the amount to be paid to me as we are (like most people) feeling the "pinch", I asked about the Essential Tariff and was asked if I was on benefits; I answered yes and so the customer advisor told me I would be able to go on this tariff. However, I have been non plussed by what then followed. The customer advisor told me to cancel my standing orders and British Gas would then send me my new monthly payments. What did arrive was a bill for my electric which was around £275 !!! I rang up and was not dealt with to my liking, I was told that they would put me on a pre-payment meter; which a friend told me was not to may advantage. So I eventually arrived at a monthly payment for my electric of £100 ! Which I was told would be reviewed in 6 months, by which time the arrears will have been paid off. Now I feel as though I've been persecuted for asking for what was rightfully mine !!! I pay British Gas £145 pcm for my duel fuel.


    What I'd be greatful for is information on pre-payment meters, and would I be worse off if I went for one? Plus am I being unfairly charged for my electric at £100 pcm, as I am on benefits. I am registered disabled and I am chronically ill, and have a letter from my GP stating this. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, as the stress is affecting my health more; in particular my angina is worsening. This is a genuine request, and I am not after the sympathy vote !



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