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Posts posted by skittles6969



    Comet rang me yesterday(Friday) to arrange delivery of my fixed tv for today. Whoopee!

    Go up early this morning and prepared to get it back on the wall. They arrived at 8.20. Great. 3 big burly blokes to help me lift it into positon. Nice.

    "Sorry guv. Can't help ya. We're not technicians. Health and safety" etc. The 2 guys who collected it didn't mind helping me down with it. But who cares, my tv's back. They left it on the floor, face up.

    Signed the papers, noting to put unchecked on it just in case, and thanked them.

    I was like a kid at christmas. Carefully cutting the lovely brown parcel tape to open the hastily wrapped £1500 tv. Screen intact! I was getting really excited now. Could it possibly work when it went on the wall?

    Then the bottom fell out of my world. Bottom left hand corner damaged. Big flat abrasion mark! F**K! They've damged it! The Bastards! They knew it was damaged. When my brother came round to help me lift it, we stood it up an found an invoice copy from the pickup, with the condition box altered, stating "damage to lower edge due to dragging." I looked again and sure enough, it's been dragged and handled badly.

    The delivery men had made a speedy getaway, suprise suprise, when I found the damaged corner, so I once again phoned customer services. "We'll have to send an engineer out. Tuesday?" I'll have to take time off work, but hell yeah! Had enough now. The repair took 90minutes(Documents enclosed). They had it 2 weeks!

    I'll be asking for a full refund of both my purchase(£1500) and the Total Product Care(£350). If they don't agree, I'll take them to the cleaners!

  2. I bough my 50inch phillips plazma from Comet on 18th nov 2006. Didn't use it till June 2008 (Redecorating). It broke down on 22august this year.

    I did take out a 5 year Total Product Cover though, at £350. Waste of money!

    First visit I was told it needed software update. Bullsh*t. They never rang back when they said they would. They eventually picked it up on 5th September. They don't return my calls and really are ****ing me off with their crap customer sevices.

    I heard they were ****, so have recorded the calls, even one including a woman from the complaints department agreeing that the TCP was rubbish. Nice.

    I'll never buy anything from Comet again.


    P.S. Just sent Watchdog a message about it too. Would love a call back! LOL|!

  3. I took the total product cover out for my 50 inch plasma in Nov-2006. TV just started to play up last weekend. Won't come on. Broken! I rang up and arranged for a visit from engineer. I had to wait a week cos I work. Engineer came yesterday. Looked at tv. I showed him what was, or wasn't happening. He never touched it. Turned round and said it needs a software update he'd have to download. It'll be Tuesday till I get to arrange another appointment for a software update that aint gonna fix it. Then some other men in a big van will have to arrange a collection and ship it to repair centre. I'm wishing i'd have thrown Wii remote through it now, cos this is gonna take a long time methinks!

  4. Hi All,

    Sorry to jump in at such a late stage with this discussion but I've only just found it. I too have suffered with the Argos back burner suites. We bought a Pia early in 2007 but didn't start to use it till the end of July, due to re-decorating. It was stored in the boxes for 5 months while I remodelled the living room. Everything was fine untill I slept on it.(No we weren't arguing, I was working all night and slept on it most of the day). A few days later I got an awfully irritating itch on my back. This progressed until I could bear it no longer and went to the doctors in October. He prescribed some cream but it did not ease the irritation, which by November had turned into a migrating open, weeping sore, covering my upper back and lightly down my sides.

    Also in October I recieved THE letter from Argos asking me to check my serial numbers. They didn't match but I phoned them anyway. All they said was there is a problem with the backs of the sofa/chairs. Nothing about skin irritations. There was nothing structurally wrong with mine, in fact we absolutely loved it, so I gave it no more thought.

    On January 17th this year I went back to the doctors still in pain and discomfort, and genuinely worried about my health. I work as a mechanic and my skin has always been quick to heal and never been affected by any chemicals I've been in contact with. I saw a different doctor who asked all the usual questions pointing to an allergy, soaps and detergents etc. Then she asked if we had a new suite. I was puzzled but answered yes. She asked where from, and when I said Argos her eyebrows shot up to her hair line! She had heard about the reactions and showed me where to look on the internet. I was gobsmacked. While I had been trying to recover from the ailment, I was sitting on the very thing that had caused it, and was continuing to "burn" me.

    I kept well away from the suite for 2 weeks and started to heal immediately.

    In the meantime I called Argos who agreed to change the Pia for a Leona suite. It looked the same in the catalogue but when it arrived it was cr*p. Hardly any padding and sooo cheap looking. The Pia looked classy and impressive compared to the Leona. I called Argos the next day, after my wife came home and burst into tears when she saw the Leona suite, and was offered a refund. They took it away after a week. In that week one of the seats on the sofa sank, and all the arms were floppy from day one. When I dissasembled it for collection I had a look and saw a broken piece of wood across the front. I was disgusted with the quality of the wood used to make it. It resembled packing crate wood. The rough stuff that's not good enough for anything else. The camera came out that time. I'm currently in the process of claiming for damages and negligence against Argos. An area on my back has not healed back to normal. The wife says it feels like.... wait for it..... LEATHER!

    One thing happened that is playing on my mind, and reading some of the posts, I may be right. While the Pia suite was still in the boxes stored in the living room, April 12th to be exact, one of our cats mysteriously fell ill. We found him on the morning with breathing difficulties, and no movement in his back legs. There was nothing the vets could do, suspecting a blood clot caused by his respiration system failing. We had to have him "put to sleep". I held him as he fell asleep, and once he had gone his lungs emptied. There was loads of fluid collected on his lungs, covering me and the floor. I'd guess at nearly a pint.

    Could this be connected to the breathing difficulties experienced by some people? Your thoughts please.

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