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Posts posted by Precious3869

  1. I need to get a strong letter to get my deposit back. I have resided in my Landlord's property for three years. I was a good tenant that paid her rent on or before the due date. He and his wife divorced through this process. I have since then purchased a new home. In his lease agrement his wife failed to give me the second page to the lease agreement that I had to provide a 30 day move out notice. The lease agreement I had clearly stated month to month. I let my closing attorney for the property I've just purchased look at it and he said that I could vacate the premises with a week, two weeks notice, etc.. I was trying to do the correct protocal. The landlord 's wife was suppose as agreed when I first moved in the property to fix the bathroom floor but they divorced before she could repair. They divorced approximately one-two months after I moved in. What shall I do. He has $525.00 of my money and I want it!

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