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Posts posted by SodaO

  1. Hi folks


    Yesterday I was involved in a minor accident. I pulled off from a green traffic light and had progressed about 3 feet when a car turned across the junction from the right. I am guessing they had just missed the green arrow. I was on my motorcycle and swerved to go around them (braking would have meant being rear ended by the car behind me). I would have missed them but they braked in order to avoid hitting a cyclist who was also moving off from the green light.


    All that happened was my left footpeg broke off but it did cause some damage to their rear bumper. I don't want to claim through my insurance because:

    - the damage is way less than my excess.

    - I will lose my NCB


    Another thing - my left foot is a bit stiff and slightly sore (but not broken or anything) due to connecting with the car. Should I do anything about this?


    However, I'm not sure if they will claim.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





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