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Posts posted by ibz

  1. Hi sorry to join in this late but from reading what you have written, I many well have got the wrong end of the stick, but with the charge back, does that mean that all monies were returned to you and that effectively the bailiff company has paid your council tax or did the chargeback only cover the charges that they had put on your account.


    It is not uncommon for bailiffs to take note of all cars in the vicinity and then add them to the levy. I am unsure if it is lawful (in my case it was not!!!) but keep an eye on it.




    Hi Saffronflowers, I only did a chargeback of the bailiff fees that i was disputing.


    A little update: Last night emailed CCS & bcc'd a copy of the ammended letter that Chris600uk kindly posted to the Revenue department at my council and this morning went to my council who confirmed once again the council debt had been paid and the person in the revenues department has put a 14 day hold on the account so the bailiffs cannot do anything, the lady did say that lots of people are having problems with bailiffs and that they are becoming a nuisance.

    She agreed that the liability order has been settled so the bailiffs shouldnt use the councils name/liability order to chase for there fees, she pointed me in the direction of the Law centre who also advised me to follow up with letters to the mayor & local MP as it will help in making the bailiff's think many times before they do anything silly.


    The law centre however seemed to think that the bailiffs could use the liability order for there fees, even though the bailiffs have a walking possesion in place it is highly unlikely they ever force an entry, especially for small amounts and they regularly make up fees & charges even without visiting.



  2. One last thing before I retire, get the bailiffs name and check if he has a certificate to collect council tax for ccs - because if he hasn't he should really be in the **** for this little escapade.


    He knows he hasn't got the right to do this.


    Apparently he does have a certificate but it was issued for him when he was working for Rundle & Co and this company is CCS (but i think CCS bought Rundle & Co).



  3. Well Ibz, a wpa gives the right of entry and if refused they may force entry, and if you try to prevent them they can call for the police to restrain you or even arrest you.


    BUT he can't use an old levy from years ago, because if they don't seize goods listed on the wpa after a period of time they have "abandoned the levy"


    As far as the fees are concerned, he has no right to use the powers of the bailiff to collect them - he must invoice you, and if you don't pay, then he is entitled to sue you in the small claims court - just like you or me chasing money that's owed to us


    How should i proceed with this, should i speak to the council and ask them why are the bailiffs using the original liability order to force me to pay there fees when the original debt has been paid to the council and for them to speak to CCS and also follow up with a letter to CCS?



  4. Technically he HAS seized your relatives cars, and is entitled to take them away unless they can show that in fact they are the owners not you.


    It'll cost about a fiver to have a statutory declaration witnessed by any solicitor - although a sharp letter emailed and posted to the bailiffs should do the trick.


    I thought they can do a check themselves to see who the car(s) belong to, this the council manager said as well. I told him i had faxed and posted them a letter declaring the cars do not belong to me, he asked me to e-mail him the letters again and he will speak to CCS.


    You say for me to speak to them by email and letter but he has given me 48 hours - i am beginning to understand that he cannot use the original liability order to force me to pay there fees.



  5. Yes, the council guy i spoke to was a collection team manager and confirmed they had received payment.


    Originally i paid this debt to the bailiff using a credit card, once payment had gone through, i left it for about 2 weeks disputing the bailiff charges with the bailiffs, letters went back & forth (i always sent the council copies of correspondance between me & CCS), by this time the council had received there money, i had obviously got no where with the bailiff charges/fees so filed a chargeback with the credit card which went through fine.


    So his visit today was for there fees which i had done the chargeback for but he is using the old levy (liability order) as means to gain entry and or push me around and make me pay using cash of which i do not have.

  6. Ok, golden rule, never park your car outside your house if you think bailiffs will be involved. Park it somewhere else, preferably out of sight.


    Thanks, i will do this from tomorrow - but would he still be able to force an entry into my property with the original walking possesion order that i stupidly signed a few years back even though the council say this debt has been paid off. as he is now chasing there fees.


  7. He said there is a Fiat Punto in the drive which is registered in your name, has no finance, has a book value of £1050, will prob sell for less and that he will proceed to take that if i do not pay him the money due in cash within 48 hours.

    No letter was put through the door though for this vehicle only for my dads and brothers cars was (looking at it, it says - Pursuant to the above order, the items listed below have today been seized and will be sold by public auction without reserve unless full payment including all costs are paid into our office by 24th October 2008) - the thing is nothing was seized.

  8. Dear all,


    Please can someone help me as the bailiff has given me 48 hours, he visited today and dropped off an attendance notice, the clearance of goods letter and a new levy on my dads & brothers cars in the drive. I called him and informed him of the illegal levy on cars that don't belong to me and said i wrote to his office telling them not to levy on these cars as i had noticed from a subject access request that the bailiff had paid special interest in them in his last visit.

    10 mins after hanging up on him, he called me back on my mobile and said he has just levied on my car which was now in the drive (as i had been out when he must have called).

    I then spoke to the council who said they will investigate and will hopefully speak to them tomorrow.

    I won't bore you all with the history of my ongoing problems with CCS, but please have a quick read of the following to get a better understanding:




    I did ask the council whether they had recieved the money for my old council tax debt prior to the credit card chargeback going through and they confirmed they had.

    So my question is can the bailiff still use the original levy (walking posession) that i signed many years ago to get there charges back which is what they are now chasing me for also can they levy on my car in the drive without me actually signing the form.


    Please help on what i can do.


    Many thanks

  9. I proceeded with the chargeback on my brothers credit card of there illegal fees under section 15A(1) of the Theft Act 1996, Section 2(1)(b)(i) and Section 4(1)©(i) of the Fraud Act 2006 and copied in the council with all letter correspondance.

    I even highlighted the fact they had charged me 2x £80 van waiting fees on the same day, they then agreed to remove 1 of them (muppets).

    My brothers credit card company have reversed the amount i was disputing onto his card.

    I now await to see what CCS does in regards to the chargeback.

  10. Hi guys,


    Called the HMCS public register of certificated bailiffs to check the name and address of his certificating court and dates of his certificate and they were issued to him on April 2007 valid for 2 years at the Northampton County Court for a company called Rundle & Co, now he is is working for CCS Enforcement services - would his certificate still be valid?


    Then checkd the Consumer Credit Licensing Public Register to see if CCS Enforcement can take credit card payments and they are registered, licence number is: 402533.


    I came across this link:




    Where it says that Rundell and Co have bought out CCS Enforcement Services and that he MUST under section 12 change his certificate to reflect the name change


    Where is this section 12?


    Many thanks

  11. I have read that I can ask for a chargeback form from my brothers credit card company and dispute this amount.

    I came across this post:


    What would the bailiff do once I action a chargeback?

    Would it be worthwhile that I pay the other amount by credit card and claim that back via chargeback as well telling the cc company that I never authorised the 2nd payment. J

  12. Hi all,

    Excellent website that i came across whilst searching for Bailiff charges on Google.


    Firstly Apologies if this is long:

    I am in a really terrible situation. I got into arrears with my 2005/2006 council tax. I started paying the council direct and then found out that because i had missed a couple of payments they had sent it to the bailiffs, CCS Enforcement Services.

    I tried to restart a payment plan with the council but they said they could no longer deal with it as it was with the bailiffs.


    I then got letter from the bailiffs wanting the full amount for both council tax years. I explained to the CCS office that i couldn’t pay the full amount in one go so they gave me the tel. number of the bailiff who would be attending. I spoke to him and he said he would come around the following day. I STUPIDLY let him into the property to discuss it and he left me with a walking order.


    I offered to pay £50 a month on each debt as there were 2 separate accounts (1 for each year) and they agreed, I paid them every month on there website via credit card, however was charged 65p per account everytime I paid this way.


    I then managed to miss a few monthly payments due to financial issues and received a red letter from them stating ‘Removal of goods’ and that they will attend with transportation to remove goods whether I am present or not, with the police in attendance if necessary unless I call them even at this late stage.


    I called them and re-arranged the monthly payment plan of £50 each at the end of each month starting from 30th April on both accounts. I totally forgot the date & ended paying them online from there website on 6th May.


    To my horror I then received a letter saying that a bailiff will be calling with transportation to remove goods, I called the office and was told that no one in the office can deal with the a/c and that I had to speak with the bailiff, I was transferred to him and he would not budge on wanting full payment, I said I couldn’t pay it in full. I just couldn’t get a voice in.

    I spoke to the office again and was told they couldn’t do anything and everything was up to the bailiff.


    Few days later, family tell me someone called but no one answered the door and he posted a hand delivered letter stating: he called today with transportation to remove goods and will be calling back within the next 48 hours unless I arrange payment, He said he wanted the lower amount paid off in full with instalments arranged for the other a/c. I asked him to give me 1 week so I can borrow a family members credit card, he agreed.

    I called him back on Friday 6th June to make the payment as agreed and enquired why my 2 a/c’s have gone up by the following amounts:


    a/c 1: £201

    a/c 2: £201


    That’s £402 added by him, when I pressed him about these charges he mumbled it was to remove car’s, I asked him for a list of his charges and he said he will send it to me when he gets back to his office which will be at 10pm, he sounded very bogus, even after calling the CCS office they said they are his charges and they don’t have a list of them (very bogus).


    I gave him my brothers credit card number, however have read lots of useful info on this website since and was wondering what i can do? Am I able to get the charges back maybe refunded against the amount I owe on the 2nd a/c?


    Even after visiting there website online, my last amount on there states: £703.14 whereas on his letter he wants £904.31.


    Please can anyone help?



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