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Posts posted by amer

  1. Breaking news folks:


    It's official, the OFT never make mistakes and neither does any other financial regulator - hence the complete lack of any financial scandals in UK economic history :)


    The multi trillion bail out of the banks was just an illusion, didn't really happen did it, hence RBS laughing their heads off yesterday when announcing nearly £800M QUATERLY profits for the 1st qtr 2010......yeah they really needed the tax payers help

  2. Hi

    Yes toal [problem] MOJ have issued instructions that creditors ignore the defence that the debt has been sold no such transaction is possible.






    Hi Peter,


    If what you say is true, how do you explain this??


    Lenders are Backing Down?


    Simply went onto their website to have a look....contradicts what you have stated above.


    Plus, do you really believe everything the MOJ say?


    I would say they have been instrumental in the extremely rapid expansion of the whole Financial Irregularity Claims industry.


    You know and I know the vast majority of these companies are clueless and have just been out to rip off consumers - the MOJ must obviously think they are all saints, funny how all the income from MOJ registration fees has kept their response from the fallout very muted.

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