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Posts posted by can'ttakemuchmore

  1. We are printing off bank statements, to show the money was paid prior to them locking him out of his workshop. The bank have sent copies of the cheques to prove they were paid to Drakes.


    I completely understand about the need to have everything in writing, was just so frustrated on Friday as two major contracts have been lost due to him not being able to access his machinery, which is a lot of money lost, and now they have the audacity to ask for their fees to be paid.


    The cheques were sent in the post so no receipt was ever given.

  2. We received a phone call from the Bailiff this morning; the one who changed the locks on the workshop, to inform us that they have found the payment finally. No apology, what a surprise.


    Anyway they asked what we would like to do in relation to the workshop. My brother said as they had effectively served FORFEITURE OF LEASE we didn't have any options. The bailiff 'offered' to let us in if we coughed up the £1900 expenses that they had racked up due to their incompetence.


    I am beginning to supsect that the landlord is unaware of any of this!!!

  3. He was informing them that he is aware that they are breaking the guidelines as to what can and can't be seized.


    A certified bailiff would be aware of this. Forgive me as I'm being a bit slow why would it matter that we haven't wrote to them telling them how to do their job, they know what they have done is wrong, we know what they have done is wrong and the courts will know. Why would a letter be relevant. They are trying to pull a fast one assuming that we are not aware of our rights.

  4. Seems that Drakes have realised that they have made a major mistake and are now fobbing my brother off with 'the accounts department are looking into it' in regards to the missing cheque which they managed to cash.


    He has still not got access back to his machinery which has already resulted in him losing two major contracts. Can someone advise please as to our next step as Drakes are dragging their heels. Do they not realise the effect they have on peoples life's? Also as his landlords allowed the bailiffs access to the workshop although he had been told the bailiffs had been paid does this affect the lease on the workshop, the letter that has posted to the door effectively said they were terminating his right to the workshop

  5. I will try and keep this short and sweet although it is a huge mess made by the bailiff's. My brother fell behind with the rent on his workshop so the bailiffs were sent in. They all came to an arrangement that the £4000 would be paid in two instalments. The first cheque was paid in February but not presented until April, and the second instalment was paid in February Drake didn't present the cheque until April. This left payment due of £500 for bailiff fees.


    They rang my brother last week to say he owed £3500, £2000 not paid, plus the £500 fees and an extra £900 for late payment or some such nonsense, and they would be seizing his machinery which would accumulate in more fees for attending the workshop. The next day they went to the workshop with the landlord and changed the locks adding further fees.


    The upshot is they have had the money, but say there is no record of it, they wouldn't wait for the bank to send the cheque and just went in and changed the locks regardless. The cheque arrived today and they are still saying they haven't had payment and it is up to us to trace the cheque back to their accounts.


    Where do we go now. They have been rude and aggressive with my brother and my mother on the phone. The lady who deals with the cheques in the office has been rude and unhelpful and has refused to even look to see if a mistake has been made in their books. Who do we complain to. Can my brother claim for loss of earnings as he has been locked out of his workshop, and they are coming to seize the machinery this week.

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