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Posts posted by steved7127

  1. Al,


    i agree, the contradiction comes about from my mis representation, I meant that i have nothing left from the business, as in finance, there is no money left in the pot..



    The money that is available is money earned from my job, a total seperate entity to the business..



    Sorry for the mis understanding..



    And is it not either very brave that i stick my head up here OR very damn foolish..


    In any case,


    i ran my business very badly and i as well as the customers lost money.. i want to put that right..



    But i thank you for your input, i did not expect to be met with great response



    Regards to all




  2. thanks, i do need to sort it.. just dont want to be like those bloody crims that steal peoples money and dont give a damn..


    I am going to sort this on sunday evening, just got to get the paperwork sorted to show them, so that i can show who i have refunded and who is still outstanding..


    Hopefully if they see that i have been trying to deal with a stupid mess i got into they wont be too hard on me




  3. wwho on earth said that i was gonna do that, i dont want to go through all that again..


    all i want to do is settle up any debts that are owed to people by myself..


    Legally i suppose i dont have to do so, but not sure about that, i really dont dont care whether i could get away with not paying..


    I took those peoples money and could not provide the goods, I am now in a postion (because i have a job that pays ok and has a bit spare left over) to settle the money owed to these people.


    Did i not say this

    " I have nothing to hide, i am here to get help on how to deal with my problems, and hopefully close my business owing no one any money.."


    so i am trying to get help from you guys to help my consumers to get there money back...


    I know there are ruthless people out there, but please do not judge everyone by there standards..


    I have a family and kids that i dont want to think that i would do things like to people...



    But if i am not welcome to ask questions here on a genuine situation then by all means ask me to leave the forum.






  4. Hobbie,


    Thank you very much for your reply..


    I have been very silly, Naive or what ever you want to call it, when things went wrong i tried to get out of it by giving refunds, but when they kept coming i just buried my head in the sand a bit, panniking.


    i am not a rip off merchant and want to sort this mess out..


    I have been stupid thinking it will sort itself out and deserve what i get, i feel really bad, but hopefully all will get sorted.




  5. Hi all,


    Please be gentle with as my problem is the opposite of what you are all having issues with, or should i say i could be one of the culprits..



    I had an ebay store called computer and consoles, where i repaired and sold refurbished nintendo DS and DS lite consoles and all PC requirements..


    Due to some delivery issues during the postal strike last year and complaints, my paypal account was frozen, which left me in a veritable mess as my suppliers in china would not deal in anything other..


    I was very Naive and thought that this situation would be sorted very quickly, but unfortunatly for me it was not and i still 6 months later have no paypal account, my ebay account is now shut, and i have customers who demanded refunds, i have been trying to pay them best i can.


    i find that paypal have locked the money in my account for 180 days and all monies that i have had in from the business have gone out to pay as many refunds as i could..


    My problem is that i have one customer that i promised to pay in December (i know that is a long time, and yes i could have paid it by now), But completley missed that i had not refunded her, i thought i had sent a cheque and with no contact until now had forgotten about it..


    This evening i have recieved a phone call from the police and asked to go to the station to explain myself.. I did not and am not going to dispute it, and will give a full refund to the lady, but does anyone know what i may be in for as i dont make a habit of being a very naive business man.. I want to make this as swift as possible, accept any punishment that is coming my way.


    Is there any best course of action, should i take the refund and a letter of appology with me. i really dont know what to expect,


    Thank you for any advice you can give, and i really would be greatful for constuctive advice, as my business is now closed and after paying off the debts i really have nothing left to pay people, but feel it only right to make sure people are not out of pocket because of my mistakes







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