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Posts posted by 123FFS781

  1. I forgot to add that during the check-out inventory, the letting agent told us that our deposit WAS held in a TDS even though at the time of our signing, it was not required.


    Also - this is probably not relevant - but the place has already let to a new family (moving in in a few weeks) who have major plans for renovation and repairs (although not necessarily the parts that were damaged by us). This new family rented the place for 6 months and paid in full up front. So the damage was not so great that it prevents them from letting the property. Again - they do have a right to repairs for damage caused by us - where is the line between "wear and tear" and damage??



  2. Our tenancy started in Jan 2007, we checked out last week. We paid a £1000 deposit. We let through a letting agency.


    Upon checkout - the inventory turned up several causes of damage that were caused by us, but also many small items that were NOT caused by us. (A different person did the initial inventory than then final inventory) Also - in the final inventory - it was shown that the initial inventory was not 100% accurate and complete as several things (large things such as 2 desks) were not included on the initial inventory.


    There were some legitimate damage caused by us which will likely be expensive to repair (damage to hardwood floors, etc.)


    If the damage turns out to be MORE than the £1000 paid - what will or can the landlord do? I think our portion of the damage would be £800-1000 but all the other damage listed which is NOT attributable to us, I'm afraid they could come after us for that money as well. If the inventory is shown to be inaccurate in some (obvious) places, will it be assumed to be unreliable overall?



  3. After being evicted from our home (for the sole purpose that they found someone who wanted to rent for a longer period) we scrambled to find and new place and now that we have, the new letting agent runs a reference check on us. Part of the is our bank details (not a problem) part is employer check (also not a problem) but the third part is a check with our current/previous landlord. This current/previous landlord told me today that I have to go there to sign a form for them to release any information and I have to pay an administrative fee of £20 + VAT.


    Can they really force me to pay this???

  4. We had whatever is typical. AST I think? With a 6 month fixed period - then month-to-month after that. They gave us 2 months notice. I *think* the notice is OK - but if it isn't I'd be glad to hear that. Also - We are supposed to have an electrical inspection once per year and we have not had one since the tenancy began (Feb 07). They've had a contractor out here twice to complete it but it never got done as the contractor said it would be a bigger job than anticipated and I guess the landlord didn't want to pay.


    I'm not truly concerned about anything but again - everything is ammunition at this point to ensure we don't get screwed even further

    (pardon my American);-)

  5. Hello all. What a useful forum I've stumbled across. Got to love Google!


    Here is my problem:


    We are American expats living here on a 2 year assignment. We've lived in our house for about 16 months. We believed we were going to be relocated to another country this summer and we mentioned this to our landlord once when they were here to fix the heating. About 2 weeks ago, I got a call from our Letting Agent saying they heard we were leaving in July and could they show the property. We agreed and showed the property graciously the following Monday (early May). On Friday - we received our "eviction notice" giving us the required 2 months notice and we are to be out by end of June. We were shocked and angry as we hadn't planned to leave the country until mid July (after school got out) and now were being forced to find alternative accomodation for those 3 weeks.


    We even spoke to the new tenants (who lied to our faces) and told us that they were not in a hurry to move it. So then we asked the Letting Agent to ask the landlord to consider allowing us to stay until mod-July so our kids could finish up at school. That request was denied.


    I was so upset that no one ever asked us when we were leaving. That the letting agent showed our house to someone they KNEW needed a place by July 1 and never asked when we would be leaving. And that the new renters lied to my face about their desire to move in by July 1. We NEVER gave the landlord formal notice that we were leaving in July - just an offhand comment. Lesson learned - believe me. None of that is particularly relevant but it may clue you in to my state of mind.


    So, now I've learned that we are NOT leaving the country. We have found a new place and want to move in asap (as it is half the price of our current place).


    From what I've read - I can notify the Letting agent of our departure with virtually no notice - correct? Since they've already kicked us out?


    Also - I've canceled the S.O. paying the rent so next week when my rent payment is not made - I'm sure the Letting Agent will contact me. I'm thinking of staying until June 15 - giving us ample time to move out. Not cleaning or mowing or anything and allowing the Letting Agent to use my deposit (£1600) for the last months rent (£1500) and covering those costs. We haven't trashed the place and we won't be sabotaging anything or stealing anything. I just want to give them a small dose of their own medicine - that of total disregard of common courtesy.


    Can they come after me for anything that the deposit money doesn't cover? (We have a large lawn and mowing alone could be over £100.)

    Please bear in mind that I am not a UK citizen and therefore not terribly concerned about my UK credit rating.


    Thanks in advance for your advice.

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