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Posts posted by SklyaFett

  1. Also a cut in fuel duty will allow people, usually the more wealthy, to use their cars more. Not to single anyone out here but is it really vital that people get to use a Nissan Skyline more often ? You will remove money from the puplic purse to pay for this. The environmentalists will push this. The public will see lower fuel and more X5s on the road whilst pensioners and the poor suffering fuel poverty still won't get the heating they need because the money will not be available.


    I am not a green meany, I am a car enthusiast.





    mmmmmmmmmm...................................... do nothing and pay more............. nice. But if we protest and prices go down we are all better off.

    Car enthusiast i think not. Lazy middle aged man who has got so used to being shafted that hes does not notice when it gets worse. And this goes for most of the UK public.


    Sit by and do nothing and prices go up and up. Say something or do something and we have a chance of it not going up so much. Its make me laugh when i listen to people who will do nothing. :mad:

  2. Hi im new to this forum. I'm part of a car club who are sick and tired of fuel and tax. We are wanting to put our voices with other people and protest. I think protesting with the lorry drivers is the way forward. I really think we need to bring the country to its knees before the government will listen. I am part of two forums GT-R Register - Official Nissan Skyline and GTR Owners Club forum - Powered by vBulletin and Skyline Owners Forum - A Nissan Skyline Enthusiast Community I have started posts on both websites and i am getting good interest and support for a mass protest. I am going to attempt to link with some other car websites and try and get as many cars together. Im hoping it will snow ball and maybe get 2-3 thousand cars on a protest with the lorry's. Thoughts??

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