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Posts posted by Squeaky

  1. Been there - tried that!


    Went through one of those firms who claim to be able to get all your banking fees back. First they wrote to GMAC and we had a standard letter back saying go away!


    After that, the firm got us to sign papers to go to the financial ombudsman but we had no joy there either. The letter from the ombudsman said "The terms of the mortgage offer, which you accepted, provide for the lender to impose charges which may arise during the course of the mortgage, together with additional costs payable should the account fall into arrears." The letter ended "I have considered the papers carefully, including the mortgage offer and the terms and conditions applying to your loan. From these, I am satisfieid that the firm is entitled to charge fees for unpaid direct debits as well as a monthly fee for accounts which are in arrears. The tariff of charges issued by the bank sets out quite clearly what the fees are and I am satisifed that you would have received a copy of this with your annual mortgage statement."


    We tried again using the letters for reclaiming bank charges but GMAC is not a bank so the rules that apply to banks don't apply to them.


    I've followed all the threads I can where GMAC are involved and have not yet seen anyone who has got all their money back. A couple have got something back but at what cost?


    Only one comment refers to getting something 'in full and final settlement' but the firm we went to said this was a 'goodwill guesture' which GMAC are well known for doing. They make an offer well below what you have been charged but it means you sign away your right to any further claims.


    I cannot afford to take GMAC to court so I've given up now and have gone after Abbey instead!

  2. Tried this. Originally she had BG for the Gas and SE for the Electric - so both are claiming to be her original supplier. I did ask for the check to be done and was bounced round the houses - both claimed to be the supplier.


    Ended up - we have written to SE to say that a) she had no new contract or terms & conditions from them but BG had sent this through for the new electrical supply and b) the transcript of the call indicated that the person she spoke to originally had not stated that her verbal 'yes that sounds nice' was a binding contract! Also, there was no mentioned from SE that she had a 7 day cooling off period. :shock:

  3. Hi,


    I'm new the this forum and am asking for some help and guidance. Having recently moved my mother-in-law who is in early stages of demntia, it seems that someone from both Southern Electric and British Gas have been in touch with her and she has agreed for both to supply gas and electric. I'm now in the middle of a bun fight!


    MIL has not signed anything (her previousl contracts were more than 40 years old) and I've been told that her verbal conversation with the 'nice chap who wanted to make sure I was okay' was sufficient authority.


    Is this correct? How do I cut through the red tape and make sure she's not cut off by either and left wanting?????

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