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Posts posted by moocat

  1. HI,

    I have been through similar to this before. Basically if you can go and find 2 or 3 cars the same make, model (basically similar) that are being offered for sale by sellers, and show the Insurance company that THIS is the TRUE market value of your car. ie; what it would currently cost for you to replace that car in today's market.

    Try autotrader, adtrader etc and find the same cars as yours but look for the highest priced ones.

    Send this evidence off recorded post with a covering letter, and ask them what there offer made to you of £300 is ACTUALLY BASED ON??


    Hope this helps in some way,

    Kind Regards


  2. You need to start a DISPUTE via logging in to paypal as the item is not as described - paypal will then place a hold on the seller's account until it is rectified.


    Also you should do the same on ebay, you have about 45 days after auction end to do so.


    Paypal & Ebay (both the same company!!) are a law un to themselves, and have been ripping decent people off for far too long and still getting away with it.

    Hope this my help in some way,

    Kindest Regards

    Lisa X

  3. Hi,

    I really need as much advice as anybody can give me please. Basically I foolishly allowed my now ex partner to take out a re-mortgage on my property which was solely owned by myself. 4 months after the house was re-mortgaged in joint names, and extra money borrowed on top he just upped and left with no reasonable explanation at all.

    I have gone from owing 38k to now owing 72k, obviously I would not have even considered this joint mortgage had I not been re-assured and had some sort of trust in my ex partner.

    I need to know where I stand legally, He does not pay anything to me or the mortgage even though hi name is on it still. I realise that he has to be removed from the joint mortgage, but at present my salary alone is not enough for the bank to consider removing his name.

    My main point is, legally do I have any leg to stand on in terms of the fact that: He committed himself financially to a 24 year agreement, which he decided to just walk away from for no reason at all? He also took with him 3k out of a joint savings account which he was not entitled to in my opinion as this was money which was left over due to the house being remortgaged in both names. I want to take him to court for shunning his responsibilities - Have I got any chance or am I just wasting my time?

    I would be really grateful for any help, I am basically clueless anyway with regards to mortgages and this is the firts and only property I have ever owned.

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