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Posts posted by DianaT

  1. Just thought I'd post an update on the problem my daughter had with Roxburghe. They sent her two threatening letters before she decided to write to them. She sent her first reply by email and followed it up with a recorded delivery letter.


    She modified the template letter from this site, including some of her questions and details, pointing out the Limitations Act 1980 (the alleged debt was from eight years ago) and informing them she had been in contact with United Utilities. She received a letter back from them which said:


    "Thank you for your communication and we have noted your comments upon your account.


    We confirm that all further collection activity has been suspended whilst we take our client's further instructions.


    We shall write again as soon as possible."


    I'm quietly confident that we probably won't hear anything more from them. But if we do I know I can come here for sympathy.


    Thanks to all who gave advice and thanks for the template letter. :)

  2. Thanks dx100uk. :) I am of the same opinion but my daughter, who is disabled, is worrying herself sick that bailiffs will turn up on the doorstep. I am going to tell her to wait it out for a while and see what happens. Hope I am doing the right thing.


    I have been doing some research on Roxburghe and I would love them to start threatening! They would get a good fight from me! :evil:

  3. Please don't shout at me if I'm doing this wrong or posting in the wrong place. :(


    My daughter lived at an address for nine months in 2001.(Address A) When she left she informed United Utilities and gave them her new address so that she could start paying water charges at the new address .(Address B) She had paid all charges, monthly, for address A and then at address B until she moved in 2003. She has never had any other correspondence from United Utilities. The have never told her she was in arrears at any point nor has she ever been contacted about a debt.


    Last week a card from Roxburghe was pushed through the letterbox of address B and when the owner, who happens to be my son, called Roxburghe to find out what it was about they said it related to my daughter. She called them and they said they wanted over £1,000 in repect of a water bill owed from the address A. Since it was eight years ago she no longer has any receipts etc. They claim they have made many previous requests although she has NEVER received any. Nor have any been delivered to address B because after she lived there my son bought that house so he would have known. Like a fool she gave them her present address (mine) and asked them to send details.


    She got a letter this morning demanding £1224.67 with the promise that if she pays immediately she may get a discount. As she owes nothing I wonder how much that discount will be. There was no other detail on the letter about how the debt was supposedly created.


    My question is, does this (phoney) debt fall under the 6 year rule, given that she was a customer of United Utilities until October, 2003 but left address A in Sept.2001? When she spoke to Roxburghe on the telephone they only mentioned address A. Also because she left address B in 2003 she has no documentation to prove she paid the water charges at that address either. The only possible 'proof' she could produce is Council Tax payment records.


    Can she tell them to go away and leave her alone? Thank you in advance for any advice you may give. :)

  4. Hi SusanCole,


    My husband's letter wasn't confrontational. He just explained that he had parked in the bay because he had my daughter with him, she is disabled and has a badge, and our granddaughter and that whilst helping them both get out of the car and my daughter into a wheelchair, the badge must have been knocked off the dashboard. He pleaded that it was a genuine error not to have checked the badge was displayed 'prominently'. He sent a scanned copy of my daughter's blue badge and the ticket and thanked them for their attention.


    My dad always told me that I should be nice to someone and if they're not nice back only then get nasty. Seems Central Ticketing must have appreciated it. So, yes, I'd advise a less confrontational approach but now

    I'm wise to the legalities of this sort of thing I'll make sure we don't pay unquestioningly if it ever happens again and I'm passing the word round to everybody I know and advising them to visit this forum if they ever find themselves 'ticketed'.

  5. Thank you, pin1onu. Again, I shall certainly pass on that advice. We can't really afford to lose an amount like that but hubby is so law abiding that he didn't want any problems, which is why he paid it so quickly. I've been passing on what I've learned on this forum to everybody who will listen so hopefully there will be fewer mugs handing over hard earned cash to these [problematic].


    Thanks to all who have responded to me or who have posted advice to others with similar problems.

  6. Hi all,


    Today my husband and disabled daughter attended a hospital appointment and on the way back they called in at Speke Retail Park and as usual parked in a disabled bay. My husband was a bit flustered as he not only had to get my daughter out of the car but also her rather boisterous three year old daughter. The result was he forgot to display the blue badge.


    The result was a ticket from Central Ticketing which amounted to £61.50 which he payed online before even telling me about it.


    My question is: If he had waited (and read some of the advice on this forum) would he have had a defence against paying the penalty. Everywhere I've looked on here I see advice against paying any penalty issued in a private car park.


    Another question: If he has a defence can he demand the money back? My daughter has a valid blue-badge which she renewed only on Monday.


    Thanks in advance for any advice given.


    Oh, and it's my birthday today so no present - it was spent on the flamin' penalty! :(

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