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Posts posted by serendipityretail

  1. Your welcome, good customer service deserves praise, many businesses do not value this and the effects it can have on their business. I am also impressed with the marketing/PR team you guys were quick to respond to this thread lol. You are obviously on the ball in this area which is very wise. Good luck and thanks for doing the good job that inspired my post above.



    Oh ps

    I forgot to mention in my last post you cannot save your basket with CEX so you need to enter your items and complete the order all in one go, don't go through the pain I had to of entering them all in the basket twice! At Music Magpie you can save it at anytime so you can keep popping back, no problems there.

  2. Hi All


    Firstly I would like to say thank you to everyone who has participated on this thread I found it very helpful when deciding on whether to sell our large collection of CDs and where to sell them. Everything is completed so I thought I would pop back and let you all know how it went.


    We took another members advice on this thread and also checked out CEX. We did find some things we got a lot more money on CEX for and vice versa with music magpie, so I would recommed using both if for a big lot. However you have to pay your own postage for CEX so it has to be worth it. However we managed to change £40 music magpie value to £80 cash and £120 in vouchers so it was worth seeing both sites.


    I was wairy like you guys about Music Magpies terms and conditions as they could easily be abused and you are at their mercy if they say something does not pass their quality control you have no comeback, CEX offer to send the CDs back. However we have just had confirmation that after sending £100 worth of CDs to Music Magpie all of them came back as acceptable, so they have not abused the terms and conditions in this case at all. The same for CEX all came back as acceptable.


    CEX were faster to send the voucher and we don't have the cheque from Music Magpie but the process has taken 2 and a half weeks so far and I am happy with both companies and recommend them fully.


    When selling on CEX I would search by title as they do not pick up a lot of the numbers and you seem to get more on Music magpie for the more obscure CDs, CEX tend to give more for more popular CDs and for DVD s and Games.


    Your standard price for Cds on music magpie is 30p however we got upto 2.95 for some. CEX prices can be as low as 20p but quite a few seem to be 60p which is double that of Music magpie.


    I would say make sure you package them well you can never trust the posties not to throw them about. As we are an internet retailer I was luckily prepared (and have lost enough money over the years with eager posties so extra vigilant) and packaged them tightly together and wrapped the whole lot in large bubblewrap before putting them in the box and labelled them very clearly.


    Anyway thats my story based on this I would say both companies are trustworthy and the the whole process has been smooth and hassle free. Good luck guys I hope this helps.

  3. We have had a rather disturbing telephone conversation with Admiral Car Insurance today when trying to renew our policy. We adjusted our policy (my fiancé is the main driver I am still learning) in August to add myself to the policy over the telephone which incurred an extra cost which we paid by credit card over the phone to the representative of Admiral at the time of making adjustments.


    However today when we called to renew we were told that for some reason the payment didn't go through and that they then cancelled our policy (even though we had paid until the end of December on the original policy). Therefore we have unknowingly been driving the car since August without insurance. This was back in August, nobody contacted at any time regarding this matter.


    Therefore if we had been in a crash then we would have not been insured and my fiancé could have been faced with charges of driving without insurance. We have also lost the no claims bonus for the whole year.


    Any advice on how we should proceed would be greatly appreciated.


    Many Thanks



  4. I couldn't get anything from sky as their systems are down, however I did contact ofcom to complain and they gave me the contact information above for sky and stated that the letter needs to be sent via recorded delivery and if you have an ofcom reference then to note this in your letter.


    It looks like we will just have to cancel. It is outrages that they are allowed to breach their own contracts so blatantly and not be held accountable by any independent agency for doing so. Ofcom don't seem to be interested in taking the battle on :shock: just to inform us of skys complaints procedures.


    Now we have to look elsewhere for our broadband which in very inconvenient and timely. Unfortunately I haven't found a better provider out there.


    Also for any of those thinking of moving over to talk, just to let you know when you do you will be charged from BT for your caller display and 1571 service, which equates to £5 per month also, so you don't win either way.

  5. If you supplied your initial and final meter reading they will have it on their records. Be nice to the person you speak with explaining the situation and ask for those readings (for the dates you gave them). Then have a look at the rates they charged for that period and work out how much you used and how much it costs with their tarrif (available on old bills if you don't have them call/write and request copues) then write to them stating the amount you owe them (with calculations) and that you will only pay this amount. If they do not accept this then they will have to take you to court. A judge will not rule in their favour as it is not you who owes the money. Inform them that the matter has also been reported to powerwatch. Request that they confirm acceptance of the amount you have stated, as payment in full to settle the debt, in writing. They will agree as they have no choice but you have to get it down in paper form. They tried to overcharge me and after nearly a year messing about with phone calls I did this and they agreed to my terms within days.


    Hope this helps

  6. They didn't even leave a notice on our car so straight to the £90 and the car according to them was there for 10 minutes £9 per minute, hardly in proportion to any loss they may have received. I called and requested photographic evidence and was supplied with a picture of our windscreen with the notice attached and our licence plate. However this picture could (and I think was) taken on the street as there is no background. This is the letter that has been sent



    Dear Sirs,


    Re: Your letter dated



    I acknowledge receipt of your invoice requesting payment of £90. It seems that you have got my details from the DVLA and I confirm I am the keeper of the vehicle in question. In order to assist you further in this matter you will need to provide the details of the driver concerned. (please provide evidence).

    Furthermore, please advise on what basis you feel I have entered into any contract with you or the land owner and the exact time and duration of the alleged incident. Unless you provide evidence to substantiate your claim against me I shall be unable to assist you further in this matter.

    In regards to the unpaid notice of £70.00 mentioned, this notice has not been received and can therefore not be commented upon.

    In the meantime I absolutely deny your claim that the amount claimed, or any amount at all, is due to you from me. Please note if further correspondence is required and sent from me to you as a result of your failure to comply with the above requests, this will incur a £25.00 administration fee (payable for each letter).



    I have yet to receive a reply (nearly a month now) and believe me should they not supply the evidence requested and I have to send them another letter I will also be including an invoice. This is one of the smaller companies that I have had to deal with trying to extort money and I have never backed down to any of them. You have to stand up to these large companies that think they are above the law.


    Hope this letter helps you in your quest, I will keep you updated as to what happens if anything.

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