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Posts posted by princesstracey

  1. Hi, had a problem with brighthouse and some insurnaces. when i first signed up the insurances were on, i went in a few months later and asked for them to be taken off, showing my house insurnace etc and signed a new agreement. 2 years on i have just found out that only 1 insurnace was taken off and i have been paying £1.80 per week to another one. I have been trying to get this sorted the past 4 weeks.

    The manager is never in, the head office are useless and just say go see them at the store. the manager never calls me back, yet i get plenty letters saying the store manager has tried to call me can i contact the store. they have not tried to call at all. its ridiculous.

    Anyway they have taken off the insurance now but i told them i want to see the agreement i signed as i know i never signed for any insurances. they have tried everything..saying they dont keep copys (which is a lie as its against the law), everything is computerised now..useless as my signature cant be seen on a pc screen. the manger needed time to get it from basement, he would do it that week and give us a call...no call came, i went in on saturday and said id wait while they got it..they couldnt as the only access to basement is through next doors shop and it was closed.

    then manager supposed to call monday...doesnt so i call tuesday. he says that if i come in he will get it sorted and refund the money i have paid to the insurances onto my account (around £160).

    Now that seems like a result and i would have been happy with that if i had not been messed about for 4 weeks and if i had not been ripped off in the first place. It was this manager that signed me up. I cant help but think he is covering his own back here. i know i never signed for no insurances...so is that why they dont want me to see this copy of the agreement? They have tried everything so that i will just drop it.

    Can they just withold the agreement from me?

  2. Called up Mortgages Plc this morning and everything went fine. Paid the £600 and was even prepared to pay the full balance if i could not get some definate answers from them just to put my mind at rest.

    They agreed on my monthly payment plus £80 (which is what i offered before and they refused). My monthly payment is due on May 1st (which i can pay & had budgeted for) but he said that they will change it till 26th may for the day i get paid so i dont have to make 2 payments this wage. That was really helpful. They also offered to out me on interest only for a while but i refused as i can make the payments fully now my curcumstances have changed.

    They are sending me everything out in writing and they are contacting the solicitors today and they will contact the baliffs. I told them i will contact the solicitors and baliffs on Monday myself just to check everything has been stopped.

    All in all they have been really good and helpful today. Just wish they could have been like that the many times i called before.

    Thank you for your help. this site really helped me and made a difference. I think if i had not said some of the things i learned from here they would have thought they could win in court.:)

  3. received the eviction date today of 9th May 08.

    Started to worry me again. in case they back down out of the agreement on Friday but i called them up again and they said they have a note on their system that says they will put a hold on eviction if i pay 600 on Friday and sort out a payment plan.

    Just worried i guess in case i have to go to court. what if they decided to evict me anyway. i know the arrears would only be 500 by then but its still stressing me

  4. Have called them. They were not very helpful at first. Saying the order lasts for 6 years so is still valid and that they are just going for eviction.

    I asked if they would accept regular payment offers to clear the arrears and she said no, they want full payment before end of April. I said that if that was the case i would have to go to court for an N244 form when i received the eviction date. I said i would pay £600 on friday and that i hoped that would show the court i could was trying to pay off the arrears. She then started listening. In the end she said if i called Friday and paid £600 then that would take the arrears below half and they could then stop the eviction being enforced and set up a payment plan. She also suggested i change the mortgage to interest only for a while to allow me to be able to pay more to the arrears.

    I am going to call Friday and make that payment to them over the phone and set up a payment plan. I will make sure i get them to send me it in writing also once it is agreed.

    I am going to send off the letter today which outlines what i agreed in the call.

    Thank you for your help, i will let you know how i get on Friday.

  5. Have called the solicitors who is dealing on behalf of Mortgages Plc this morning. Basically they can't tell me anything as they have no details except they are being told to enforce the order. Called the Court and they said they cannot check if the order is still valid, i would have to ask the claimant.

    Going to call Mortgages Plc when they open at 9 and see what they say...but i am not hopeful:(

  6. Once this second lot of arrrears are clear you need to get a Notice of Discontinuance which will close the case down and the mortgage company will have to start from the beginning again instead of at step three. Their legal lot will fight this but there shouldn't be too many problems getting it stopped once you have paid up.


    Thank you, i guess i should have done this last year when i paid the arrears but i didn't know this could be done.

  7. thank you. i will do the forms now and the letter. I have sent them letters before but they never acknowledge them so i will make sure i send special delivery.

    Do you know if they suspended possession order stands when i totally honored that order? I have heard that once the arrears are cleared on that order that it can be removed. Does that not count now that i have other arrears. Maybe i am being Stupid but i thought they would have to apply for an order again for these arrears since i completed the other order by paying off all the arrears..and i did so within 2 months.


    My mortgage is due on the 1st of the month (£394)

    On Friday i can afford to pay £700 towards the Mortgage and then on the 5th May i can pay an extra £300. so after the 5th May the arrears would only be £500. I would be able to pay that on the 26th May.


    The last time i went to court i tried calling and offering them £100, £80 a month towards the arrears but they refused, yet when i sat in the court waiting room they came over and offered me £50 a mth so i am just afraid they will not be reasonable and listen to my offers and just want repossession. I owe £42000 mortgage to them and my property is worth at least 100,000 so there is alot of equity in the house. We were going to remortgage in July (starting it in May) to get away from this company anyway. But we have an early settlement fee to pay of £3000 if we do it before 19th July

  8. Appoligies for posting here but i cannot find anywhere to start a new thread.


    I fell behind with my Mortgage arrears in 2006 and went to court in august 2006 (the arrears were £1200 but by time i got to court they were £750 as i paid some off)and was granted a suspended repossesion order on the grounds i pay my normal monthly mortgage payments plus £50 towards the arrears. I paid the arrears off in full 2mths later.


    For over a year i have had no arrears and kept up with the payments. However since christmas we have got had some arrears. (most seems to be costs they are adding at £54 a mth monitering charge) The arrears are £1,189


    I thought that since we paid off the arrears that were on the court order that the court order would no longer be in place.

    However today i recieved a letter from solicitors saying

    'as you have not adhered to the terms set out in the court order, our client instructed us to enforce it by applying for an eviction date to be set'


    The offices of the solictors and my mortgage company are closed on a weekend so i am stressing since i cannot contact anyone. Have tried callin advice centres but they are all constantly busy.

    I have 2 small children and nowhere else to go. i dont qualify for housing.

    I have full time wages and can afford the repayments.

    i can afford to pay the arrears but would ideally need 2 mths.

    How long will i get? How quick will they want me out?

    From what i have read it seems i can get a form and go to court and ask for time.

    I really didnt know this suspended possession order would count for all future arrears or i would never have let it get this bad.

    Any advice would be great thank you

  9. oh and forgot...to get the insurance taken off they wanted me to sign another agreement. they dont tell you that when you do it is basically as if you have just started paying and all the payments i had made over the 2 years were not taken into account. it benefits them basically. Luciky i knew what iw as doing because of something someone posted on this site before and told him i would not sign the agreement unless it included all my other payments and noted that i did not waive my rights to repossesion etc. He was not happy. I had already written it all down and sent off to head office the week before and i gave him a copy to sign and kept one myself. Just incase!!

    I only have £300 left to pay then i am done.

    I have sent a request to head office for the monies already paid to the insurance to be refunded to me, the store manager said it cannot be done so will wait and see what head office say, no doubt they will refuse..then i will take it to county court, even if i lose there its worth a try

  10. I too have had a problem with brighthouse. A few years ago i bought a sofa from them, wasnt a case of could not get credit, just i had not seen that style of sofa elsewhere so i bought it. paid a few months quite easy then went in and paid off the whole balance as i was sick of having to go into town to pay (inconvieniant that they don't do direct debit)

    I had quite a good experience with them so a few years ago when i wanted a table and chairs i got it from them. I didnt have my house insurance on me so they set it up with the insurances on but was told i could go in with it the following week and get it taken off. I totally forgot and so a few mths later i went in and asked to get them taken off. I had a few hours rant in the office until finally they got took off (or so i thought) The agreement was rewritten minus the 2 insurances and i argued for ages to get the £16 i had already paid to them put back on my account in yellow money. Was quite happy it was all sorted and for 2 years i have paid over the phone by card. However sorting through all my paperwork the other week i found the old agreement and thought i wonder how long i have to pay left on brighthouse. it was then i noticed the weekly payments should be £7.19 per week and i had been paying £8.99. i called the store and was told i had 1 insurance still left on there at £1.80 per week. looking into the insurance it covers what a basic house insurnace would. so it concluded they had took off the accidental damage insurance at 1.30 a week but kept on the optional repair at £1.80. why would i only want 1 taking off i said...only to be met with abuse from the staff. i was fuming so i called head office who had nothing better to say than go intot he store and see what paperwork they had.

    So i did, as i said my name all the staff were looking at each other and didnt want to come over and speak. obviously had been disgussing my earlier phonecall. they were downright rude and nasty. I went into the office and spoke to the manager and he said he had no paperwork as it was 2 years old. all he could show me was a computer screen. showing my account when first taken out with 2 ticks on the insurance...then my account rewritten a few month later with one insurance took off and the other ticked. He could quite easily tick and untick those boxes i said...i wanted to see the paperwork i had signed with the insurance marked...i know when i went in the store that day i did not sign for any insurance. i rememeber him asking if i wanted to keep the reapir insurance and i said for a table worth £799 it was not worth the insurance which cost around 300 pounds and hardly covered anything. so either he ticked the box after i signed it or what? only he knows.

    Anyway i aked for it to be taken off which he started to say he couldnt...until i quoted it was optional insurance and renewable every 7 days so i would write a letter now and that was my seven days notice to cancel. They have got taken off but now i am seriously looking into taking them to county court for the payments i have made to that policy for the past 2 years. It is fraud and they should not be let to get away with this.

  11. I too have had a problem with brighthouse. A few years ago i bought a sofa from them, wasnt a case of could not get credit, just i had not seen that style of sofa elsewhere so i bought it. paid a few months quite easy then went in and paid off the whole balance as i was sick of having to go into town to pay (inconvieniant that they don't do direct debit)

    I had quite a good experience with them so a few years ago when i wanted a table and chairs i got it from them. I didnt have my house insurance on me so they set it up with the insurances on but was told i could go in with it the following week and get it taken off. I totally forgot and so a few mths later i went in and asked to get them taken off. I had a few hours rant in the office until finally they got took off (or so i thought) The agreement was rewritten minus the 2 insurances and i argued for ages to get the £16 i had already paid to them put back on my account in yellow money. Was quite happy it was all sorted and for 2 years i have paid over the phone by card. However sorting through all my paperwork the other week i found the old agreement and thought i wonder how long i have to pay left on brighthouse. it was then i noticed the weekly payments should be £7.19 per week and i had been paying £8.99. i called the store and was told i had 1 insurance still left on there at £1.80 per week. looking into the insurance it covers what a basic house insurnace would. so it concluded they had took off the accidental damage insurance at 1.30 a week but kept on the optional repair at £1.80. why would i only want 1 taking off i said...only to be met with abuse from the staff. i was fuming so i called head office who had nothing better to say than go intot he store and see what paperwork they had.

    So i did, as i said my name all the staff were looking at each other and didnt want to come over and speak. obviously had been disgussing my earlier phonecall. they were downright rude and nasty. I went into the office and spoke to the manager and he said he had no paperwork as it was 2 years old. all he could show me was a computer screen. showing my account when first taken out with 2 ticks on the insurance...then my account rewritten a few month later with one insurance took off and the other ticked. He could quite easily tick and untick those boxes i said...i wanted to see the paperwork i had signed with the insurance marked...i know when i went in the store that day i did not sign for any insurance. i rememeber him asking if i wanted to keep the reapir insurance and i said for a table worth £799 it was not worth the insurance which cost around 300 pounds and hardly covered anything. so either he ticked the box after i signed it or what? only he knows.

    Anyway i aked for it to be taken off which he started to say he couldnt...until i quoted it was optional insurance and renewable every 7 days so i would write a letter now and that was my seven days notice to cancel. They have got taken off but now i am seriously looking into taking them to county court for the payments i have made to that policy for the past 2 years. It is fraud and they should not be let to get away with this. Would be good to hear if anyone else has had this type of problem with them too..or any other company.

    If they have no docum,ents that i signed then they wont have a leg to stand on and mt bro in law (a solicitor) says they prob wont turn up in court anyway as they would not want to set a president over this.

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