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Posts posted by Ch3rrie

  1. Hi everyone,


    Me and my partner are members of DW fitness. We have been members for over 6 months now on student memberships.

    We have not been there to work out since July! We have been to swim a few times though.

    My partner got a job that gives him crazy hours so we hardly get to go. We have 2 kids so can't go whenever he isn't working. The gym is also an hour away so we don't get to go much anymore.


    Because it is quite far, we can't easily go and cancel in person.

    If I was to write a letter to them stating my membership number, and all the details I can think to give them would this be enough?

    Would I be fine to cancel my direct debit after I send the letter? I know I have to give a months notice so I won't cancel the direct debit until the November payment has been taken out.


    I would prefer to cancel by email as I will have more proof it's been sent if they try and deny it but I can't find anywhere to do this.

  2. Hi everyone

    I hope you don't mind me just coming in here, I am a newbie and I cannot find any help on this issue me and my partner are having with post office car insurance...


    Our renewal for our car insurance was on the 9th May and a week or so after our car died, we did intend on buying another cheap car as we don't have much money but we have been unsuccessful. My partner phoned post office on Sunday to cancel but he told them he was looking for another car but he wanted to cancel anyway. The advisor talked him out of it telling him he has untill the 16th June when his next payment is to cancel before being charged again. She did also say there will be charges but didn't say how much or anything about the cooling off period.

    So today we decided we cannot find a car and we want to cancel. I looked online and saw they have a cooling off period of 14 days. This 14 days was up on the Sunday my partner phoned them but the advisor said nothing about this and now 2 days later they are trying to charge us £200 for cancelling!!! I wouldn't mind so much if we didn't ring on Sunday to cancel and were talked out of it with no mention of a cooling off period. I also had to mention the cooling off period to the advisor today who did confim it ended on Sunday.

    I told her I am not happy to pay for this as we phoned on Sunday and were not told it was our last day of a cooling off period so now she says they have to listen to the recording from Sunday to see what was said and they will ring us tomorrow between 1pm and 9pm.

    I am so angry at them for not telling us we were in a cooling off period and then 2 days later for them to tell us they are charging us £200!!!! Like we have £200 to throw at them!

    Do you think we have any rights here to not pay this if they phone tomorrow and say we have to pay? Do they have any right to black list us (or something like that) and get debt collectors around?

    Do you think they will even phone back? :( I got the advisors name just incase.

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