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Posts posted by flower5

  1. Okay I am back!

    Update on the situation.

    As my friend solicitor advised I have sent the DC copy of Bank letter confirming that the debt is paid…. Nothing in response….

    Today I submitted all paper work which actually states that the debt is paid to my original lender in full and that all payments made to my bank account will be transferred to DC due my account being closed.

    I don’t quite understand why they still pursuing this. Probably they hope that for some reason I will get scarred and don’t follow it?? !!! I have to send them all copies of court papers.

    Anyway I submitted a Wastes Costs claim as well.

    Now I am thinking to attack the bank itself because they obviously didn’t transfer the money to DC as they stated in their own letter leading to a HUGE distress for me. I am not joking, I actually find all this situation very unpleasant and desperate for someone to take responsibility. As far as I can see it is the bank fault and their sorry letter is not good enough any more.

    will keep you posted.

  2. THx bazaar. I actually called ombudsman but they told me that they cannot help in this situation. They would if it is a credict card but not DC. So, I will contact FOT and SRA as you suggested. And I always send everything by recorded delivery.

    I was looking through other threads and understand that judgement by default is applicable to the outstanding debt. MIne was paid off in full. So, I think it is not relevant in my case. Am I right?

  3. thx Sillygirl. I saw my friend solicitor earlier on and he suggested sending a letter with the copy of bank confirmation that the debt was paid off to DC. Although I phoned them right after I received the court claim and told them that they playing silly, my friend said I need to send a copy of this letter to have awritten proof. I was furious that I still have to justify myself but his point was that if I don’t do this the Judge can turn around and blame me for wasting court time and not trying to prevent the hearing deliberately.

    It just seems not fair that we have to follow every letter of the law and they can just jump on us whenever they feel like it.

  4. Guys thank you very much for your support. I filled a defence already, just filled the court form some time ago. The court didn’t ask for any papers to be presented at that time. I just explained that the debt was paid and I have all paperwork proving it. Now I have a hearing date and I need to supply all copies of my documents week before. So, can I put wasted cost claim with it and how much? As I understand that will be cost of my time I spent on this matter. Is it right?

  5. I am being taken to court by CL Financial for the overdraft/debt I had with HSBC. I have paid this debt in full in February this year but in May I received court papers informing me that CL Financials claiming the money again.

    I am sure that case will thrown out of court because I have letters from HSBC apologising for the hustle and confirming the payment.

    My question is can do something about false claim, harassment, distress and so on this claim caused me. :confused:


  6. Hi Everyone

    Just a quick update. After I sent my settlement offer I received a letter accepting my offer as a Full and Final settlement.

    I did not say in my previous communications (too superstitious) that some time ago I met a woman who at that time was working for a company organising Voluntary Financial Arrangements for people, I think they are called IVA or something like that. She told me that some time these agencies make it worse for their clients approaching all creditors at the same time in the attempt to reduce total amount owed to 25%. She advised me at the time to start from the smallest creditor and offer 25% of the outstanding debt when I am ready.

    So, I did. I offered them 25% and they accepted. One down 9 to go.


  7. Hi havinastella

    Thanks a lot for you advice. I already printed out a letter from your template and will send it tommorow. I know rough figure of everything owed by it always better to know foe sure.

    By the way I found this thread with useful templates if anybody interested ; re: creditors:


  8. An update:

    Just finished my letter:


    my name and address



    Senior Collections Manager

    Re: 00000000000



    Dear Sir/Madam

    I write with reference to the money which you are claiming on the above account.

    I can confirm that I am unable to offer to pay the money which I owe in full. I have been paying £10 every month as a temporally reduced repayment program. Unfortunately my situation is not getting better. Further more, I was getting some financial help from my friend and relatives up to July 2008 however they now experiencing financial problems as well and cannot help me anymore. Therefore I would like to notify you that from July 2008 I can only afford to pay you £1.14. However, I can raise £100 and I want to offer this as an ex-gratia payment in full and final settlement of the account. This offer is made on the clear understanding that, if accepted, neither you or any associate company will take any other action to enforce or pursue this debt in any way whatsoever and that I will be released from any liability.

    I also request that, if accepted, you will mark any entry on a credit reference agency file relating to the above account as "satisfied" in full.

    Payment can be made within 7 working days of receiving your written agreement of this offer and method of payment. This amount is only available to me for a short period of time and I will appreciate if you come back to me ASAP.

    I look forward to receiving your reply.

    Yours faithfully

  9. Hi everybody. I am back; sorry for silence – was stack with domestic problems.

    Things are moving on.

    After my last letter and the offer of £4 as a manageable for me monthly repayment amount I received a letter from Senior Collections Manager stating that they are accepted my offer £40 ( which was the money shared between ALL my creditors). They reviewed my individual circumstances and I am apparently qualified for INFORMAL arrangement but reduced interest rate of 12.69% will be applied to my account anyway. Further more, it says that if by September my circumstances will not change I will be referred to a recovery team who will organise a long-term debt repayment solution with permanently suspended interest.

    What a greedy lot!!! First: they haven’t even bothered reading my letter and just saw first amount and went ahead with it. Second: even if I pay £40 a month I will gain another £450 will interest charges by September.

    TOUGH!! I am not giving up. I have just written another letter asking them to put their spectacles on and bother to read all of it. I will pay £4 this month but if I receive another statement with the interest charged that will be IT. Full stop and I do not care – they can take me to court.

    By the way; about phone calls. My tactic: then they call and ask to confirm my personal information – I say that I am not giving my personal details over the phone to somebody I do not know. Work every time!

  10. Inn the next letter they requested a proof of damage goods. I wrote back asking ‘what damaged goods’ they were stolen, so in a way I could not present them. I sent them a picture of a letter with pieces of paper two months later when I came back from mum.


    Then 5 months later I received following:


    Dear Mrs .....


    To follow up my letter from 00/00/2008, I am sorry to say that my enquiries are taking longer than expected. I am looking into your complaint and I will contact you as soon as I have finished all my enquiries.

    I apologise for the time it is taking to settle your complaint. If you need to contact me, phone me on [EDIT] or write to me at the address shown above.


    Yours sincerely


    Sue McLean

    Customer Service Advisor

  11. This is a first letter I recieved:


    Dear Mrs ....

    Thank you for your complaint about an international Signed For letter, ref 0000000000.

    To help me deal with your complaint, I need further information from you before I can contact the postal authorities in (my country). Please return this letter to me with the following information or items.


    Proof of value (for example, a bank statement or cash withdrawal slip).


    I have enclosed a pre-paid envelope and look forward to hearing from you. If I do not receive a reply from you within 5 working days of receipt of this letter, I will assume that the matter has been resolved and bring enquiries to a close.


    Laura Smith

    Customer Service Advisor

  12. I am sorry for being late. I didn’t expect people will be so interested. Yes it was International special delivery and it was £100 guaranteed means insured, that is why I thought if money go buy buy at least I can get all amount back. Imagine how I felt when they requested my Bank statement. I could send just cash out from my pocket.

  13. I thought that by sharing my experience I can help somebody who suffered from Royal Mail unsatisfactory service.

    I came to UK a while ago but back home I still have my mother. Occasional I send her £100 to help her day to day living. I used to do it through my bank and every time it would cost me £20-25. One day I was chatting to my local Post office owner Mr P. and he told me that I can do it through Post Office and it will cost me just over £4.

    Although it was the best way for my old woman and she wouldn’t need to go to post office (she suffers from arthritis) I new putting notes in letters is a no no. But Mr.P checked it out and assured me that post is guaranteed and if anything happens I will get my money back. Great, I did it there and than. I had to show the man £100 in notes, put them in a special envelop and off it went. First time she got it ok!! Second time instead of money she found paper inside the sealed envelope. Surprise? …… not!

    Next time I saw Mr.P he was very sympathetic and gave me a complaint form which I filled in and sent to Royal Mail Head Office. All of this happened in July last year.

    Shortly I received the acknowledge of my complaint from International department and a request for the photographic proof and my bank statement showing that I actually withdraw the money on the day.

    I was furious; my mum doesn’t have a camera so I had to ask her to send the letter back to me. Thankfully I did withdraw the money on the day (what if I had cash in my pocket). To cut long story shot; Two months later I received a letter of apology that it takes them so long. In December I decided to call them myself and got the answer that because the Mail Service on the other side said that my mum received sealed letter and didn’t complaint straight away my complaint is closed. ??????

    I was so frustrated and even wrote an article for the local paper but just before I was going to send it off I received another letter from Royal Mail International department admitting that they failed to provide high standard service to me. The cheque for £34 was enclosed. Than the letter went on explaining that they could not refund me in full because I didn’t provide any evidence. You can see how I replied below.

    Senior International Customer Advisor

    Royal Mail Customer Service Centre

    PO Box 740

    Stoke on Trent


    Ref: R0000000000GB

    Dear Sir

    I am writing in reply to your letter from 00/00/2008.

    In the letter you are stating that you do not have a Proof of value for the missing item.

    It is obvious to me that the person who wrote the letter didn’t bother to check my file, if there is one. I submitted all requested by Post Office Proofs of value, bank statements and photographs 7 months ago.

    I return your check for £34.00 because I consider your offer as an insult and it is not sufficient to cover my losses. I would like to express that I am completely unsatisfied with the service provided by Post Office and feel upset and frustrated.

    I require repayment in full. If you do not comply fully within 14 days then I shall begin a claim against you for the full amount plus interest plus a claim under ss.7 and 13 of the Data Protection Act 1998 plus my costs and without further notice.


    Furthermore, I shall submit a Consumer Credit Act 1974 complaint to the OFT upon the basis that you have failed to comply with the OFT's direction of 5 April 2006 and are therefore not a 'fit and proper person' to hold a consumer credit license under the 1974 Act. If you do not understand what this means then seek advice from your legal department.

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Faithfully yours

    In 14 days I received a cheque for £107 which was successfully put into my account. It took them 9 months!!!! Never again I will post money in the letter even it's extra guaranteed.

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