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Posts posted by claim_monkey

  1. Hi all,


    I hope you can help. Last year around April I started to enquire about PPI I was sold on a loan on the understanding that if I didnt take the PPI I wouldnt get the loan. I contacted the bank and told them of this. They claim to have checked back over phone logs and found no record of my conversation with the phone assistant and would therefore take no further action. I was given 6 months to continue my complaint/ appeal their decision before the issue would be permanently closed.


    Unfortunately I moved house and began a new job shortly after and all my copies of the correspondance got lost in the move. I've been pretty focussed on work since and this has slipped to the back of my mind until a recent conversation with a claim company who said the bank had no right to decide when to close the issue and I could still claim...


    Does anyone know if this is true? Did the bank actualy just bluff me?


    The claim company in question take a 30% fee (no win no fee) for getting the money back on my behalf... I think I would be around £600 better off by doing it myself if that is still an option?


    The bank in question is EGG


    Any advice appreciated...




    Claim Monkey

  2. Hi all,


    I am in the early stages of reclaiming my PPI on a loan taken out with EGG. The basic premise of my claim is that as a newly qualified student who was a bit hard up for money to pay bills I phoned my friendly online bank to see if I could extend my credit card overdraft to pay some bills (Stupid I know but I was young and desperate!) The assistant on the end of the phone said that they may be able to help me more and would ring back in a short while...


    ... upon ringing back I was informed that I was eligible for a loan from EGG to consolidate all my debts into one payment. "Great" I thought, but there was a catch... I had to sign up for payment protection as my credit rating was not good enough as I was only just out of University.


    Needless to say I took the loan and PPI as it was going to help me out of a tight spot. It is only recently that I have found out that PPI cannot be sold as a condition of being accepted for a loan and have written to EGG asking for this to be refunded (as I have never needed this protection)


    I have received a reply stating that they have been unable to trace the original phone call (possibly because it was an outgoing call made to me!) and that I should have used my 30 day cooling off period to cancel the policy from my loan!


    Does anyone have any advice on where to go next for the best results? I know that I can contact the financial ombudsman services but is there another route I should be taking at the same time?


    Any advice in this would be great



    Many thanks in advance




  3. Thanks Saintly_1,


    I certainly would like to have the whole amount!


    I like your idea of the letter of partial settlement. ( I wasnot aware that this could be an option!)


    To expand on the details of the letter there is a section that states that the OFT set a threshold of £12. It also says that the OFT would not proceed against the bank as they reduces their charges from £20 to £16 (which represents the £4 difference per default charge on my account)


    Is this right?



  4. Hi all, I hope you may be able to give me some advice...


    I am in the process of claiming for my credit card charges back from a well known internet bank. The claim is for £770 (including the £10 for my statements)


    I received the standard letter disputing my claims and was in the process of writing the final letter before action when I was sent a follow up letter offering me £152.00 as a full and final settlement of my complaint. (to be accepted withing 14 days)


    I believe that credit card complaints are different to bank account charges but can't seem to get my head around the finite points. Any advice would be great. Do I settle or is this an admission that they are in the wrong and my claim is valid?


    Many thanks



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