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Posts posted by notaveryhappybunny

  1. I am at teacher in Scotland and the RBS has been coming into schools for years to talk about finance. However very biased. I know some schools have trialed finance in PSE and it is definatley something that should be taught. BUt will it make much difference when these companies are irresponsible! I agree with previous comment about educating companies.

  2. To an extent. the phone call I got last night from BG was to say that because EW had contacted them the account had been hold agsin. However when I contacted BCW to confirm this was not the case. EW hands are tied due to incomeptence on the part of BG. Today I dealt with operator at BG who was totally on the ball and gave me a number to phone and this person actually called BCW while I was on phone to put account on hold. When he came back to me he said account had been taken off them back in hand s of BG as EW were involved. So yeah I think it does pay to get these guys involved.


    But I then called same number back to say I wanted this all in writing. And guess what apparently they only do standard letters and I should not have sent any correspondence to any other address apart from their section. this is the first I have heard of this address so I am now resending all documentation for third time to another address. There is absolutely no communication what so ever in there. I think they hope people will just give up and pay up!

  3. Hi been reading through your situation with much interest, I have eventually got BG to get rid of BCW, but am going to solictor tomorrow anyway, free half hour. I am totally appalled by way this whole situation has been dealt with, I have started a new thread if you want to read. Am watching your outcome re court case. Had stinking conversation with BCW this morning. Imagine if I was 80 year old woman on own, would have had heart attack by now. Please read my thread and see what you think about Watch dog!

  4. Hi I am new to forum but have been reading through with much interest. I am in a very similar situation with British Gas for electricity they say I never paid for in flat I moved out of in 2006, they are also claiming I owe them money for 2007 at the same address even although I didn’t live there. The amount they are claiming I owe is £1202.38.

    The first contact about this was at the end of January from Buchanan, Clark and Wells. My experience since then has been appalling. Today I had a break through in that British Gas have cancelled the account with BCW and taken the case up themselves. This is after I got Energy Watch involved.

    Tomorrow I am going to see a solicitor to get some advice as to my rights. When I moved out of that address I contacted BG to give them change of address, you know all the things you do when you move! A week after I moved into my new address I received a letter from them saying that they owed me £532. Now I can only presume that the direct debit payments I have been paying had not been applied properly to my account. I contacted them at this point and that was the explanation I was given and it would all be sorted out! Now remember at this point I am still a customer of BG and was for about a further 6 months until I switched to Scottish Power. At no point was I contacted re this or given any indication anything was wrong. Until January this year.

    I had a really ugly conversation with BCW this morning and was very distressed going into my work. I wrote to Watch Dog to see if they will take this up.

    I have not asked them to take up my case, but I really feel that companies like this, especially ones which are providing an essential service should regulated more stringently as to how they operate. It is obvious that not much of their huge profits are going towards customer service, staff training, ensuring that their individual department communicate. It is then the consumer which is suffering. I am lucky in that I have plenty of resources at my disposal to take this complaint all the way and I am not scared as I know I am in the right. I also have all documentation and knew how to prove everything they are claiming as wrong. However this has caused me anguish and stress and has been a daily grind of phoning BG and BCW which I do not need in my life. There are many people that would not be able to cope with this and I think these companies should be held to account.

    I am sure all of you feel the same way. As consumers we have stood up and said no in the past, I think it is time we try to get these companies to think carefully about their systems and procedures. I am feeling so angry just now that I am having difficulty explaining exactly how I feel but I am sure you get the jist.

    Any comments would be greatly appreciated!

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