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Posts posted by rosefx

  1. I have been suspended from work since 24/07/09, on full pay, pending an investigation regarding the below, the investigation has taken place and I am now due at a disaplinary hearing on Friday.


    1..Work performance

    2..Attitude to work collegues and outside contacts



    This has now been raised to Gross misconduct for 1 & 2 and misconduct for 3.


    I have had no verbal warnings, written warnings and was totally amazed at the allegations.


    Can I be dissmissed regarding the above or could it go to a final written warning?


    Thank You

  2. hr have said that if they have to intervene again it will have to become formal, i.e. greivence procedure. all i want to do is get on with my work not cause anyone any problems.


    one thing my manager did say was that i dont talk to her very much, and i explained to her that i cant talk and work, never have been able to, i have been working 34 yrs and have never had this problem before.


    i have worked in the office for 9 months there are only the 2 of us and then higher management, it is the export business

  3. Hi

    I have been having problems for the past few months with my manager, in oct I asked her to let me have 2 different written work procedures, as I didnt feel confident enough to do the job without them. i am still waiting!


    This has caused some friction between us as she keeps saying she hasnt got time to do them, yet she is able to find time to download her holiday photos to her personal computer, take/make numerous personal phone calls, book holidays on the internet.


    We seem to clash now on most aspects of the job, and I was recently taken into an informal meeting with my manager and a HR representitive.


    She has now said that my attitude is now unacceptable and I am causing an atmosphere in the office, also the way I speak to certain other members of the team are offended by the way I speak to them. I have asked the individual concerned and have been told that I havent offended him and he hasnt noticed any atmosphere problems.


    She stays late most nights and told HR it was because of a large work load, she also told them she hadnt a problem at all with my work!!


    I have been advised to keep a diary, but feel as though this could cause even more problems.


    I really need some advise cause I dont know what to do next as i feel that she just wants me out of the office.

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