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Posts posted by CMJAG42

  1. I'm happy with the idea that people shouldn't comment on things they don't know about, but I absolutely disagree that they should "keep their noses out". The police - and indeed the population at large - must be open to scrutiny, and it is not unreasonable for part of that scrutiny to be the alert eyes of the general public going about their everyday business and observing the police and others without crossing the line to harassment, intrusion and so on.


    After all, the police will often act on a suspicion formed by observing behaviour which is or may be criminal or otherwise against the rules. Why shouldn't the general public form similar conclusions and suspicions from observing the police? And if somebody says "why are you restraining this man in this way" you should explain it to them, not resent them.



    Hear Hear!!!!!


    the Police are not above the law. Reading this thread back I note that there are a few 'serving' (maybe!) officers commenting, and I aplaud this as it all adds to a structured and balanced debate.


    The point I was making by my earlier post was that Some not all Police officers, especially in my area of the world have a slight disregard for obeying the rules when it suits them.


    In the current climate of 'Revenue' Policing of the motorist, my feelings are such that I want to pull up to the officer when parked next time and ask him why he was flouting the traffic laws to just pull up 3 miles down the road and sit there (still there 20mins later as I'd returned down the other carrigeway) chatting to his colleague sat next to him.


    I know the Police have a hard job and beaurocracy within the Police for the officers is rediculous but my comments were made about an incident involving a traffic car not a local officer caught up with a burgalry, attack, robbery, etc.


    Maybe if more people started to ask questions the minority of officers who do break the law would decrease.





  2. Hi there, i'm looking for some information with how the building societies collect any mortgage shortfall after repossesion?


    My sister is in a threeway mortgage with her parents on a property that is not in negatve equity! (bliss for some!!!!!) She has moved on but due to circumstance she has become unable to pay her share of the mortgage and her parents cannot cope with the full ammount (this is also an 'Intrest Only' mortgage).

    Obviously she is feeling responsible that the position seems unatainable but one option is that they let the building society have the property back.

    Knowing that the properties generally go to auction, so the mortgage company can realise its equity quicker, means generally lesser figures realised for the property, causing a shortfall

    One option would be to sell the property but as time runs on they cannot afford to pay for somewhere whilst it's on the market. Plus the mortgage company are keen, very keen!!!!!!

    So here's the question:

    Knowing this and going down the reposession route, she realises that she is responsible for her third, how do most mortgage companies go about claiming any shortfall? Is it through the courts? Debt collection agencies?

    And are they generally ameanable to any offers?

    Thanks for any advice or info in advance:)



  3. Hi Penfold,

    Thanks for your outlook and opinion, Yes I DO have issues with them and yes my circumstances have dictated using them too!

    My grievance is more with their account adminsistrators based in Skipton than with Kensington, but not knowing the full set-up of the company prompted my OP! 'A sprat to catch a mackrel' if you like.

    I'd read a post on here stating the above facts so I attempted to glean info from those facts. Thank you, you've at least given me some answers



  4. Well if that is the case, (I'm not convinced he would get away without an MoT if parked on the highway), he could actually tax the car today using the MoT he has for six or twelve months from the beginning of THIS month, even though there is a current tax disc running for this vehicle.



    Unfortunatley he can't as all the Post Offices are linked to the DVLA and they'll question why he's taxing a car he already owns and is registered to him whilst it's already taxed.

    The poster is quite right as to the MOT only legally required to be current on the day the vehicle is taxed.

    As for keeping a vehicle on the public highway without an MOT certificate it is a requirement that any elligable vehicle that is kept on the public highway has a current MOT certificate.

    Sorry but you'll need to MOT your car before you tax it :(



  5. In most instances the Police do abide by the rules where 'standing down' is concerned but in addition to the OP in this thread I'd like to voice my concerns on the subject of the Police in both 'marked' vehicles and 'unmarked' vehicles speeding, pulling from the sliproad straight out to lane 2, etc without any blue lights or sirens displayed.

    Instance: I was travelling out of our local town the other day, on a dual carrigeway (70mph limit) when a 'marked' Police Volvo, launched itself from the on-ramp to lane 2 in between cars causing some in lane 1 to brake. The Volvo increased its speed and was leaving me behind quite rapidly, even though I was travelling at the limit! No sirens or blue lights were displayed. Surely this is against the rules, and who moniters this kind of behaviour, can we as the general public request the officer in question to stop and express our dissatisfaction wiith their conduct on the road. After all if we were doing the same we'd get a ticket!!!!

    PS: the officer pulled into a lay-by further up the road to monitor traffic!!!!!!!

    I await respoonses


  6. I'm new here so please excuse me if I'm speaking out of turn but from the above I observe the following:

    1) The item was sold on fleabay, whether it was paid through Paypal, Personal cheque or Bank Transfer fleabay are obliged to act on an 'undelivered' item or in the reverse case an 'unpaid' item!

    Although as he's no longer registered with them it doesn't carry any weight unfortunately. The point I'm making is that they are the selling agents and they have some responsibility! even if it's just supplying his details that he registered!

    2) The seller has supplied a false address and phone number and is conducting himself over the internet via his e-mail address. The fact that he/she has given false information to the buyer who has transfered the money in good faith, is in itself not fraud but deception. It IS a matter for Plod, it is also up to them, after the complaint has been made by the OP to acertain as to wheather the 'Seller' intended to permanently deprive the 'buyer' of both his goods or the proceeds to pay for them.

    So a very big YES to involving the Police!!!!!!!


    3) I believe, although a very good piece of advice from another poster, it is something that has to be conducted within a certain timescale for a paying bank to re-call a transaction it's already made. 5 days rings a bell with me but I will stand corrected.

    4) there are that many 'ins and outs' to that form I wouldn't put my dogs name on it!!!!!!!!! DON'T SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All in all this seems like a nasty case of 'Rip-off' or '[problem]' and I hope that the OP can gain satisfaction.

    Chris :)

  7. Hi I'm new here and I'd like to say hello to all!!!!

    The reason for my visit and subsequent registration:

    Kensington Mortgages????????

    After reading various threads on these lenders (that word used reluctantly), and there being no shortage of subject matter, I have come to the following conclusions:

    1) They are not the mortgage holder, more like a bond holder

    2) They instill the impression that they are a major lending house

    3) The agreement is not a Mortgage but a (Big!!!!!) Secured loan

    4) They use the same Credit/Debt admin people in Skipton as many other companies and no doubt share information which is contraviening the Data Protection Act.

    5) They look upon "troubled" people as a meal ticket

    6) Their Credit control admin people in Skipton are not governed by the FSA

    These are just a few of my findings and my current difficulties with them are confirming exactly what everyone else on here is saying!

    Can anyone either confirm or deny my current findings, or if they can add any other snippets of interesting info on this company?

    I thank you for reading, and for any other info I may recieve in advance ;)


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