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Posts posted by mm2000

  1. Are there any other bodies I should inform of the situation.

    I've read in other threads concerning CCA Request non compliance that I can use this to negotiate a Full and Final Settlement of the debt. Is this a wise course of action. The only problem I can see here is that RMA claim to be a telephone based agency only and do not communicate by letter. If I were to ask for a F&FS I would not get a letter from them agreeing and saying the debt was considered paid and no further claims would be made on the debt by themselves or anyone else.

  2. I have been paying off an American Express debt to RMA Resolve for about 7 years. Last July (2007) I requested a true copy of my cca as well as a balance of the account. I'd asked them to send this info by recorded delivery and supplied them with a cheque to cover the cca and the cost of recorded delivery. This cheque was cashed by RMA in the space of a couple of weeks. In the time since I had continued to pay the monthly payments but I had heard nothing from RMA. This month (Feb 08) when the next payment was due I sent them a letter to inform them I had given them more than the requisite time to respond to my letter and that I was informing their local Trading Standards Office of their non compliance of my request and no more payments would be paid until they had responded to my satisfaction. I also asked them not to contact me by telephone or expect me to telephone them.

    I wrote to Lancashire Trading Standards (RMA's Local TS) and informed them of what has happened but over two weeks have passed since then and I have not received any response from Lancashire TS.

    Yesterday RMA telephoned whilst I was at work but left a message for me to ring them today (which I won't).

    What should be my next plan of action?

  3. Last year I requested a cca from RMA along with a statement for payments already paid. I'm now at the position of long overdue at 12+ about 3 months. I haven't stopped payments yet or heard anything from RMA. But I'm concerned that if I just cease payment they will be their usual pain in the posteria and make their nuisance phone calls all the time. What action can they or are they liable to take if I cease payments.

    RMA is the only DCA acting on any of my debts all the rest are with the original creditors. Can I request cca's from them too.

    I've been paying reduced payments for over 6 yrs now, but asking for cca's is all new to me and I'm still a bit wary.

    Any help and encouragement would be most welcome.


  4. Citi Financial is one of my debts. All I can say is don't phone them and write to them. If they are going to claim there are any problems you are going to want it in writing. They are very good at changing things to suit themselves.

    They currently seem to think I'm around £50 in arrears in my reduced payment agreement, which I'm not. They are currently "investigating" my claims that I'm not in arrears and have been making my payments.

    My advice would be if you can get another loan and settle this one do it asap. They are an American Bank and seem to think they don't have to obey British Bank Codes of Practice.

  5. Thanks Lulu. I have already requested a cca from RMA Resolve who are collecting an Amex CC debt. But I've heard nothing from them for several months now though I suspect I get the odd phone call from time to time but there is never anyone on the phone when it is answered so we just hang up.

    What should be my best plan of action now with RMA. They claim to be a telephone based company and don't write letters.

    Cheers mm2000.

  6. Hi everyone first post so hope I can find some help.

    Heavily in debt 2 ccj's and making reduced payments on other debts for over 6 yrs, I've been offered some money to help out solve my debt problem.

    I would like to start offering settlement payments (not full amounts) to clear the debts.

    I have tried one debt (Capital One) by offering a settlement of around 40% but they have requested an amount of about 95%.

    Another (The Cooperative Bank) to which I made an offer just before Christmas seems to be showing an inkling of interest. In initial stages of negotiations of reduced payments (over 6 yrs ago) they said they would accept a settlement of £2500 for a debt at the time of over £10,000. At the time the money was not available but now it has been offered to me I have made the same offer to them.

    Coop have asked for 3 wage slips from the past 12 months, proof of mortgage payment and proof of balances owed to other creditors. I can provide a copy of wage slips and the mortgage proof but the debt balance info is going to prove a slow process and alot of hassle for me as alot of the creditors haven't supplied statements in years.

    My question is do the Coop have a right to ask for such info, I thought this was only necessary in the case of a ccj being filed. I need to write back to Coop asap with the info.

    Coop have also asked why I am making this offer as Full and Final Settlement.

    Any ideas or tips on how to word my letter to them would very much be appreciated.

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