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Posts posted by BrandiBroke

  1. I'm in agreement, Lee recently was a fantastic help to my hubby, who'd started being hounded by Westcott on his new mobile phone. (The number had been recycled and they were trying to chase the previous owner of the number!) Lee was very helpful and the upshot is the daily calls and texts have stopped, hubby can now enjoy his new mobile :whoo:

    • Haha 1
  2. Good heavens Babybear, that's madness! I must confess that until this I had never heard of number recycling, never had reason to I guess. Makes me wonder whether anyone out there is using any of my old numbers lol?


    Now then Lee, I followed your instructions and we have sent the email to Vodafone, except that I forgot to put that code in the subject box and didn't include a link to this thread - is that bad? Kids coming in from school distracted me :/


    And thank you for all the help so far :)

  3. Huggys boss, thank you for that letter, it is absolutely perfect and we'll be sending it off to them this evening, they phoned again this morning at 11am. It would seem they are incapable of the simple task of removing an incorrect number from their records, bet they don't have that problem adding a number, huh?!


    Bazooka Boo, thank you also for the links, I'll be using those too, it will give me great pleasure to report them!

  4. Thank you :) All they have given is the name of the fella they are trying to get hold of (poor sod!) Hubby phoned them earlier in an attempt to talk to a supervisor - haha! - and told them in no uncertain terms that he thinks their company sounds incredibly non-legit lol, which the lady on the other end strongly denied... However, she did shed some light on why he is receiving these calls - apparently, mobile phone numbers are regularly recycled and it would seem that is probably the cause of the problem as he's only had this phone a couple of months (new contract). Which makes me think this isn't the end of the problem somehow. After some googling around, I have found a blog/forum dedicated to a single phone number (Westcot) which contains EIGHT pages of singular complaints from people having the same problem! Why am I not surprised?!! Once again, I am disgusted by the behaviour of these DCA's who shouldn't even be flipping burgers (no offence to burger flippers!)


    On a lighter note, I took a look at their website and haven't laughed so much in a long time!! "Integrity", "Ethical" and "Professional" are NOT words they should be bandying about willy-nilly LOL :lol:

  5. Wetcloths are too stupid to be able to read anything you send - they never did with me :( You will get better results by complaining to Trading Standards and the OFT.


    Darn, was hoping it wouldn't have to come to that but I hear what you're saying :( I'm also wondering if we'd be able to report them as nuisance calls to hubby's mobile provider? Might look into that too....

    Thanks for the reply :)

  6. Hi all!


    This seemed minor at first but it's started to get annoying rather fast :shock: The other afternoon hubby received a call on his mobile which he didn't get to in time to answer, however it was an 0844 (or similar) number. He phoned it back and it turned out to be Westcot, chasing someone else, they'd obviously got the wrong number, which he told them and politely asked them to remove his phone number from their system which they said they would (Duh in hindsight lol!) After getting off the phone he also discovered a computer generated message on his voicemail requesting he phoned them.


    Then last night, about ten to nine, same thing happens again. Hubby phones them back, again they tell him the name of the fella they are chasing - that's ok, they're a DCA, data protection means nothing to them! - he tells them they have the wrong number again and asks them to amend their details, very politely I thought :wink: Knew it wouldn't work though and surprise, surprise, another phone call this afternoon which he didn't answer, there'll probably be a voicemail message asking him to call back.


    I figure that it's probably time to write to them and wondered if anybody here had any suggestions on how to concoct a suitably stong worded letter that they won't just ignore? (I'm not very good at that sort of thing) as all it is, is they simply have the wrong number but seem unable to update their system! I realise it's a pretty minor problem but after three days it's getting darned annoying and I'm not sure if it's going to stop otherwise!


    Any help gratefully appreciated :|

  7. Yup Border Collie, I think you're right! I have already advised her to send off for her credit report and I don't think it's going to be pretty either. However, I'm trying not to overwhelm her as she's got a lot going on right now - her benefits aren't yet sorted so she has no money plus dealing with solicitors and the police as he is being prosecuted for the abuse, court case coming up in a week or two.


    Despite all this though, kicking him out was the best thing she ever did, bless her


    And thank you too MrShed :)

  8. Thanks for all the advice so far guys :) It really is a nightmare situation and I'm pretty certain this is just the start of it. She has been with this guy for nigh on thirteen years and he has bullied her terribly from day one. To get him out the house has involved the police and court orders, not to mention a great deal of courage. Over the years he literally frog-marched her into mobile stores and set up contracts in her name, at the time she couldn't say no. From what I understand, these phones were often sold by him not long after.


    It is not known whether he paid anything toward the bills, she certainly didn't as she wasn't allowed access to the bank accounts, he dealt with all the finances. To be fair, a bill of £1700 suggests to me he never paid them a penny :(


    As I said before, she understands she is probably liable for anything in her name and unfortunately I know mobile phone contracts aren't covered by the CCA, hence advice is needed. For the time being I have printed her a copy of the prove it letter, hopefully they'll send her some paperwork and she may find out a little more info regarding this particular debt.


    As I said, I've a feeling this is just the beginning......thanks again folks.

  9. First of all, I am posting this on behalf of a friend who has no internet currently.


    To cut a long story short, she has recently split up with an abusive partner and since he has left the family home, bills are beginning to surface that she knows nothing about. When they were together he controlled all the family finances and denied her access to all the bills, bank accounts, anything involving money, basically! Over the years, it would seem that he has borrowed money in her name and taken out several mobile phone contracts in her name. Some of these she knows about as he forced her into signing the contracts in person, in the shop but others she does not know about as it is likely he took them out online, using her details.


    Today she has received a letter from DLC (Direct Legal & Collections) demanding £1761.24 against a Vodafone account. Not sure really how to proceed from here, she knows nothing about this account but it is possible that they have a signed agreement......


    She understands that she is most likely liable for this debt but is not in any position to pay as she is in receipt of benefits (she has four young children) and not working at present.


    Any advice gratefully received.....

  10. You could always stick this letter in at the same time then :)



    Account Ref

    Please be advised that I will
    communicate with you in writing. I have noted your repeated attempts to visit me over the past few weeks/months and these have been duly logged by time and date.

    Should it be your intention to arrange any furthur “doorstep visits”, please be advised that under OFT rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make an appointment with you.

    There is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v. Sheppard and Short Ltd [1959] 2 Q.B. per Lord Evershed M.R.).

    Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and if you do so, then you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance.

    Yours faithfully,


    Remember - PRINT your name, do NOT sign.

  11. Littlewoods Direct. The only problem we have with them is that we are one month in arrears always - just don't have the extra to pay two months in one go at the moment. However, we always make our monthly payment on time, no problem there, we just happen to be one month behind! However, this didn't stop them continually phoning at all hours, trying to get us up to date. We sent the template harrassment letter from here and they actually wrote back a month later confirming that they'd removed our number from their records and would communicate only in writing from now on (I still have the letter).


    Things were fine until we went on holiday last week and we didn't make our payment before we went. We returned yesterday to see they'd phoned every day, for the whole week! They also sent a letter asking for payment (that's fine, we requested that, after all). We made our payment over the phone straight away, thinking that would be that but no....today they phoned again! Hubby told them we'd paid yesterday and has asked for a copy of their complaints procedure. Grrr! Not sure what letter to send now though, but I'm sure we'll come up with something!

  12. Hi again :) As PGH said, can you post the agreement on here so someone can confirm for you whether it's actually enforceable or not? Just scan it onto your computer, remove/hide any personal details in a paint program, upload it to an image hosting site such as Photobucket then post it here. Lots of DLC's like to pass off documents as CCA's that are nothing of the sort, just relying on the debtor's ignorance of the law, so it's always worth confirming with those that know their stuff :)

  13. Hi Twinkle :) As it was for a loan then yes, CCA them asap, don't waste time with this. Make sure you post it by recorded or special delivery and keep all receipts. After a couple of days you'll be able to go to the royal mail website and track it, print off ALL proof of delivery, including the signature. Don't forget to keep copies of letters sent for your own records. Some folks find it helps to write "PAYMENT ENCLOSED" on the outside of the envelope to ensure the DCA gives it the attention it deserves :D


    Once you have the date it was delivered you may count on twelve WORKING days from then. This is the time they have to legally comply with your request before you are legally entitled to stop payments if they don't come up with a valid CCA. Let's see what they come up with first though, if they do send anything it'd be wise to scan and post it here for the more knowledgeable folks to determine whether it's valid or not.


    In the meantime you should continue to try making the same payments as previously agreed with them. It's up to them if they choose to accept them or not but I'm fairly certain they will. Past experience of DCA's have taught me that they all try this on but they back off if you ignore their efforts and continue to pay as normal. Remember ONLY continue to pay for those twelve working days and only after those twelve days if they DO come up with your original CCA.


    I think I'm as clear as mud, do post back if you're not sure of anything :D

  14. Hi and welcome to CAG :) You've come to the right place for help so please stop worrying, there's lots of helpful folk here. First of all, what was the original debt for? Bank account or loan for example. Looks like you already know rule #1 Never talk to them on the phone, well done on not letting them bully you.


    Dependant on what the original debt was for it's likely you'll be able to CCA them. This simply determines the legal right of the DCA to collect the debt and will put the account in dispute. Go here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/20758-creditors-dcas-letter-templates.html and scroll down to letter N, amend it to suit, DON'T sign it and send it with a £1 postal order to DLC. Edited to add: send it recorded delivery, preferably special delivery and print off proof of delivery from the Royal Mail website.


    Whilst you're at it pop a copy of the telephone harrassment letter in the envelope too, that should stop any further calls, find that here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/letter-templates/131250-dca-creditor-harassment-telephone.html


    Hope that helps :)

  15. Don't worry lottie, you've come to the right place, plenty of helpful folks here to help you through this :) I've had dealings with crapquest in the past, nothing to be worried about, really.


    Now then, as per the previous poster: DO NOT SPEAK TO THEM ON THE PHONE, EVER! They will do their best to bully you into paying more than you can afford, as you've found out, plus the calls aren't generally recorded and they are, in some cases, inclined to bend the truth about what may happen if you don't pay what you demand.


    Cancel the DD with your bank, crapquest can do diddly squat about it.


    First of all you need to determine whether they have the legal right to actually collect the debt from you. You need to send off a CCA (Consumer Credit Agreement) request asap. Go to this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/20758-creditors-dcas-letter-templates.html and scroll down to letter N. Amend it to suit then send it special delivery with a postal order for £1 and DO NOT sign the letter, just print your name. Print proof of delivery from the royal mail website when it becomes available. They have 12 working days after you've sent the letter to comply with your legal request, if they don't provide it you are legally able to stop paying full stop after this time, until they do comply (IF they do, that is). After a further 30 days passes with no CCA sent to you they are commiting a criminal offence if they continue to harrass you for payment :)


    Lastly, go here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/letter-templates/131250-dca-creditor-harassment-telephone.html and pop a copy of that letter in the envelope to stop the phone calls.


    Does that help? Please let us know how you get on :)

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