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Posts posted by wstead

  1. This happened to me. Went to court and got the suspended possession order with some very reasonable repayments. A few weeks later a re-mortgaged and cleared the possession order. My credit was terrible and I’m paying more that before but it gave me a breathing space and got rid of the possession order. Plus I came out with some more cash to see me over.

    I’m now thinking about into going back to my original mortgage company and trying to reclaim some fees.

  2. Mr warrior,

    You have some very interesting logic. I would like to point out the main flaw.

    "When opening an account you agree to the T&Cs. You sign a contract. If you break the contract you want to get away with it?"

    You are implying that if its in a contract its legal no matter what the law of the land?

    Perhaps our local paedophiles should be more aware of this ‘law‘. They could then set up a contract with the children they visited. If they do so, under your logic the contract would have made it legal.

    Or am I missing something?

    Now lets just follow this sad line of logic further.

    If I want to hire an assassin to kill someone all I need is a contract to make it legal?

    Some how I don’t think id get away with that one. Why should the banks.

    Lets just say the banks know they are in the wrong.

    Doesn’t that then mean they are deliberately encouraging the public to sign agreements that are illegal?

    Now to me that would mean they are deliberately contriving to acquire funds in an immoral manner.

    I don’t want my money back because its unfair and iv been stupid. I want it back because it has been illegally taken from me.

    Its the same as someone braking into your house and taking your cash. Its illegal under the law of this land.

    Crimes have been committed against me and I want the perpetrators punished.

    As is my right.


    “Who are the bad guys? The people charging you for borrowing their money? or the person stealing it without permission.”


    You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

    “People need to take responsibility for the own actions. If you spend money that you're not entitled to your gonna get charged. “


    Most of the charges I've had are nothing to do with the bank using their money on my behalf as I've no funds. Most of the time the DD request has been refused and no cash has changed hands. But iv been charged anyway.

    How have I spent money not belonging to me??


    One last thing.



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