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Posts posted by daggle

  1. Have just contacted the HR department and they refered me back to the manager concerned. Spoke to him and he is not interested in any form of deal, I get the impression that he just wants me sacked. I suppose I will have to go through with the "kangaroo court" and wait for the result. Thanks for the replies everyone will let you know what happens.

  2. Thanks for that Big Dub, all along I have felt that this was just the excuse that they wanted to get rid of me. How would I go about this compromise deal? Should I approach my manager or go straight to the HR dept at head office? Also what are my chances of success, do firms do this or would they just bluff it out like they have so far. Whilst on suspension I have felt that they would love me to give in and quit but I have stuck it out, now I have seen the statements made against me I sort of wish that I had.


    Does anyone know what happens about the hearing if you do go sick, does it happen in your absence and therefore go on record if anyone was to ask for a reference? Anymore info gratefully received as I will have to decide very soon.

    Thanks everyone

  3. Hi everybody, I have a disciplinary hearing next week for alleged gross misconduct. The company have followed all the rules regarding meetings and such like but this is the first time that I have seen all the statements from others involved. The problem now is that all the statements contradict almost everything that I have said at previous meetings. This is compounded by the fact that because I work in the motor trade and all the witnesses are sales related I cannot get anybody to be a witness for me. Most of the possible witnesses are sales executives and the company can easily limit the amount of their salaries, so not keeping in with the boss will cost them money. The hearing now looks like being very one sided and I do not hold out much hope of a "fair trial". If I was to resign before the hearing is due would I still have to go through with it, (I have to give one months notice), bearing in mind that I have been suspended for 10 weeks whilst the investigation was carried out. Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

  4. Don't really know what I want yet, only had offer late tonight so have not had much thinking time. New employer knows the full story so could just go and start but I don't like the idea of letting my company think that they have "won" and forced me out. Will sleep on this as I have been doing lots of research both on here and other sites and think I have prepared a good case to try and keep my job. Would constructive dismissal be worth pursueing do you think?:-|

  5. Thanks for that, yes I am on full pay and my notice period is 1 month. In the past when people have resigned they have been let go straight away and have not had to work the notice period. An extra complication is that they messed up my overtime for November and said that they would sort it out in December but I was suspended before this had been finalized, also I was due to take my last five days leave over Christmas but because I was suspended I presume that I am entitled to these days back. (Holiday period runs January to December).

  6. Hi everyone, just before Christmas I was suspended for allegedly breaking the glass in a door on purpose and not by accident. I then submitted a grievance against the management and this has delayed the investigation into the incident until after the grievance has been heard. Today I was offered another job and would like to know if you can resign whilst suspended and what implications this would have on notice periods, holiday pay etc.

    Thanks in advance for any opinions.:?

  7. Hi everybody, just joined this excellent site, not for the bank charges but because I'm having employment probs at the moment. Been browsing for a few months and have always been impressed by the helpfulness shown but have never joined a forum before so please be gentle with me!!!!:)

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