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Posts posted by Crosswire

  1. Two months ago our vehicle wouldn't start. So we signed up to the AA on their basic cover. We had a patrol man come out and looked at our car and he diagnosed the problem to be a 'sticky' fuel pump. Anyway, he gave it a bang, and the car started. He advised that it could be fine from now on, or it may go again, but only noted that the fuel pump was 'sticky' on his report.

    What he advised us to do was to upgrade our membership to include Home Start, and breakdown cover. The benefit of which, he said, was that if the fuel pump, or any other problem arises, after paying a £25 excess, we would be covered.

    Based on this information, we upgraded our membership by a further £150 or so as advised. We continued to use the car as it was starting fine.

    Three weeks later the same problem arose, it wouldn't start. Again a patrol man came out and diagnosed the problem as the fuel pump and could not get it started so had the car towed to a garage.

    A few days later we were advised by the garage that our car was fixed at a cost of £364. When we called the AA to see how we go about claiming on the Breakdown cover, we were informed that as the fuel pump was already noted as having to been fixed at a earlier date, we were not covered. I explained the patrolman only diagnosed it as 'sticky', and he said that we would be covered if we claimed. The AA said no way, and ended the call.

    When I spoke to the garage where the car was fixed they said they have heard similar stories about AA and their breakdown cover before, and that they recommmend people not to take out this cover as AA never honour it.

    When we called AA again we were told to put our complaint in writing. That was three weeks ago and still no word back. So I've sent another letter recorded delivery.

    Any advice on where to go after this if still no response. I've written to AA asking that if they don't pay our bill, then we want our membership cancelled and refunded.

    Anyone else had a similar experience with the AA?

  2. Just looking for a bit of advice with regards to Currys customer service. Back in July we had a Currys guy come round to deliver and install a cooker into the house we'd just moved in to. The guy turned up, walked straight through to our kitchen and immediately told me he would not be fitting the electrics to the cooker and will only do the gas. When I asked why, he said there was not an electrical point for the cooker. I showed him the connection in the cupboard beside the cooker spot (which had also been used by the previous homeowner), but this guy refused to acknowledge it. The guy became increasingly aggressive towards me and begun shouting. I eventually told him to leave my house and asked him for his name, to which he refused to give to me.

    I called Currys who guaranteed the matter would be dealt with in 24hrs. 24hrs later still no response so I called them, only for them to inform me that the order had been cancelled. After numerous phone calls, I managed to get Currys to organise someone else to fit the cooker the next week - fitted in exactly where I said the cooker would fit.

    I wrote to Currys about the conduct of their staff, and the fact that I had to make numerous calls to Currys to rectify the issue, as well as pay for another week of takeaways until our cooker was installed. I heard nothing from them, so I wrote again, and was told they would give me £20 compensation for full and final settlement. I wrote back stating that I didn't believe that was a reasonable offer, to which they wrote back saying they consider the issue finished and if I didn't want the £20 then so be it. I've written two more letters to Currys, and two emails since, but they no longer respond.

    Is there anywhere I can go with this matter?

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