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Posts posted by onecall1

  1. I thought I would give you an update on the situation with HFO. Having requested a copy of the Consumer Credit Agreement for nearly a year. I thought I would give them one last chance chance to produce it as we are only 6 days from trial. Hey presto.................it has now arrived!


    I am not sure if it s an application form as it has none of the prescribed terms and much of it is illegible although I would appreciate it if someone could confirm what the prescribed terms are.


    I have tried to attach the letter for the last hour but have been unable to do so. Technology is not my strongest point. Anyway, at the top of the page it clearly says, Application. There is no account number but further down it does say Consumer Credit Agreement. The paragraph under it is illegible. There are no figures, no terms and no interest rate etc. Turnbull Rutherford have said that they have asked Barclaycard for the terms and conditions and will send them to me but surely they should be on this alleged agreement.


    My whole defence in court was that they did not have a CCL and now I have to try and defend that this is not properly executed and I am not very optimistic that I can prove that. I signed it in 1993. Not sure if this makes any difference.


    I am going to take it into the office and see if I can post it there but I would really appreciate any help as I have to have my bundle into the Court in 3 days.



  2. I keep seeing all the references to charges which I am confused about. I have found a House of Lords Ruling which clearly states that interest cannot be added after default. I dont have time to find it now as I have to get to work but I will post it later.

    Think the idea is great but not sure if we could fight a case like that. They would bring out the big guns. It might be worth contacting Martin ? on GMTV as he is an ambassador for the ordinary people. If he thought it could work he would plaster it all over his website and get some momentum. If 50,000 people put in a claim on the same day, it would cause chaos.................sorry just dreaming again.

  3. I will do that but I want directions from the judge that unless they can provide the CCA (which they cant) that the case is struck out. My biggest fear is that they stump up to court with a fraudulent agreement even though I have asked for it 12 times from Barclaycard, Turnbull and HFO. Vexacious litigant comes to mind.

  4. No HFO Services there. I notice that it states they have no right to canvass off trade premises therefore if they pay a visit to anyone or threaten to do so they are in breach of their licence. My understanding is that they are already breaking the law by not advising the office of fair trading of the new directorship and business address.


    Had to chuckle about the debt counselling.......what a joke. Will let the OFT know their licence needs updating

  5. HFO and Turnbull have been trading insolvently for many years. It is a [problem]. I have followed their accounts for some time and it is clear that they are trading purely to support the parent company in the Cayman Islands to whom the UK operations owe vast sums of money, which is why they run the Company at a loss and pay no corporation tax. I have several times reported this to the Fraud Dept at BERR and Customs and Excise. Surprise surprise.........no-one is interested. If I ran my company insolvently, they would close me down tomorrow!

  6. Hi Cherrie


    My understanding is that they have to physically issue a default notice to you before they register it, giving you time to pay the debt.


    I too am in the same position and according to the FSA they do not have to provide proof when registering the debt. The law in unbelievable in as much as they can register anything about anyone and they are totally unaccountable. You are guilty until you prove your innocence which is a wholly time consuming task.


    I think I read on a thread a while ago that diskmandave might have been able to have some removed but if you read a lot of the threads on this site, other caggers have been successful.


    Good luck



  7. What a chuckle I have had reading this thread. I have seen them all over the past two years and its nice to see that we can keep our sense of humour. The best one I have seen recently is from Rockwell


    We are here to help resolve your problem.


    Funny thing is its not my problem its theirs. They have bought a debt for which there is no CCA...................the fourth time its been sold in a year!


    I have told them they have been duped and once again its been sold. Another round of letters coming up.

  8. These are the costs they have had to send to the Court a various stages.


    If possible I would like some clarification on the status of the unincorporated company as it is HFO Capital Limited who are taking the action but I didnt think they could as they were incorporated in the Caymen Islands. HFO Services do not own the debt according to my POC.


    The judge has ordered a pre trial review and has issued directions but HFO have not complied with directions before. If they dont turn up, where do I stand. As I have not had much of the information requested I have applied to the Court to have this set aside at least 6 times but they are reluctant to do so. I am worried that they wont know anything about CCA 1974.


    Many Thanks

  9. Thankyou, that all makes perfect sense but I dont understand why they go to all the trouble and expense of court action if they dont intend to turn up. Looking at all my paperwork it has cost them in excess of £1000 to get this far.


    They have totally stuck their fingers up to CPR so far, do I suppose that the Court will not look too favourably on this.

  10. Several months ago I took some very good advice from this forum in relation to HFO but alas they have still pursued me relentlessly and needless to say I am in Court with them in a couple of weeks.

    Despite not providing a Consumer Credit Agreement they claim to have a case. They are in breach of several orders by the Court to provide the information and have on several occasions not sent the Court information, only doing so when prompted by the Court.

    Although evrything I have ever read on this forum tells me that the agreement is unenforceable if they cannot provide a copy, I have read several articles which contradicts this fact and unfortunately this is my defence!!

    Additionally I read on your forum that as HFO Capital Ltd was incorporated in the Caymen Islands and given the fact the debt does not belong to HFO Services Ltd, neither have locus standi.

    Needless to say I am desperate to get all my ducks in line and I know that several Caggers have had good results.

    I would appreciate all the help I can get please. :)

  11. Hi miss pickle and welcome

    I too was terrified at the beginning and worried as to what I should post on the forum. HFO are definately on the run and have overstepped the mark. Dont worry, if they cannot provide the correct documentation then its a non starter for them.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  12. Just an update to let you know that I have not heard a peep from HFO since November. They still have not provided information under CPR. I cant believe that they made such a fuss and filed it with the court so quickly and now it looks like they have all disappeared!!

  13. I appreciate what you are saying but I thoughtthat under OFT guidelines, the OC (Jaguar) were obliged to give notice that they were selling the debt on. I was in an agreement with them to pay a monthly instalment and I had not reneged on that agreement. Of couse it is up to them to sell it on.However, if I now find that the agreement does not have an interest rate on it I wanted to know if it could be enforced. I am happy to continue paying what I have been paying Jaguar but the new debt collector wants the whole amount and I cant afford it.

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