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Posts posted by shantstrich

  1. HI people, Im a new member and this is my first post and this site is fantastic.


    on the 25.10.07 I had a baliff visit my propert as my partner has unpaid council tax. Stupidly I did let him in the house and he has gave me a Postsummons arrangment payment form which has been filled in. He also filled in a Notice of seizure of goods and inventory form.


    The seizure form has the incorrect address on it and he has also listed things in the property which arent my partners and goods which belong to landlord.


    My partner has filled in the postsummons form which I will post tonight. I have also sent council email as we have 5 days (which is up 2moz) to get form to them, is it 5 business days or is the weekend classed within the 5 days? The main reason I emailed was because of the incorrect address on the inventory


    Now he has been in the property can he just break in?


    dont know what to do, if the postsummons form doesnt get to them on time what will happen? I cant help Royal mail if they are still catching up after the strike, but I bet u a million quid ( if i had it!!) they wouldnt care. oh and I didnt sign anything at all. is it still legal?


    any advice on how to deal with council and baliffs?


    Thanks people x

  2. HI people, Im a new member and this is my first post and this site is fantastic.


    on the 25.10.07 I had a baliff visit my propert as my partner has unpaid council tax. Stupidly I did let him in the house and he has gave me a Postsummons arrangment payment form which has been filled in. He also filled in a Notice of seizure of goods and inventory form.


    The seizure form has the incorrect address on it and he has also listed things in the property which arent my partners and goods which belong to landlord.


    My partner has filled in the postsummons form which I will post tonight. I have also sent council email as we have 5 days (which is up 2moz) to get form to them, is it 5 business days or is the weekend classed within the 5 days? The main reason I emailed was because of the incorrect address on the inventory


    Now he has been in the property can he just break in?


    dont know what to do, if the postsummons form doesnt get to them on time what will happen? I cant help Royal mail if they are still catching up after the strike, but I bet u a million quid ( if i had it!!) they wouldnt care. oh and I didnt sign anything at all. is it still legal?


    any advice on how to deal with council and baliffs?


    Thanks people x

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