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Posts posted by InLumba

  1. I posted this in the bank section but as i have had no replies thought i would post here as well.


    Hi all,


    As some may know i had an agreement with lloydstsblink3.gif credit card to pay them £20 a month and freeze interestlink3.gif, recently they said they could no longer accept this and that they would start charging me interest again and i would have to pay the minimum.


    i wrote back to them saying i was in financial difficulty and that £20 is all i could afford, i was then told to go through a debt managementlink3.gif company CCCS, so i did and they said to pay LloydsTSB £1 a month and LLoyds Accepted !! :shock:


    I again wrote to Lloyds asking for a copy of my CCCA using the templates from this site (thankyou :grin:) and today i received copies of what just seems to be their T&C's and interest charges etc ? It does state that "We have satisfied our obligation to provide a copy of the executed agreement under section 78, There is no requirement under the CCCA to provide you with a copy of the original signed agreement. We are endeavouring to locate the copy of your signed agreement but please be assured we would not have opened a credit card account without having sight of a signed agreement. For the avoidance of any doubt, we have set out in the appendix to this letter your rights under section 78.


    Having satisfied our obligation under section 78, the agreement you have with us is fully enforceable and we shall continue to treat is as such. We will not be entering into any further correspondence with you regarding the provision of copy agreement.


    If you are using the service of a claims management company we would like to remind you of the recent warnings issued by the Ministry of Justice and CAB.


    So can anyone tell me if they have supplied the correct info, and what it means by them stating they will not be entering into any further correspondence with me regarding agreements ?


    As they have accepted £1 a month, it is going to take me 330 years to pay back the debt

  2. Hi all,


    As some may know i had an agreement with LloydsTSB credit card to pay them £20 a month and freeze interest, recently they said they could no longer accept this and that they would start charging me interest again and i would have to pay the minimum.


    i wrote back to them saying i was in financial difficulty and that £20 is all i could afford, i was then told to go through a debt management company CCCS, so i did and they said to pay LloydsTSB £1 a month and LLoyds Accepted !! :eek:


    I again wrote to Lloyds asking for a copy of my CCCA using the templates from this site (thankyou :D) and today i received copies of what just seems to be their T&C's and interest charges etc ? It does state that "We have satisfied our obligation to provide a copy of the executed agreement under section 78, There is no requirement under the CCCA to provide you with a copy of the original signed agreement. We are endeavouring to locate the copy of your signed agreement but please be assured we would not have opened a credit card account without having sight of a signed agreement. For the avoidance of any doubt, we have set out in the appendix to this letter your rights under section 78.


    Having satisfied our obligation under section 78, the agreement you have with us is fully enforceable and we shall continue to treat is as such. We will not be entering into any further correspondence with you regarding the provision of copy agreement.


    If you are using the service of a claims management company we would like to remind you of the recent warnings issued by the Ministry of Justice and CAB.


    So can anyone tell me if they have supplied the correct info, and what it means by them stating they will not be entering into any further correspondence with me regarding agreements ?


    As they have accepted £1 a month, it is going to take me 330 years to pay back the debt :lol:

  3. Thanks for the reply,


    It hasn't gone to bailiffs yet and not sure if it will, i have just started a DMP with CCCS, but they are paying £1 a month on a £3900 debt !!


    I did have an agreement in place direct with them where they froze the interest and i was paying £20 a month, but recently that wasn't good enough and they weren't willing to accept this anymore and have started charging interest.


    If it wasn't for driving to collect my child every other fortnight (court ordered that i collect and drop off) then the car could go

  4. I spoke to my inurance company this morning, and they said if the car doesn't belong to me (not in my name) they cant insure me and my policy doesn't run out for a few months yet.


    Does anyone know how else i can get to keep the car if the worse comes to the worse ? I never purchased the car my parents did but as neither of them drive the car and receipt from when purchased had to go in my name.

  5. Hi all,


    Is it possible to change the logbook for my vehicle from my name into someone who cannot drive (never had a licence) reason i ask is because a few years back this vehicle was purchased for me as a gift when my mother retired and was given redundancy money.


    Reason i ask is becuase i am currently in financial difficulty and the only thing i have which is worth money is the vehicle, so dont want the bailiffs etc (hopefully it wont come to that) taking the car to sell.



  6. Hi everyone,


    In 1999 / 2000 my bank LloydsTSB offered me a credit card with a limit of £1000, over time this has increased and is now £4050.


    Back in 2006' i fell ill and couldn't meet the minimum repayments although i did try for about 5-6 months but as i was only paying the minimum (i believe it to be £100) this was just interest, so i wrote to my bank explaining my situation and they agreed to accept £20 a month and freeze interest / cancel the card.


    Last month they wrote to me and told me this re-payment plan was coming to an end and that i will be charged interest on my account, i wrote to them explaining my financial situation hadn't changed giving them a budget of my expenses, and asking them to accept the £20 i was previously paying and to freeze interest to stop the debt from increasing.


    They wrote back to me this morning saying that i will need to call them to give them more info about my income / outgoings, so i rang them to be told they couldn't help and i should seek help from CCCS, i contacted CCCS at the time Lloyds wrote to me to tell me that the re-payment plan was coming to an end, but CCCS were saying to pay them £1 a month, as i owe £3900 £1 a month will take forever hence why i contacted Lloyds to offer the £20.


    Can anyone give me any advice how i can move forward, was reading on this forum about the flaw in credit agreement, would it be worth asking Lloyds for a copy of my agreement?


    Thanks for any info



  7. Hi all,


    Could someone help me out.


    Basically for the past couple of years i have been getting income support due to depression, i attended an assessement few weeks back and recieved a letter this morning telling me that i scored 7 points out of 15 and therefore from the 4/3/09 i am not entitled to National Insurance Credits.


    Can someone explain what this means please.



  8. Hi Everyone, i was a regular on here but forgot my username so had to re-register, i hope i've posted this in the right section as well.


    Basically my neighbour purchased a 32" LCD TV back in 2005, he also paid £250 for a 3yr Whatever Happens Gurantee, a few months back he wanted to upgrade to a HD ready LCD so he kindly gave me his old LCD and transferred the Whatever Happens into my name.


    Now the TV was working lovely, but over the weekend when i had contact with my boy the tv came of the stand and landed onto one of his toys cracking the screen in the top corner and obviously it is now unwatchable.


    I haven't rang Currys as yet, but wanted to know where i stand?



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